I think my neighbor is hiding something iin?
About a week ago, a new person moved in across the street from me.
The first night, I noticed them sitting on their front lawn. So I dimmed my light and used my binoculars. This new dude was just sitting in the middle of his front lawn in boxers.
A night later, while it was still semi light out, I was looking out my window and I saw the neighborhood white stray cat near my garbage and then it walked across the street to my new neighbors place. I then saw my new neighbor open the door and the cat went inside and he followed.
The next day, I noticed the white cat wasn't anywhere to be found and It always visits my place around 5pm. So while putting out the garbage that night, I ran into my new neighbor sitting on his lawn this time in a shirt and boxers. I said nice to meet you and the typical stuff and added in a comment about the stray cat. He told me he's never seen any cats yet but if he did, he'd probably shoo it off as he hates cats. BUT I SAW THE CAT GO INSIDE HIS HOUSE!!!
So it's been 4 days now and no one has seen the cat. Even my other neighbor asked me if I've seen it.
Do you think it's just my imagination and something completely normal is going on or is it just not normal and the guy totally butchered the neighborhood cat?