I take offense to people texting me

Unless its a close friend I find it offensive when someone from a group i'm in or whatever texts me. I never asked for that person to speak to me or said they were allowed to ?
It's very invasive to contact me and start talking about your life. It's only a way to force me to share things about myself which is not going to happen. Not many people know anything about me. I don't tell people much about myself and if I ever do I feel uncomfortable and gross. It's especially bad because there is no way for me to guarantee anyone will stay in my life forever, and I don't want random people living in this world knowing things about me. It frankly disgusts and offends greatly that there are people currently living their lives knowing me even though they are no longer part of my life. It makes me feel very angry and I don't like thinking about it !

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Comments ( 8 )
  • rockyrocks

    what the fuck

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  • Vvaas

    you are ill

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  • bbrown95

    You don't have to answer the texts if you don't want to, but humans are social creatures and it's normal for them to try to socialize with others. It is up to you if you want to engage in their contact with you. They can't force you to share anything you don't want to (or to even speak to them at all), and it's also possible to have what I call "arm's length friends", who you aren't extremely close to and don't share intimate details of your life with, but instead just casually socialize and have fun with. If someone tries to pry into your personal business, just be honest and tell them you don't feel comfortable sharing that information with them.

    I can understand being a private person, as I'm similar and don't share personal details about myself or my life with very many people. I have quite a few "arm's length" friends, but only a very small circle of people I'm close to.

    However, I personally wouldn't take deep offense to someone socializing with and trying to get to know you. The vast majority don't mean harm and are just trying to make friends and connect with others. Have you gotten close to someone you felt betrayed or backstabbed you in the past and so now you are afraid of/expect that?

    Also, if it makes you feel any better, I doubt people who are no longer a part of your life give you much thought anymore. People are the stars of their own lives and are typically too wrapped up in their own personal business to think too deeply about their own current friends and acquaintances, let alone people from their past they no longer associate with. Think about it; do you spend a lot of time thinking about personal details about other people, or are you more concerned with what's going on in your own life? Most people are like the latter. People tend to be VERY interested in themselves first and foremost.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      ^ I second every part of this.

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  • jethro

    What's your number? Let me text you my response to your question.

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  • idkyourmom27

    dis why u get no biches n I m currently bangin ur moder dawg :3

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    I don't know about the whole "getting offended" part, but I can see why it would be annoying.

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  • Giorgi

    Largely i'm nice, responsive, friendly, and loyal, for certain exceptions in which a person is totally on my black list and in case of violation, civil restraining order can be involved. Heck, many people who contact me, i largely find not a lot off about them, i bet you're unlucky if you're the wrong person.

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