I think i'm hopeless at fanfiction... someone help!
I really want to do fanfiction. It looks so much fun, being able to share your stories with the world, especially when it's something you really like.
But every time I think of what to write a story about, I get started and type a few words, and then I just sit there, unable to begin.
I feel insecure about this. I'm just afraid of the end product being bad. I want to write a fanfiction, and I get really excited about doing it, but then when I sit down, nothing comes out of anything, and nothing sounds like it's going to work. I'm hopeless. Just staring at that blank Word document, knowing there's nothing to work from, is disheartening.
I've tried brainstorming, and I have a few great ideas in mind, but eventually they start to sound rubbish when I develop them.
The ironic thing is I'm great at English in school and I've passed my exams with high grades. If I can study Shakespeare and get an A out of it, why can't my mind fabricate a starting point for a simple hobbie I really want to do?
Is it normal, or is fanfiction meant to be hard like this? I don't want to give this up... but I don't want to let myself down either... =[