I think heroin overdose should be used for the death penalty.

A big topic lately has be whether or not lethal injection should be used for the death penalty. One argument lately was that a man recently suffered for hours, because the lethal injection shot takes down one organ at a time.

If they were to use heroin as a substitute, it would more likely be a painless method. I've never done heroin but I know it is one of the better pain killers that people often overdose on.

I will go more about my views on the death penalty in my next post.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • RainbowFlash

    If you want a painless, sure fire way to kill someone, have them inhale an inert gas.

    Helium works fine. They go to sleep. They don't fight. They don't gasp for air... They just die.

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  • Outsider21

    I think they should use a drug overdose, but not heroin, something that an overdose would just be maddening and make one's skin crawl not something like heroin that would induce a peaceful death. Maybe like an overdose of adderall or something like that, that sounds like about the worst way to die I can possibly imagine. Or just dose them with a pill and not even tell them it's a fatal overdose of something, like they just randomly feed overdoses to murderers. I'm all for human respect, all for it, but I can't stand murderers and rapists, they really piss me the fuck off

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  • Ell1ott

    I'm firmly against the death penalty, I think that humans as a species should have progressed beyond it by now - especially in the first world (I'm talking to you U.S.A., Singapore and Malaysia!)

    But if you're insisting on using it, I agree that opiates would be one of the best ways to go. Right behind being sexed to death by supermodels and dying from too many orgasms.

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  • pixie_dust

    I think if I was up for capital punishment, i would prefer the death penalty rather than life w/o parole. However, if the method of killing me was a bullet, hanging or a guillotine, rather than just an IV injection which doesn't sound very scary bcuz most people have had ID sedation and it could be thought of as at. The violent method would scare me more than just being in a cage, because you can anticipate your physical body being destroyed. Plus the botched lethal injections statistically seem to be a very poor method. Since death penalty is supposed to be worse than just life w/o parole that would seem to me the better idea.

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  • seakelp

    I sort of can get behind what you're saying- a lethal dose of an opiate is a far less painful way to die than the cocktail they currently use. Can't say that I'm a huge fan of the death penalty in general, though.

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  • thegypsysailor

    What the hell is wrong with the good old firing squad? 10 bullets do a pretty good job of killing someone without much pain. Save the heroin for someone who is in pain.

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    • charli.m

      I think I read somewhere that they don't use that anymore because of the psychological effects on the executioner, they're greater in a death that requires direct action like shooting, beheading, etc, and lessened by more indirect, like injection or electric chair.

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      • Outsider21

        That's probably true, it would be quite mentally scarring to be an executioner at all, but it would be infinitely worse if they used the old methods. Makes sense because who gives a crap about the suffering of murderers and rapists and other scumbags like that who did something to deserve the death penalty in the first place

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    • Idunno101

      One bullet close up is the best solution. They say death penalty is more pricey than letting the prisoners live in prison but then again if we didn't buy some fancy lethal drugs and just bought a bullet instead we could execute one guy for 1-2$!

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  • Yffe.Wahs

    Overdosing on heroin is very painful. An overdose is not the same as a regular dose...of anything.

    So no, not a good method.

    I can't think of any method which isn't inherently cruel or painful. Unless you killed them with no warning...by using carbon monoxide in the middle of the night, say. But I think that breaches human rights.....which is ironic....

    I don't agree with the death penalty at all, it's barbaric.

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