I think i'm being stalked or something

For quite a long time now, there's this wifi network named "linksys" that shows up wherever I go, even on vacation. even creepier, sometimes it takes a day or 2 to show up on vacation. And I do mean everywhere to, even when I go not to far from home. is it normal and am I being stalked?

You are totally being stalked. Run boy! 7
You are probably being stalked, but it's not a big deal 7
No, you're probably not being stalked, it's not a big deal 11
No, you're not being stalked. Thanks for wasting my time 22
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Comments ( 6 )
  • thegypsysailor

    I even see them down here. If you have them up there too, then it must be a world wide conspiracy. I'm gonna make a new and improved tin foil hat, to counter this threat.

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  • TrustMeImLying

    I'm guessing you may not be thrilled about me then. For about two years my phone's bluetooth name and home wifi network have been named "FBI Surveillance Unit"

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    • Lol :D

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Don't listen to any fucker who thinks this is a brand. Linksys has paid software's to seek these topics out and nip any suspicion in the bud.

    You need to immediately power off all of your electronic devices, take your wallet, go to the local library and message me back when you do so. I'll let you know what to do from there.

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  • mountain-man82

    Linksys is a brand of wifi equipment that is sold everywhere. You are not being stalked.

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    • Thanks a lot :)

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