I think i'm hopeless at fanfiction... someone help!

I really want to do fanfiction. It looks so much fun, being able to share your stories with the world, especially when it's something you really like.

But every time I think of what to write a story about, I get started and type a few words, and then I just sit there, unable to begin.

I feel insecure about this. I'm just afraid of the end product being bad. I want to write a fanfiction, and I get really excited about doing it, but then when I sit down, nothing comes out of anything, and nothing sounds like it's going to work. I'm hopeless. Just staring at that blank Word document, knowing there's nothing to work from, is disheartening.

I've tried brainstorming, and I have a few great ideas in mind, but eventually they start to sound rubbish when I develop them.

The ironic thing is I'm great at English in school and I've passed my exams with high grades. If I can study Shakespeare and get an A out of it, why can't my mind fabricate a starting point for a simple hobbie I really want to do?

Is it normal, or is fanfiction meant to be hard like this? I don't want to give this up... but I don't want to let myself down either... =[

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70% Normal
Based on 46 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • capcrunch6

    Here's an idea:
    Indiana Jones and George Jetson join forces with Captain Picard and Luke Skywalker to defeat the legion of doom led by zombie hitler that is trying to steal all of Canada's bacon.

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  • Greenizzle13

    i get how you feel, i thought the same thing when i started and u get nice reviews im a in fanfiction under this name

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  • Jessie735513

    Just wait: an idea will hit you like a bulldozer one day...

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  • ravensuichiro

    yes of course its normal..
    you have a great talent in you its just that youre always afraid that someone would criticize your works...start working for yourself..
    i write stories too and i never get it finished, after that another story comes up on my mind and never gets finished too coz i think of the same thing..
    you have to clear your mind and just enjoy writing..if you l0ve to write then show it..
    the hell of those who dont like..
    dont be afraid..a writer's block is just normal..

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  • squirrelgirl

    I feel the exact same way. I am very intimidated by writing fanfiction, especially since a lot of my past attempts were met with harsh criticism.

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  • Trust me, there is NOTHING more intimidating than a blank documents. It taunts you, so you're going to need to fight it! To do this, just type a whole bunch of random words down. Then try, in a way, to weave these words into your story. Then you have something to work from and you change it as it goes along ;)

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  • blondieem

    As a fanfiction author myself (acci0 malf0y), I know exactly where you're coming from. I had been reading fics for months before I started trying to write one myself. Then when I started writing, I would get stuck and hate what I had written because to me, it sucked compared to what I had read.

    Now, it's been about two years and I'm still writing, but after reading a good amount of stories with different plot lines and characters, my writing has really improved. It is still really hard for me to start writing though. I have to be really inspired.

    If you ever need any help or someone to bounce ideas off, search me on fanficition.net I'd love to help you some time :)

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  • I write a lot of fanfiction under the name BlackRoseVale and for me, it's a natural thing to do and I can usually type fics with ease.

    My advice is to read decent and well written fiction by other writers, preferably for the fandom you intend to write for, so that you can see the ideas that work and what doesn't work well.

    Secondly, don't try to write a sweeping epic straight away, start small, even just a one-shot to help you get into the flow of writing.

    Thirdly, take what you know from the show/game/whatever it is you are writing about and use them in the story. You don't need to create an entirely new situation off the bat with your first fictions.

    I use events that I know are canon and build my original ideas around that foundation, eg. having two characters reference a situation they were in and have a conversation or if a character has died, show the aftermath of the situation.

    Mostly, have fun, make sure to spellcheck and write in paragraphs, a fiction can be brilliant but bad grammar and structure can ruin even the best of writings.

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  • CillyMe

    *how to write better :-/

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  • CillyMe

    I have written some fanfiction, under this same username, and it is definitely harder than it looks. The best advice I can give is to read the good ones. Try to pick up on and copy their style. Mine were written several years ago, so it's not as fleshed out as I wish it was. I haven't had time to write anymore, but I know how do write better!!

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