I strongly dislike obesity

When I walk through the store and I see an obese person I always stare into their mobility scooter shopping carts and it is ALWAYS full of junk food. It'll have cokes, ice cream, microwaveable pizzas, twinkies, potato chips. It disgusts me.

Now they have drive through pickups so the fatties do not even have to walk to the mobility scooter anymore. The groceries come to you and they load your own trunk. You can even request your twinkies to not be bagged and eat them on the way home. Whats wrong with these people? I dont think fat shaming is good but...jesus christ

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Somenormie

    Don't we all dislike obesity?

    Much as how we all dislike the fat acceptance?

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    • They should be embarrassed to buy that kind of food

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    Fat people are gross. Haha.

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  • momgetthecamera

    Obese people need therapy, inability to stop eating is mental illness and should be classed as an eating disorder just like anorexia

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I dislike obesity. Probably because I was a former fatty who was looked down on. Once I lost the weight there was a huge difference in how I was treated. People flirted with me more and gave me special treatment. It made me feel confident, but there was a small part of me that felt resentful over it. XD

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    • Somenormie

      I just hate it when obese people call me fatphobic when I say losing weight is better or when I upload videos of myself actually trying to lose fat.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    That's messed up. There are illnesses that make someone obese also medications. Not every obese person is happy to be obese.

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    • Pilum

      So the illnesses and meds are making calories appear out of nowhere? At the end of the day it's a math problem of how many calories your body used for fuel vs how many you consumed.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Yes many medications have weight gain as a side effect because they not only slow down the metabolism but they increase hunger to a high insatiable amount as well as inhibit the ability to feel satisfied during meals.I was 118 pounds before I took two different medications. I gained 43 pounds in 4 months. I never was overweight before that. My doctor told me it was a common side effect especially the combination of drugs so I said eff that and stopped taking them. My metabolism went back to my normal one at the time as did my appetite and I actually lost more than I gained and was 115 after and maintained that for years. But much later I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I now eat 1000 cals a day to maintain 126 pounds, 5'3 and no I can't eat more than 1000 or I gain weight. I track every calorie. So I for sure would be obese if I ate a "normal" amount of calories.

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    • if their carts are full of twinkies and potato chips that kind of throws "bad genetics" excuse out the window. If your genetics are bad and you are living off of twinkies then its still your fault. If you look at fit people's carts you will often see totally different food options.

      I never see a fat person without a ton of junk food in their carts. But then they say its not their fault "they tried everything". They "have bad genetics".

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      • sweetone89

        I used to blame my obesity on genetics, too. People, don't fall for it. It is junk food and too big portions. I owned up to the fact I need to lose weight when I was morbidly obese and 27 and in the oncologist's office. Since then, I have lost 143 pounds on my own (no surgeries or diet pills), I am pre-cancer free, and on no medicines.

        It is diet, people. See a registered dietician.

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        • Damn nice congratulations. Its crazy how success changes your outlook on things. When you finally make it you look back and say damn I was the problem not anything else

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      • Jem_Shadow

        Countless unhealthy people are not overweight. Being overweight is unhealthy, but there's no denying that with people like you, it's really about the appearance. Loads of slim people have very unhealthy diets, smoke, drink too much, take unnecessary risks etc. I'm guessing you don't really care then. It comes across as fake outrage, especially considering that we're not doing a good job of helping people who really DO need a lot of help with their health issues.

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        • I do take issues with them too. But yes seeing someone fat gives the same reaction of smelling someones fart. Its disgusting. And theres nothing ok about it. And it is not my responsibility to help them thats their responsibility. And your help wouldnt work. The only way we could help them is refuse them access to junk food. And force them to get off their mobility scooter and walk. Which is also unethical.

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