I think drug addicts should be left to die.

I want all drug addicts to drop dead! They cause so much trouble in my life as well as society as a whole. Although I don't know any drug addicts I feel as if they make my life so much harder. I get TERRIBLE migraines that last for WEEKS on end. When I have one I cannot move, go to school or even open my eyes. If I try to get out of bed I often black out and faint. The only medications that work are narcotics but because so many stupid drug addicts abuse them it makes it very hard for people (like me) who truly need them to get them perscribed. If other could be RESPONSIBLE with drugs then the world would be a better place and people who desperatly need pain medication could function normally again. When I see a drug addict I want to shoot them point blank in the face. It really is their fault that so many good people suffer. For them it is a CHOICE to abuse drugs and they should suffer and die alone for al of the destruction they cause.

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Comments ( 106 )
  • House

    why kill them?they do it all by them selfs by taking drugs.

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  • jordybabe

    thats so normal. i don't feel sympathetic to them at all. they created the mess that is their lives, it's no one elses fault but their own.

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    • PepeSinclair

      It would be so good for society if we'd allow them to die.

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      • DieBitch72

        Fuck off and die!

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        • Figueroafelix

          Lol your name matches your comment perfectly

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  • sucka-free

    Not normal, but I see why you think that.

    Drug addicts abuse drugs because they go through an UNBELIEVABLE amount of pain every waking moment. That pain could be physical, mental (think raped as a child, or abused physically, etc) or both.

    Instead of dismissing all drug addicts, think about why they do it. NO ONE wants to be a drug addict. These people are self-medicating and it's sad to see, but I understand it.

    Try to be more tolerant because for all you know, you'll get in a bad car accident one day and break you back and wind up addicted to painkillers. Then what will you think?

    You never know which hand life will deal you.

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    • undisclosed1

      I disagree with you "sucka-free". I once tried to understand one. I dated a girl who I found out after we were dating for a while that she was a heroin addict. I then thought I could save her. I slowly but surely found out that many of them will mess up their lives and everyone else's life they care about. She had the chance to go to rehab but she preferred to get high. She was even put on probation and had a lenient probation officer and she got high at every change she got. She looked at me with a straight face before going on probation, "I want to get high as much as possible before going on probation". later I found out she was loaning my car to drug dealers to make drug runs and I found a text message in her phone to a drug dealer that she was going to get cash back on my credit card to pay this dealer. At that point I had enough. All drug addicts care about is getitng their next fix with total disregard of who they burn in the process. Those that want to get clean are commended but those care only about drugs and burn people to get them, should all rot in prison. I consider them no better than hardened criminals.

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      • Figueroafelix

        First of all captain save a hoe, your dumbass move to stay with the junkie in the first place the fuck you expect. I'm sorry but that's on you at that point. Second just because she did all those things to you, you disagree that she and other addicts use to selfmedicate? I mean clearly she went any extra mile desperate enough to get a fix I mean if that's not the most desperate form of self medication idk what is. Dumbass you disagreed with the guy above you but pretty much validated what he said. Is she wasn't in so much inner turmoil why would she resort to doing all that to get high? And yes when your hooked on drug all you care about is getting high. Your dumbass just got fucked over by her cause your an idiot and instead of learning something from it and noticing why she's doing all this to herself, you blame her for you getting fucked over when it's pretty known that people in drug addiction can't live aaneagable life once the drugs take over and the drug comes before anything else no matter how nice of a person they may be, they will fuck people over for that fix

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        • Hahajunkiesdie

          Junkie defending a junkie👆

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      • abzboyo

        the truth hurts for junkies they just want to blame the world for the stupid choices THEY made.

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    • TeenAttackan

      Or maybe not "self medicating" or "prescripted", maybe you don't realise that they do it for personal enjoyment. They wind up addicted because they fucking say "I like the feeling, let's get high" they don't deserve life if they treat it like a used condom. My family died of fucking marijuana, cocaine, and heroin addiction. For some reason, I agree; They really should die. And then burn in the darkest most painful corner of hell.

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      • Figueroafelix

        So you hope your family's in he'll right now burning huhh? Yea and marijuana addiction. You dumbass fuck saying marijuana addiction killed them. Coke and heroin yes but ain't no motherfucker overdose on weed you fucking idiot

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      • DieBitch72

        You have no remorse lets hope it never happens to one of your kids.

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      • abzboyo

        100% agree that's how it is.

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    • DieBitch72

      Well said sucka-free this persons post left a VERY BAD taste in my mouth, I lost my only child to a drug overdose, it's been the most painful thing as a parent to have to live through and in my sons case he was in a very bad accident and his doctor started him on painkillers, as alot of you know opiates can be very addicting. It hurts me to see such a cruel post such as this one. As you said sucka-free hopefully this person doesn't ever get in a car accident, You shall see someday your not invincible. I don't wish addiction on my worst enemy.

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      • Hahajunkiesdie

        Opiates aren't addicting when the pain is real. I was in a accident, took Percocet 10s for 4 months everyday. Wanna know what happened when I was better? I told my doc and surgeon I didn't need them and moved on with my life. I hate addicts and everything they are. Drains on society, I'm sorry for your lost, but your ignorance and hate towards others that see the truth is no excuse for any weak addict.

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    • karmarainbow

      i like your comment.

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  • BrokeMofo

    I hear you brother, im a drug addict who hasnt used in over 2 years, everyday I wanna get high, it never held me back professionally or socially, i have a girlfriend of 15 years and my drug use was never a problem Im 32 and bave worked construction since i was 16, i don't feel however that its the drug addicts keeping you from getting what you need, its our society's unrealistic standards. If someone using drugs falls into a downward spiral their instinct is to blame the drugs for their choices, (usually financially well off upper class), they never point the finger at themselves, they assume if it didn't work for them it doesn't work for anyone, when in life is that ever the case. On this planet no two people are alike, and why should 1 asshole get to decide whats right for everyone, I live in california and medicinal marijuana is legal to buy provided you pay a Dr. around $50 to check your blood pressure for literally 30 seconds and give you a recomondation, business is booming in the 2 dispenseries i frequent, and none of the other "patients" i see there are cancer patients or glaucoma sufferers, its usually people just like me who smoke a bowl just to wash away the everyday life bullshit. My problem is weed is not my drug of choice, its just enough to keep me from blowing my brains out, i want MY old life back, i miss the sense of well being a good opiate could give me, theres no shortage of it in the world, but they won't allow just anyone to have it because theres not enough profit in it. I say fuck you AMERICA, who the fuck are you to tell me whats right or wrong, i pay my taxes i pay for my drugs even in this crippling recession i dont get any freerides on anything people like me are the ones who make the world work, nobody has made the world any better by forcing people to your own standards, if i wanna get high and sleep a full night comfortably for a change, who the fuck are you to tell me no, just because some assholes kid bit off more than he could chew and wound up in jail or rehab, or dead, it wasnt the drugs that put them their, it was the choices they made that did it, our former first lady killed a man while driving drunk, yet liquor can be bought anywhere. FUCK THESE FASCISTS, LET US DO WHAT WE WANT

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    • Hahajunkiesdie

      No one's complaining when you wanna smoke a bowl. Unless you Rob steal and lie to get week you fucking idiot. Suck on a hook you sound like a communist slob.

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    • Figueroafelix

      You make a good point

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  • so_damn_unpretty

    You don't know any drug addicts and have never been a drug addict so you have no idea of what goes through their head and the struggles they have. If your blacking out and cant even get out of bed it shouldnt be that hard to get a script. Try another doctor and stop hating on ppl you don't even know.

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  • killx1234x

    I get so tired of this shit about how its a "disease" and druggies are sick and can't help it. That is a load of shit, I used to be a drug addict and you know what? It was MY fucking choice to keep going and going. I'm not saying everyones the same as me but really, unless someone forced a needle in your arm or a pill down your throat, ITS ALL A CHOICE and even after that its A CHOICE to continue, as it was MY CHOICE to stop. If I were in control Id have the police round up all the hard drug addicts(opiates, meth, coke etc..) especially those who choose to inject, and put them in camps. They would be forced to work and produce food and other products, there fore contributing to society, as opposed to sitting in a piss scented alley shooting up and nodding out all day. If they refuse to work, they would be swiftly executed. Not only would our economy be grateful for the help, the food could be donated to those who really need it, not to mention the streets would be a hell of a lot safer. Many drug dealers wouldn't be able to support themselves that way, and would have to find real jobs or commit harder crimes and go away for it. If you ask me, I can't think of any more effective of a way to reduce violent crime rates. No more robberies for drug money, no more random assault by some strung out junkies, I hope you can see, its starting to sound like heaven.

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    • abzboyo

      you are 100% spot on. il try make this clearer for others on here. for example if a person gets cancer is it there choice to get cancer no it is not. if I person decides to take drugs is it there choice yes it is.so ask youself which one of the two would you feel sorry for I feel sorry for the person with cancer it wasn't there choice. I have no sympathy for drug addicts at all they kinda of deserve it for making that choice life is a bitch you make silly choices no luck I have no tissues for junkies hahahaha

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      • Bigbarbur

        Well, some people get cancer from bad choices such as smoking, diet, etc. so I'm not sure that's a great analogy. But I do get annoyed by people calling drug addiction a disease. Because it's not. It is totally and utterly an avoidable condition and comes down to nothing more than personal choice.
        It's most annoying when we're talking about the epidemic of white bread middle class douchebags who are a bunch of spoiled pansy ass shitheads who blame it on their "horrible lives" and I have very little to no sympathy. As a child given up for adoption, subjected to years of mental abuse, having a sibling being sexually abused, growing up with divorced parents and a loser dad who didn't pay alimony to a mother with cancer who couldn't work, as a kid who was bullied, depressed and poor, struggled financially and emotionally his whole life who finally grew up had kids only the second of which died suddenly at 2 years old I say to you that thru it all I was smart enough not to get addicted to drugs and believe me I experimented with many. So no....unless being a selfish loser douchebag dumbass is a disease, then heroin addiction is not a disease. You are just stupid.

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        • Figueroafelix

          Well boohoo want an award pussy. Life happens we all go thru shit deal with it bitch

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          • Hahajunkiesdie

            Uh oh junkie alert👆

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  • Ryan3497

    Go smoke some weed it would be way healthier than taking pain killers

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  • LesterTheMolester

    I hate them too. Fat losers. They deserve to die because they waste their life on 'Satan's Sperm'.

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    • karmarainbow

      how many drug addicts are fat? give me a break. you are stupid.

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      • cattyface

        LOL the only word you could find to redeem an addict is "how many of them are fat" LMAO "fat losers" was just an exprssion. It's a pretty fucked up world that uses a defence like I'm an addict but I'm not fat. That is a fucked up statement. LOL it did make me laugh tho XD

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  • pookypoo

    No actually youre wrong.
    Its not the drug addict or the drug that is the problem it is the draconian and archaic laws that send the manufacturing of drugs underground into the hands of careless criminals.
    These criminals cut drugs with all sorts of toxic adulterants because they make more profit that way. One day it could be your kids who decide to experiment and just so happen to get a bad pill or whatever and die.
    Outlawing drugs also creates deadly turf wars.
    Why do you think drug addicts cause problems in society? Because they are physically addicted and would kill their own mother so long as they got a fix. They may roll you or rob your house crime rates would drop dramatically overnight if governments took control of drug manufacture and distribution and drug addicts could get what they need easily in a controlled way.

    Portugal has now decriminalised all drug use and takes a treatment and prevention approach for users caught with less than a certain amount.
    Instead of giving young people a criminal record for their entire life for perhaps having a bit of weed in their pocket they now get directed to treatment etc. It has been approx 5 years so far and these laws are having amazing success.
    I would like to see governments have the guts to take complete control of the drug market and change the world.
    How can we have multi national cigarette and alcohol companies killing millions of people per year and sit back and tut tut some drug addicts. Its complete insanity.

    The laws and the cigarette companies are the ones you should really be complaining about.

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  • SmellyBellyButton

    I would comment seriously if I wasn't so stoned! HAHAHAHAHA :::::::::&&^&t$3HR Q3 :):) BUMBLEBEE :)))))))))) LoL

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  • cgirl123456

    Maybe all the people who lack empathy should all die.

    That would improve the world.

    So, commenters, go ahead and point the gun towards yourselves and do everyone a favor.

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    • Well put!

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    • DieBitch72

      Thier are some coldhearted evil people here or shall i say skum of the earth. They can post all they want but you watch when it comes around and bites them in the ass either by affecting them personally or a close loved one it eventually will happen with the opiate epidemic were having. If your migraines are that brutal Get off your lazy ass and Go look for a doctor or better yet, Blow your fucken brains out that will STOP your migraines for good!!!... Lmfao!

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      • Hahajunkiesdie

        Or you could do us a favor, and use a little harder. Your comments show's you're a junkie. Worthless drain on society haha

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        • Imguiop

          I agreee.

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    • karmarainbow

      yes!!! thank you.

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    • Ha! Good point.

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  • Hahajunkiesdie

    Well said.
    stay sober and stay alive,
    If it O.D's, let it die
    My taxes shouldn't keep you alive,
    Fuck narcan let em die,
    It's your choice to live your life

    Why does an addict qualify for federal help while alot of veterans are sober and injured and can't get help. It's your choice to use, it's your choice to abuse. Whether it's you, a friend or family. Defending a weak addict is disgraceful. Life and family is more important and they made their choice

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  • RUworkingit

    IF....your an addict with a "problem" (ANY) and you are not working it with a program, your just may fall!!! Boo Hoo it your fault....It's like a relationship...if you don't work on it your gonna loose it.
    If you do not have willpower....your gonna loose it... You can not blame Doctors for your addiction, you can not blame the cupcakes that made you fat, Alcohol that made you do dumb things you would never do sober, Blame the "guns" for killing...
    People look for "something" to blame...You should probably look in the mirror, and there it is!!! .. There is no magic wand. If there was it would cure laziness due to not Working on THEIR problem (everyday)...........Fear! If you feel the need to use, or the demon is on your back, or the pink cloud turned black, you best RUN to the nearest "I need help now building" pick up the phone... and get it...or you fall....Simple! with willpower.....Your not the person you are when you are using, therefore you don't even know yourself (fear) How would you know yourself with healthy behavior..?

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  • instazombiinaboxx

    Many drug addicts start out on prescriptions that they Need. Be careful or you very well may end up one yourself.
    I know an ex heroin addict that started out on morphine because she was in a terrible accident that resulted in 32 broken bones.
    Most drug addicts have suffered more than you could know. Many end up in the places they are because that is where life took them. Sometimes it has nothing to do with their life choices. You shouldn't generalize. There are the ones who have only done it to themselves but look at what they are doing to themselves. They are in a self-constructed hell. They should all be pitted, not hated.

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  • Gidget

    You feel this way because your words exactly you dont know any drug addicts the doctors are wary of prescribing addictive meds to everyone to prevent addiction u could as easily become addicted as anyone else if you watched someone close to u suffer from an addiction u would not be so cruel no i do not condone them but i do understand the reasons some turn to drugs

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  • trusport

    Why don't YOU drop dead? Just because you are in pain you are entitled to use narcotics! If addicts should die because they use drugs, so should you! Die already! So this world would not have to grow any narcotics at all!

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  • r4mixon

    I wish your doctor would prescribe them to you for your headaches. That would stop the pain receptors from letting the headache happen. I honestly think you would be happy for a while. Then you would start using the pain meds for stomach aches, to help you sleep, if you got a splinter, etc. Your body would get addicted to them and it would cause more headaches and you'd take more pills. Not soon after you would be popping them like candy and telling everyone you could stop anytime an your not addicted etc etc. And you'd keep telling everyone YOU were differernt then addicts. You're probably like 14 right? When you get older your perspectives change. Everyone do. And like monkey said, you may even get addicted yourself. Be careful!

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    • christine

      I think I would be the exception because numerous neurologists have told me that my case is one of a kind. I usually get an AWFUL headache that lasts for days once every 2-3 months. Taking one percocet every 2-3 months hardly leads to addiction. Back when doctors did perscribe me percocet my system of taking them was very effective, sustainable and practical for my situation. By the way, I'm 21 not 14 :)

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      • lmm126

        OOOhhh...I see..so YOU would be the exception. Right, because clearly you are far better than anyone else out there who went to their doctors for legitimate pain, got prescribed percocet and SADLY ended up addicted to it. To say that taking pills once every 2 months "hardly leads to addiction" shows me that you clearly know NOTHING about the DISEASE of addiction, and therefore have no right to plaster your close minded opinion all over the internet. How do you think addiction begins?... one pill every 2 months turns into 1 pill every month and so on and so on until one day you wake up and realize that if you dont take that pill, you will be sick...sicker than you can even imagine because your body has become physically and mentally DEPENDANT on that drug just to make you feel normal!

        Yes im sure percocet would be "practical" for your situation, unfortunately nobody can predict who will become addicted to their prescribed medication and who wont. Whats to say you couldn't end up one of these addicts who "deserves to die"???

        I mean what the fuck are you people thinking saying such hateful nonsense?! The worst part about what your saying is that the majority of you have apparently never known anyone with an addiction, and therefore have never seen the physical and emotional pain that these people are dealing with. Trust me they are not happy with how their lives have turned out. They suffer everyday because they dont know how to get themselves out of the cycle of addiction...because when youre an addict, you cant just stop. The withdrawl they will encounter if they do just stop means that they no longer have much of a choice you idiots.

        Be more tolerant and respectful of people's varying circumstances, and do some fucking research before you go putting your bullshit opinions out there without the slightest understanding of what addiction really is.
        Oh and watch out for karma..its a bitch

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        • Imguiop

          I took methadone and that shit takes 6 weeks to detox. I did it COLD TURKEY 100% because I have better things to do than to be slow and broke and a weak minded piece of crap

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        • DieBitch72

          Well said. This fools post was straight up coldhearted. I lost my only child to an addiction this really rubbed me the wrong way. Cheers to you!

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      • DieBitch72

        Yeah well i hope you get a brain tumor and die you coldhearted bitch!!.. I lost my son to an addiction, he was in a terrible car accident and got started on pills. Your post was very very selfish and cold. People who think like you all oughta die.

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        • Hahajunkiesdie

          Sounds like you a as a parent should of taught him better. So the everyday person in need can get what's needed instead of junkies who can't go on without a buzz. Junkies are weak.

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      • baker4life

        Hey. Just a touch up on the is it normal 2 hate mexicans part no its not normal your jus tired an annoyed maybe because its where you live you don't c any hot ones.yes Maybee there's a large majority that don't speak english.but the other half yes we do being half italian half mexican and all. Your proly just hate them because there next door neighbors but im pretty sure you would hate asians or any other race if you/seen them. Every day. Too. But.im proud to be what I am that would suck being being your race because u wouldn't be able to visit other countries because everybody hates your race around the world. If you think about it September 11 maybee because americans like you are ignorant and racist plus the good thing about being tan is all is that god made more colored people than whites think about it he loves colored people. Better. And why do whites all tan do you hate your race or your color cause jesus. Has a natural tan.!!

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        • Hahajunkiesdie

          This post is about addiction you ignorant shit

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  • sinisin

    Holy hell ?!?! What a prick! It isn't difficult to get a doctor to prescribe narcotics, you ball sucker. What the world truly needs less of is ignorant, intolerant, assholes like yourself. Let me take a wild guess here and say yer a Christian!? Right? I'm sure yer little book says something about judging and killing you dumb sack of shit. Go fuck yerself. Btw, I suffer from chronic debilitating nerve pain and have had to rely on pain meds since 18.

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    • DieBitch72

      You couldn't have said it any better. Cheers my friend... :)

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    • Anonymous7352437

      Wow, your cursing, insulting, and accusing implies that you must REALLY know what your talking about.

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  • laceandwhatnot

    Drug addicts need help. It's the saddest thing I have ever seen, it's a hard thing to understand when you haven't walked a life in someone else's shoes. I agree completely with chunkybongo.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Oh cry me a river! Most of them steal!!!

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  • chunkybongo

    You have typical youthful idealism. When you grow up you will see that nothing is as simple as you depict it. YOU might even become addicted to drugs! (Dramatic hush) Seriously; don't jump to conclusions - especially when it comes to judging other people, and even more especially when making sweeping generalizations like you do. You will probably end up learning this the hard way, if you learn it at all...

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    • Hahajunkiesdie

      It's very simple. Don't act like a fucking fiend and Rob and steal to get a fix. I'll jump to a conclusion. It comes after a addict is declared addict after shooting once once just shoot one more time. Keep saying that until it's over. Or put it down and continue life as a contributing member of society

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    • DieBitch72

      Thank you. So sad that these punks here talk so badly about addicts until they've walked in those shoes they must hush the fuck up... Shhhhh.... Cheers!

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      • BogartDaJoint

        Been there, done it, got the t-shirt, and it sucks, but don't delude yourself into thinking an addict is a leaf on the wind, if so, I'd have died 25 years ago, There IS a choice to be made, one of those choices is to get clean, the other one sucks. So if an addict actually wants to get clean, I support that wholeheartedly, if they want to keep on usiing... too bad.

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      • Imguiop

        Wooooow all junkies do is feel sorry for themselves

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  • PoliticiansDestroyJoy

    I think you may be a tad intolerant and completely void of a soul. Most alcoholics/drug addicts do not make a conscience decision to become addicts. They end up that way because they do not know how to effectively manage their emotions. For example, my 9 yr old cousin gets raped. She starts drinking at a young age to kill the painful horrific memories, which she has shared with no one. Do you think that CHILD had A fucking choice? Your attitude and anger will dissipate the day your brother,sister, friend, son, daughter, mom or wife is struggling to stay alive due to their inability to manage their emotional pain. Try to open your heart, I'm not saying drugs and alcohol are justifiable remedies, quite the opposite.

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    • christine

      It is still a choice unless someone is literally forcing them at gunpoint to do drugs. People who start addictive behaviors know the consequences beforehand so they have no excuse and deserve no sympathy for the situation that they GOT THEMSELVES INTO.

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    • Slamviper

      Well said...

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  • karmarainbow

    wow, you are ignorant and hateful. what is your problem?? why should be so angry and a group pf people that have never done anything to you? oh, and for your info, addiction is a fucking disease. we all make our choices, true, but no one really wants to be an addict. and dont you know they are in massive amounts of pain anyway? just living that way is terrible for so many reasons. furthermore, we ALL have addictions. whether its eating, sex, drama, or whatever. people like you make the world an ugly place. there is something truly wrong with you.

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    • themunchinator

      Drug Addicts do not have a disease. They did not contract Drug Addiction through a bacteria or virus. They have a self-inflicted medical condition or syndrome, very different from a disease. Mercury or Lead poisoning are not diseases, why should addiction be considered disease?

      By no means should addicts be murdered, but we should not be paying for their recovery when they were the ones who inflicted this condition in the first place. Empathy is a good trait, but is Empathy for an addict worth placing a heavy burden on yourself and the rest of society?

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      • DieBitch72

        What about your fat ass when you die from a heart attack? Eating ALL that junk food is going to kill you dumbass!...

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        • Imguiop

          Shoot a pound of dope and die bitch

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        • Hahajunkiesdie

          Atleast when he runs out junk food he won't Rob a store or cry for more. You're and enabling junkie lover. Suck on a needle

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    • christine

      Drug addicts would not have a "disease" if they would have never shoved that needle of heroin into their arm. And they are a detriment to American taxpayers as well as people who NEED narcotics for medical conditions so yes, they have done something to me.

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    • Anonymous7352437

      Know why I'm not an addict? Because I CHOSE not to abuse substances.

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  • Felix123

    If your migraines are that bad you must have triggers you are ignoring, I used to have insane puking delirious migraines for decades and once I decided to make my health a priority with exercise and nutrition and end all toxic relationships, which was no small thing since it meant cutting out every friend and family member and anyone who knew them besides my husband and children and facing the fact that a lifetime of abuse had wound me into a tight coil of stress both physical and emotional which was triggering the chronic migraines I had suffered since around age 5, once I faced the realities of my life and forced my way free of a lifetime of gaslighting, abuse, torture, mockery and invalidation, I've been migraine free, for over a year now.
    I'm also familiar with junkies and I can tell you, they all claim they are the ones who really NEED it. Other people abuse it. If you want to get healthy, get healthy. If you expect the magical opioid pill to solve your problems, then your inability to score is the only difference between you and a junky. They'll tell you what victims they are, after holding a gun to the head of their drug dealers kid, how they need it to survive it's not like it's their choice, how their pain is only manageable with opioids and it's not their fault they need it to live. I knew junkies before they were heroine addicts, and they had that junky behavior long before using the drug. Refusing to take control of their health and just living like shit like it was just bad luck they always felt like hell, then using the chronic pain that results from sedentary, lazy, unhealthy lifestyle to justify becoming an addict and then using addiction to justify the parasitic nature they had all along, way before the junk.
    but I really need it
    -every junkie ever

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  • BogartDaJoint

    First of all, let me start by saying I suffer from early childhood PTSD from illness and surgies I went through, had issues while growing up and was in a few psych hospitals, and in spite of all that I served 2 years in the US Armed Forces before the stress became too unbearable to handle any more. After I got out, I smoked marijuana, because it alleviated the symptoms greatly, but due to the war on drugs, heroine became ironically easier to find than pot. I started shooting dope, and before I knew it, I was up to a habit so bad, that when I quit cold turkey, I was dopesick for 2 months. I went to NA meetings, and the other members didn't coddle me, they simply told me: If you want to use drugs, that's your problem, if you want to stop, that's ours. Too many people classify it as a disease and this leads to the leaf-on-the-wind syndrome that keeps many addicts using. There's a choice, that's righ, a CHOICE to be made, either go on using and wind up in jails, institutions, or dead, or stop using. Now in this day and age, we suffer from a serious overpopulation epidemic, which can easily be seen as a homeless epidemic, because we can't build enough housing to house people with other mental illnesses that aren't self-induced. This is largely due to the obscene amount of resources we waste trying to prolong the lives of people that don't even care to prolong their own life. I say we give them a chance to get clean, but at some point, enough has to be enough. Why should someone that suffers from PTSD be forced to live on the street to make way for some addict that wants to continue using. So I agree... there should be some cut off point, stop treating them for an overdose, because, just like my homegroup used to say, some addicts must die so that others may live. P.S. Now that marijuana has been approved for medically treating PTSD I have the ability to lead a somewhat useful life. Without it, I'd would still be disabled and in and out of psych hospitals like I was before, and that would be more of a burden on the system. Also, I blame myself for sticking the needle in my arm, and the mere thought of using heroine makes me sick to my stomache. The best way to quit heroine, shake, rattle, and roll, and don't ever forget it!

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  • khendal46

    I understand what you mean completely on this!!! I am in recovery from alcoholism but i have NEVER done heroin or anything like that. I know a lot of people who are recovering from opioid addiction and probably 90% of them blame the doctors for prescribing the pills and "big pharma" for getting them hooked. Um NO! You chose to keep getting the prescription filled and to keep taking the pills. Then they talk about how doctors need to be more strict about prescribing pain medications because they're "creating addicts". Total BS! So because people are getting addicted to these pills, people that actually need them should have to jump through hoops to get the medication they need? How selfish. I just cannot stand the entitled, know-it-all mentality drug addicts have, even after they get sober!!

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    • DieBitch72

      Blah blah blah!!!... Your a joke!

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  • Supernick19

    I don't hate all addicts. Some should be allowed to live, we should just kill the ones that do it so much that they live on welfare funded by hard working taxpayers. I say legalize the stuff and drug whores that receive welfare be killed

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm not mad at you. I don't have migraines anymore(knock on wood) but I do have the distinct experience of living with an anxiety disorder as well as fibromyalgia. People who are looking to get high off of prescription drugs disgust me. I can't have pity for über selfish people who wanna get their kicks off of medications others need for legitimate medical conditions.

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    • Guy212

      Many people who get in deep with opiates and other substances are in a great deal of emotional pain (anxiety, depression, etc.) Keep that in mind before you choose to characterize these people as "selfish people who wanna get their rocks off."

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, if they steal from others then I don't care about them, and I will characterize any thief however I please. If they have mental and emotional problems they should try to get psychiatric help instead of stealing. Anyone who steals money or medication from me if going to jail, and I will be pressing charges!

        If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times I sure as Hell ain't gonna donate my liver when I die; if someone burns through their liver because of abuse that's on them. These people need to be held accountable for their actions.

        They need to go to rehab, and then continue to attend the appropriate 12 step program for their addiction. They don't need people pitying them and or enabling them. If anyone steals anything from me their going down.

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        • Guy212

          I agree that people should be accountable for their actions. However, drug addiction, and the various mental maladies that make drug use so attractive are often distressing enough that even someone who usually has great willpower/morals/etc. will resort to theft if only to briefly assuage the pain. Do you believe these individuals deserve to reprimanded in such a severe fashion? I agree that simple pity is not the answer...but they at least deserve a modicum of understanding and open mindedness.

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          • Guy212

            Keep in mind that many mentally ill folks are only able to derive minimal relief from the current health system. I wouldn't say this is any one persons fault in particular, humanity still has much to learn regarding mental illness. The point is many sick people are left in an incredibly desperate situation that is seemingly inescapable.

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            • Guy212

              (I am an American and can only speak of our mental health services...my impression is that services elsewhere aren't terrribly different..I may be mistaken though.)

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        • marydazemarydaze

          "I will characterize any thief however I please!!" Whatever you dumb, old bag- what, are you like 60? You fucking bitch. Go do something useful, you cunt

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      • marydazemarydaze

        oh my God! This is so true!

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    • Guy212


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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes, that's very sad, but it's not an excuse for criminal activity!

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    • marydazemarydaze

      leave the asshole, then. dumbass. dont stay with them that long. take care of yourself first. that is, of course, only if your response (which was highly ambiguous) refers to problems of a physical nature that occurred as a result of being close to someone in the throes of addiction. If this is not the case, you might want to delete your post and repost, becaust I am letting you know right now that this is how it comes across

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  • Avant-Garde

    No, that's horrible!

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  • johnsonj121698

    Yes! I 100% agree with you.
    They steal and lie to and from there families. Then after they become clean they go to church and talk about how much they love god. "The lord will forgive me for my sins", well you weren't thinking about him while you we're taking $34,000 out of your grandmoms banking account. It really bothers me how they can be so selfish.

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    • BrokeMofo

      I wish I had a family member with that kind of money, drugs are for the working class, not the indepndantly wealthy, thats why they steal, they're not used to working for a living.

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  • themunchinator

    It is Normal, but your approach is very narrow minded and uninformed as to how Drug addicts become addicts, and it's kind of sick to say you personally want to kill them yourself.

    Drug addicts become such through mental instability that causes them to make consecutive bad decision after bad decision until they end up with a lifestyle that will eventually kill them.

    While I disagree with the idea of killing them strongly, I also strongly disagree with the money some cities waste giving addicts free Needles and "Injection sites". I live in Vancouver, and our city government uses taxpayer money to fund addicts' disgusting lifestyles.

    Drug Addicts should have to suffer the burden of using dirty needles and having no safe shelter as a consequence of their own stupid decisions, they do not deserve get out of jail free cards. The inevitable truth is that even after recovery, drug addicts cause more burden on society than most can ever undue, they fund crime, commit crimes, and waste other peoples' taxpayer money.

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  • lightsyouonfire

    Wow. What a biotch.

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  • schmiaa1160

    U shud feel ashamed of urself u r a horabal person ppl that do drugs I don't have that much respect 4 but how dare u say they shud b left to die sum of them r still gud ppl and look at urself b4 saying sumthing that bad about other ppl ur a bad person and I have no respect 4 u at all

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    • RoseIsabella

      You should be ashamed of yourself for being a horrible speller!!!

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  • punx

    That kind of a douche thing to think. im not an addict but dont you think they want to stop. blame the meds not the people.

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  • smukdabong

    Haha yeah how do you think people et addicted to narcotics most the time? They get them prescribed for pain or whatever then they take them and start to develope a tolerence so the pain effects get dulled too so they take more an eventually they feel like they need it to survive. It can't be helped. You don't know how many drug addicts hate themselves and the very drug they use because of this. My dad had a serious accident and was put on vicodin and he got himself addicted. My dad is a perfectly nice guy with no intentions of abusing the drug but he now is addicted. You should think about the things you say before you say them. Drug addicts are just people who have a problem. You never have problems?

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  • mtnw

    no doubt, many addicts start with a pain or illness or accident, then end up getting addicted from their prescriptions.

    if your doctor prescribed these in the past, and is denying them to you now, this is probably what he/she's getting at.

    at any rate, migraines are a symptom, not an illness. if your doctor isn't working with you on trying to figure out what is triggering these headaches, maybe it's time to find another doctor.

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  • casandra18

    Honestly your just an ignorant person for stooping that low and labeling people. for starters I HATE people like you. my brother was a heroine addict but hes a great ass guy who loves his peers, hes smart and for someone like you to judge another human being and saying you wish you could shoot them all? really? what you need to do is stop worrying about other peoples addictions and worry about your own sad unhappy life. People do have the choice to either pick up and use drugs or to completely stay away from that sort of stuff. but its there lives not yours, so pull your head out your ass and focus on more important things in life. you deserve to get ur ass kicked dude

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    • Hahajunkiesdie

      You said your brother WAS a addict. Good for him. He's not a weak piece of shit. And no the junkie shits that abuse the system do deserve to die.
      Why should a shit head heroin addict qualify for disability and receive it in 30 days when a war hero and veteran with no legs can't receive it at all and has to appeal the decision 10 times before they accept it into court again. I hold no pity. I pay taxes for street repair, education and economy reform, not for the same worthless junkie to be revived 5 times a months so he/she can receive free money and food. Fuck em all to death

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  • marydazemarydaze

    Wow. You really are a short, blunt, emotionless, sociopathic, piece of shit. Do you have any idea what people who are victims of addictions (or simply make the mistake of trying out things associated with addiction) go through? Never mind the people that were idiots to begin with. I am talking about normal people, who become subject to te physiological, psychological and physical affects that addiction brings with it? You are a sallow, shallow, emotionless fuck that deserves to pulverized and ground up into human meat, never mind a piece of shit no one should have to pay tax money to keep alive. you piece of shit.,

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    • Hahajunkiesdie

      It's not him that tax money is keeping alive it's ppl like you junkie whore

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  • Guy212

    I think this is an incredibly cruel thing to say

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  • fluffychicken

    you just think differnt because you are not a addict i am a recovering addict yes it was a choice to pick up the drug but after that its like a demon has taken over you you get ADDICTED i agree it causes people alot of pain but it is not controllable we cant stop on are own

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  • MrVDubs

    Just.... ignorant. Go read up on some legislature involving narcotics bro.

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