I think a few co workers lie about deaths of loved ones

I'm a night sercuity guard and I work with two other guards. On the 4th day a woman said her best friend died and planned to have Friday off because of the funeral. On friday the other woman who I'm working with vanished but a few hours later a different co worker said her dad died that's why she vanished without saying anything. I honestly believe it's bullshit but the truth is they just didn't want to go to work

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Comments ( 3 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    A dude at work did the same thing told the boss his mom died after he missef work. I remember the boss sayin to me he had his doubts about it. I started hanging out with the dude later because he started coming to the house ppl went to to chill after work. One day he told me "hold on my moms is callin me..." 😳

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    • Tinybird

      from beyond the grave???

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        For a split second I was gonna make a joke about it

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