I think i unintentionally got addicted to painkillers

I'm 24, I lost my leg two years ago while camping and was stuck out in the woods for a few days till I got myself to a road, my leg infected really bad and I had to go through a lot of surgery and physical therapy to recover. They also put me on a lot of pain medications.

Now I can't stop taking pills, and I chase them with vodka every night to fight a pain I think I just made up in my head. I get scratchy and anxious if I don't pop pills every six or so hours and have started taking more and more and with more booze to get the same effect.

I want to get back out hiking and climbing and camping again but I think I'm addicted to this medicine my doctor keeps pushing on me. I've tried telling my doctor what's been going on and he just keeps prescribing me more and now wants to put me on antipsychotics. I've not the smartest and I've never been good at accepting that people mean me harm so I really don't know what to do.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • S12207

    Have you heard of kratom? If not look into it I've heard great stories of people in the same situation as you getting off the drugs and taking kratom for pain management and opioid withdrawls. The doc sounds like he likes his paychecks too much to help you.

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  • Ellenna

    Are there pain management clinics where you live? I'd definitely be looking for another doctor who isn't into pushing drugs to you. Good on you for wanting to take control of your life without addiction

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  • Murun

    Doctors are on commission for all drugs they prescribe. The dodgiest legal drug pushers around. Don't get into antipsychotics, and do find a way to wean yourself off the 'killers with a cutting-down-then-stopping plan. I'm sure your body's well over the pain they were treating and it's just the opiate addiction now. It might be unpleasant for a few weeks but worth it man!
    Best of luck.

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  • kwikbix

    get a different doctor

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  • sandracmyers

    You and the rest of half the world.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't think people ever intentionally get addicted to pain killers. Do you experience that phantom limb thing?

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    • What I meant was I never wanted to get high, I wasn't searching out for a drug. And yes I do experience it, what does that have to do with anything though?

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  • lolcaroline

    i would also talk to a close friend or family member, sometimes its better to get through things when you have someone who you love by your side.

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  • EuphoniumLizz

    Sadly your situation is more common than not. I would find a new doctor and find a treatment to ween you off the pain killers.

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