I suffer from sleep paralysis?
This is more of a discussion than an 'IIN'. Basically, back when I was a kid, I suffered from sleep paralysis and these would combine with nightmares making for some hellish visual and auditory horrors during sleep paralysis. As a kid this was terrifying. However, they died down during my teens.
Unfortunately, they appear to be back. Two nights ago I had a Sleep Paralysis Nightmare where a creepy old woman was peeping over the side of the bed as she grabbed my arm (either that or she was attempting to link arms with me). As I did when I was a kid I told her to 'fuck off'.
And now a thought's just came up. When I was a kid I had the same recurring nightmare (the details of which can be found further down the Dreams category called 'I used to have a recurring nightmare' or something)about a young female, from what I could hear, could she be the old female? Is that normal?
Also can anyone else give some sleep paralysis stories, and ways to prevent it?