I think i'm evil...

I think I might be evil.

Sometimes I feel like I enjoy it when bad things happen in the world, like people dying, and war and stuff. For example, this swine flu thing excites me for some reason, and i hope it gets worse. I don't know why I feel this way though.

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58% Normal
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Comments ( 25 )
  • Nobodyislistening

    Evil's a funny thing. So is the concept of Good. I'm not going to make this a big philosophyfest but it's simple enough to say this:

    If a meteor comes and obliterates all life on earth, does that make it an evil meteorite? Well how can something inanimate be evil? If someone destroys it and saves mankind, how is he good if what he destroys is not evil? Objects are not good nor evil. However, we each carry within ourselves the ability to give good and evil definitions and with that definition, we give it power. If someone shot me, they would be seen (probably) as "evil." This would change the way others interact with that person who shot me. So evil does have a tangible effect when it is people dealing with other people. Depends on your own definition, it's the only one that matters. You shouldn't listen to the people who rate yours (they're pretty evenly split anyways). The only one that matters is yours. And possibly the judge's if you get caught.

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    • riteplow

      You cannot decide your first feeling about events. If you cannot change it it is like an object therefore it is not evil. But while you are aware of that those stuff is evil if you dont take evil action you are no evil. Because you are evil if you do something evilish. You can think about how and in which ways these events saddenes people.

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  • pepeds

    I think it's normal up to a certain extent. Your desire for general bad things to happen, I think that could be explained by many extremely normal human emotions.

    However, if you see a little boy with his leg chopped off by a tank shooting in Irak, and you feel good about it, thats just sick!!!...

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  • TieDiedSuperstar

    Human beings are basically evil. We only do good to feel we are actually good, but we're not, because when push comes to shove, humanity as a whole or individually is a self-condemning failure.

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  • bimomate

    "Evil" Is an Human invention. Nature, never intended for "Evil" to exist. Animals, don't consider anything, to be evil, they just do what it takes to survive.
    Example of nature, not believing in Evil: My cat, likes to catch, and toture insects.and She gets attacked by other cats, if she somehow gets out at night.
    A spider won't stop to think about a flys feeling, he'll just enjoy his meal.

    Evil is a human invention, and does not exist with nature.

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    • Hooviva

      Oh yes, evil is in nature, and not a human invention, like a white cat biting its owner, and cats attacking cats at night, that's evil. Bwah ha haaaa!!!! Be prepared for your nemesis: I like eating.

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  • OtherSide

    I know the feeling of wishing for a tragedy to occur. I always hope for the zombie apocalypse.

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  • IsaLuisa

    I´m evil, too and I love it. I hate the normal people, because they are only boring. Only when you are ecil you can change the world.

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    • Cleverinternetpenguin


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  • Jim_Pfoss

    There's certainly something to that. Something about witnessing history in the making.
    But I'm a little screwy, myself.

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  • xMasterGunZx

    Its normal. I get excited for that stuff too dude, its because nothing interesting happens you know? So we have to keep ourselves excited. I love war!!! As a person going to the Marines..I expect to want to blow stuff up and ruin places!!! but i just want adrenaline for that :)

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  • truepain

    i have witnessed things people would kill themselves if they saw it everyone asks me if im alright but im just silent towards everyone and i
    have this pain inside me that makes me do things like figgit in my sleep i never have dreams and if i do its nothing but fear and pain in them id say your just depressed about something that you cant actually remember look at me i sound a bit more messed up then you right ive felt so much pain that i learnt to stand up for myself and not let anyone boss me around now i am feared its better to be feared then fear something someone anoyed me so much he atscked me and i nearly killed him and no one knws exept my best friend thats what you need someone who understands you truely down to the core

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  • Bunny420

    It probably excites you because we were used to naturally seeing these things, which often produces adrenaline. Some people might seek this out instinctively. The question you should ask yourself though is, could you aim a gun at a man's head with his children and wife watching, and shoot him dead, and walk away without any degree of remorse? If so then ye, you're probably evil...

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    • Cleverinternetpenguin

      I could do that. I wouldn't though.

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  • eklerks

    There is no such thing as classical evil. Our society is extremely fragile, one intelligent full-on evil guy can hack up a city of two before he is stopped. Why doesn't this happen? Because there is no evil. Even the most depraved ones do things because they have something to win. There has to be an external motivation, like money or power. There are selfish and unselfish people, these notions are somewhat connected to evil an good, but can't be fully translated. Evil and Good don't need external motivations, they are the axioms of many religious systems, the movement comes from within. So unless you feel the flames of hell licking your feet, while the hatred for mankind and the lust for pain spills out of your demon heart, you are not Evil.

    However, we can define bad and good for other people. I think you have somewhat sadistic tendencies. Sadism is strange enough wildly normal.

    It is of course in general bad, but can be a lot of fun. The only problem is that if you start acting on it, you will become worse and eventually can become a problem for other people, slowly moving towards abnormality.

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  • Fortunes_Whore

    I don't think it's so evil. I think it might reflect a level of anger inside you. I think it's justifiable to be angry at a world that is so messed up in it's values and injustices.

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  • cowell_theodore

    Evil is in the eye of the beholder. Different groups define different things that are evil. Most middle easterners think that all Americans are evil because of our love for money. In my eyes you are not an evil person, and I don't consider myself evil either. I used to fantasize about killing and gutting other people. It got so bad that I began to do these things. My first time was when I was hitchhiking with my white handled kitchen knife. Lets just say that when I look at it one way, the evil act would be taking him away from his family. The good that came from it, he no longer had to live. The world no longer had to support his trash and pollution. His gas guzzling car, his cigarette butts on the side of the road along with his beer cans. Countless cattle and chickens and other lives stocks lives were saved. He also could no create more children who would gobble up this countries resources. So in the end, I believe it wasn't evil to do this.

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  • Hooviva

    On the contrary, i plan to eat people up (not literally), it's difficult to hide evil, drinking in a recovery centre on purpose. And those moralisers will have smoke blown in their faces, to see how good I am when they hate smoking. Oh yes you are pretty weird, why do good? It's good to be evil, it's good to defeat enemies instead of helping friends because it's love for yourself, it's good to illegally drink wine because it causes pleasure, it's good to destroy honesty because it defeats its presence, it's good to kill a person who has killed someone else because they stop killing people, it's good to force a disobedient person's face in a hole in the wall because it teaches him to do it when you tell him to do it by getting physical, it's good to force someone's fist down and make them fall undesirably in a couch because then you don't get punched. But it's very good for people to suffer because they will blame the suffering and not me. Snicker snicker!

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  • Hooviva

    People are not evil, I see it all now, I used to want to damage people's reputations, I couldn't stand people moralising, being good makes me sick, I'm glad that you're evil, goodness is disgusting, bwah ha ha haaaaa!!!!!

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  • GladyAmen

    I had the same feeling too. Perhaps I would like to see the world in a pure destruction.

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  • anxietyme

    Tottaly normal especially if you want eyes off you... Just like a rainy day, everyone is concerned with the rain and not paying attention to you.

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  • violet3


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  • Darkeyes773

    You are a sadist :) congratulations, you've won a bag containing a dig 'ol bick and a high five.

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  • hallo101

    there are many books displaying the inner evil in ALL humans. this book is lord of the flies, but to me. people dying in war and ENJOYING IT is a childs display of war

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  • Scrat

    And if you think it's cool just take out your eyes and eat them!! I'm just saying ;)

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