I talk to my worst enemy
So this guy is my worst enemy. we used to be friends but i stopped hanging out with him because he did messed up stuff all the time and the stuff he did got more and more messed up the longer i knew him, but he always insisted to me and others that we were best friends, and he still does that sometimes.
Anyway since i stopped talking to him i've lost or broken several phones over several years and he's managed to somehow get my new phone number every time, and so this last time i ended up just breaking down and responding to his text messages, because i can't just pretend he's got a wrong number like i used to.
Whenever i talk to him, it's like he just wants to be my friend, so we end up still just talking about regular shit. I'm always careful to make sure i don't say anything that would bruise his ego, because if i do he'll find a way to get revenge; and i'm also really careful not to give him any info he could use to track me down, because he's really good at that.
But in a way it's like we're just friends again, after all i went thru to stop being his friend. Is it normal that i'm even talking to him?