I think drug addicts should be left to die.
I want all drug addicts to drop dead! They cause so much trouble in my life as well as society as a whole. Although I don't know any drug addicts I feel as if they make my life so much harder. I get TERRIBLE migraines that last for WEEKS on end. When I have one I cannot move, go to school or even open my eyes. If I try to get out of bed I often black out and faint. The only medications that work are narcotics but because so many stupid drug addicts abuse them it makes it very hard for people (like me) who truly need them to get them perscribed. If other could be RESPONSIBLE with drugs then the world would be a better place and people who desperatly need pain medication could function normally again. When I see a drug addict I want to shoot them point blank in the face. It really is their fault that so many good people suffer. For them it is a CHOICE to abuse drugs and they should suffer and die alone for al of the destruction they cause.