I talk to the air, pretending i'm talking to someone

Sometimes when I'm alone I talk to nothing beside me and imagine it's a friend or boyfriend or etc. I discuss things with it and sometimes laugh with it. One time my cousin caught me talking to nothing and he laughed so hard, saying i might be crazy and I shoudn't talk to air because it's creepy. I don't know I'm just used to doing it, I can't just stop. And when I'm really alone, like home alone I'm even doing stuff while talking to no one. Should I do something? Or It's nothing to worry about?

Don't worry. That's super normal. 25
Don't mind it. Maybe it's nothing to be worried about. 32
Maybe you should see a doctor. 8
You're crazy. Go to mental hospital. 4
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Steve2.0

    I do it all the time, but I respond to myself in a different voice and sometimes have long debates about important issues that people my age are too stupid and ignorant to care about. I only do it because most of my peers are stupid and inferior to me, and I can't have a proper conversation with them.

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    • tekubaby237

      Hey, you are just like me. I also do long debates with no one but air, pretending a whole audience or only some friends are listening to me but there is one. I sometimes even correct my own mistake then after correcting, I realise no need to correct it, I already know and then that is the moment, I think I was talking to myself for this long. I got worried and look this up but now I kind of feel ok, cuz you guys also talk to yourself xD

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  • thegypsysailor

    'They' say that it's quite normal to talk to yourself. However, 'they' also say that it does become a problem if you start answering yourself.

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  • RoseIsabella

    As long as you don't do it in public.

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    Normal to talk to yourself, as long as you don't get into an argument.

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  • Smokey1D

    Come on - we all do it. We go over conversations in our head, we imagine situations and what we'd say and sometimes say it in front of a mirror, or when driving our cars - God, even top dollar coaches get their teams to talk to themselves and get into the zone. This is soooo normal buddy. Anyone who says it isn't - isn't being honest with themselves.

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  • gloryholeflasher

    It used to be that only crazy people talked to themselves. It was a dead giveaway . When you saw somebody talking to himself coming toward you on the sidewalk you would steer clear of him. Nowadays it's pretty common because they have that phone thing in their ear. (Obviously I don't have one or I'd know what it's called). You can't tell the crazies from us normal ones. Sometimes they're taking animatedly with their hands as well as their mouth, but they're on the phone. Scarey!
    Actually, it's normal to talk to yourself.
    I even swear at myself when I do something stupid, and then I look around hoping nobody closeby heard me because they might think I was swearing at them for some reason. After all, how many people holler out "well you dumb son of a bitch" when they're talking to themself?

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  • Short4Words

    You sound really lonely. You should just get out more and meet new people.

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  • Arm0se

    I don't know if it's "normal", but as long as it doesn't tell you to do bad things then whatever.

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    • Short4Words

      It's pretend.

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