I talk to my worst enemy

So this guy is my worst enemy. we used to be friends but i stopped hanging out with him because he did messed up stuff all the time and the stuff he did got more and more messed up the longer i knew him, but he always insisted to me and others that we were best friends, and he still does that sometimes.

Anyway since i stopped talking to him i've lost or broken several phones over several years and he's managed to somehow get my new phone number every time, and so this last time i ended up just breaking down and responding to his text messages, because i can't just pretend he's got a wrong number like i used to.

Whenever i talk to him, it's like he just wants to be my friend, so we end up still just talking about regular shit. I'm always careful to make sure i don't say anything that would bruise his ego, because if i do he'll find a way to get revenge; and i'm also really careful not to give him any info he could use to track me down, because he's really good at that.

But in a way it's like we're just friends again, after all i went thru to stop being his friend. Is it normal that i'm even talking to him?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Damn! So What kind of fucked up shit does he do? I'm curious.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Well, aren't you a decisive individual? Really stick to your guns, don't you?
    Life is way too short; if you don't like someone, then why bother with them? Be honest and tell this guy you just really would rather he left you alone. That's pretty easy, don't you think?

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  • MangoTango

    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. So said Tsun Tzu and Machiavelli.

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  • CrazyPerson1

    it sounds like he just really, really needs a friend. If he isn't hurting you emotionally or physically maybe you could try to be that friend.

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  • Society_is_Strange

    Isn't it possible though that he's changed his ways and wants to make ammends? I say give him the benefit of the doubt for now, maybe get to know him again, but keep him at arms length and don't trust him with anything too serious. That's just a suggestion though.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I know, you should be able to block his number.

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  • Avant-Garde

    This isn't a healthy relationship. I'm sure you realise this. What I find the most troubling is how he keeps getting ahold of your new phone numbers.

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  • r0x

    You are in a fucked up position dude, tell that cunt that you do not want to talk to him but not in a kind way, in a rude way!
    End of story.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Hmmm...is it normal to have enemies? Maybe I should write a post!

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  • handsignals

    he's an unflushable

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  • flightlesskiwi

    He sounds narcissistic. Maybe that's something to think about for you?

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