I tell people that nothing i do is wrong, but they won't listen

It's very complicated, I live a hectic lifestyle of going out for a coffee, eating toast at café, taking responsibility, smoking, drinking wine, looking after myself, writing, etc and also drinking portello and finishing my extinct cold infusion, I have morals, I don't do wrong things, I just do things, I'm just my beliefs, but none of you listen.

As a perfectionist I told housemate I'm not being bad, I'm just making coffee, but he won't listen, I tell the teacher that I'm doing the right thing, I'm being just, but she won't listen, I tell mum I'm just drinking wine, I'm an adult, but she won't listen, none of you fucking guys fucking listen.

There's no wrong, it's not contrary to morality, there's no evil, the things I do is just the things I do, like everybody else, why do people think it's bad?

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Comments ( 1 )
  • feral666

    I actually started having a stroke while reading this.

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