I think kids should accept that they will never grow old
All the kids protesting about climate change, I think they should stop trying and accept their fate.
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All the kids protesting about climate change, I think they should stop trying and accept their fate.
How is giving up ever the correct answer?
Whether you believe the world is headed downhill or not.
That said, dont have kids.
The world has enough.
He's not right though, he's literally the opposite of right. There's a strong negative correlation between familial wealth and the number of children produced. IOW people who raise their kids to have a big carbon footprint tend to have fewer kids. If you live in the west and think you're helping the world by pumping out an ever-increasing number of babies, you're not and you can stop now.
"There's a strong negative correlation between familial wealth and the number of children produced". Exactly the poorest and thickest members of society are breeding the most. Middle-class westerners are actually pushing against climate change. The Indonesians and Indians are dumping shit loads of plastic into the ocean; the reason the African nations, Indonesia India and other nations like that have a low carbon footprint is that they have low wealth and generally poor standards of living. It's not that they're actively trying to lower their carbon footprint, we can see from their other actions that they don't give a fuck about the climate, they're just incapable of producing a standard of living for their people like the West is.
All that will happen is the westerners die off, the people actually kicking up a fuss for green energy; the temperature will slowly rise, and there will be no solutions to stop it. The Africans and such nations will eventually produce societies up to our standard, and low and behold, not only will their carbon footprint be the same as ours, but they'll have spent tens, if not hundreds if not thousands of years of making it worse whilst not bothering to pose solutions against it.
U sound like my friends mum n dad who don’t care about anything for our future and it’s wrong
Well, I certainly hope you never have kids, because I fear for their intellectual capabilities. Really seems like you don't understand the debates that are going on at all right now. The Zoomers aren't saying they won't live to grow old, they're saying that growing old is going to suck shit because of climate change, and the science backs them up on that.
They should accept their fate. They should accept the fact that nothing will change and it will end up having never been a problem in the first place.
Hey, you're talking to a guy from that generation who wants to overthrow the government and insert in its place a fascist government police state with forced conversions to Catholicism under threat of being banished with no personal property besides the clothes on their backs.
The problem with these kids' protest isn't the fact that they are trying.
The problem is that they are ignorant, poorly-informed, overly-ideolistic, and it looks like that the majority of them aren't able to process the complexity of the world.
They also didn't give any practical solutions. They ask for de-industrialization, which will only delay climate change but won't stop it. They're also asking for way too much, setting goals that are practically impossible to achieve.
Their logic is like this:
Cars pollute the environment. Therefore cars are bad. So stop using them, or get an electric one. Problem solved!
(What an easy problem! Why isn't the government doing this?)
So let's go and ask the government to close down all car production sites! Stop using petrol-cars!
What They Fail to Consider Is:
It's practically impossible to make all petrol-based cars disappear overnight.
Millions of people would lose their jobs if nobody uses petrol-based cars.
It will take a lot of money to break down all the car production sites.
The majority of the population can't afford to suddenly buy electric cars. This can cause MANY, MANY PROBLEMS.
Some rural areas have poor infrastructure & etc, and if their petrol cars are taken away, they would become completely disconnected to the rest of the world. And they can't afford electric cars.
Electric cars still use electricity. Now the world can't afford to switch to all-renewables, so we still have to pollute the environment by using non-renewables.
There will be shortages in electricity if everyone uses electric cars.
And so on.
It's not their fault, but it looks like that a number of them are poorly informed about climate change and they fail to consider the possible consequences caused by a simple action.
Some organizations, E.g. Extinction Rebellion in Britan, have similar problems.
Extinction Rebellion asks for NET ZERO CARBON EMISSIONS BY 2025.
Excuse me but, is that practically possible without bankrupting the country and causing millions of unemployment?
Plus, we still have time. The goal can be, well, to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, but 2025 is simply impossible.
Climate change is a problem, but not as bad as some people think.
According to IPCC, the temperature today is 1.5 degree higher than 1950. It is predicted that by 2100, the degree would be 4.8 degrees higher.
This 4.8 degrees will cause problems, but it won't be the end of the world. We still have enough time to make a change.
I remember when we didn't think the world would last long enough to see Y2K, but here we are almost 20 years later...
Climate change will eventually probably kill mankind but it won't happen during the lifetime of anyone around today. Not even babies being born today will see that even if they live to be 100.
They won't die from climate change. No way in hell a few degrees difference in heat will kill off humans.
Climate change has already killed humans. It's not going to cause a simple all-at-once extinction of an entire generation but if that's the bar you care about, you need recalibrating.
Human climate change-related deaths are so small as to be a statistical anomaly. I replied to the OP based on what he said, and that is that kids should not "accept that they will never grow old" due to climate change, your comment, on the other hand, is irrelevant to the purpose of my reply, and a straw man. It does not change the fact, in any way, that the proportionate deaths from climate change are pitiful, and that the kids should not accept "that they will never grow old" due to climate change.