I think people shouldnt let their dogs crap on others lawns?

Most places have a strip of grass closer to the street, sidewalk, then their lawn. I think if you allow your animal to deposit, it should only be on the further grass strip not on someones lawn closer to their home. Since children play on lawns not so much the strip.
they should pick it up of course, but a lot of times residoo (sic) remains.

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Comments ( 20 )
  • Fugazi,again

    I used to have a bb gun and the same scumbags would walk past my flat every day and stop to let their dogs shit beside the public path outside so I'd shoot them from the window (the owners, not the dogs).

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    • KholatKhult

      Why not just confront them if you’re right there :P

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      • Fugazi,again

        It's more fun to shoot them, they obviously know they shouldn't let their dog shit outside people's homes and leave it there so they deserve it

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        • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

          Yes snipe them. I like that

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i doubt theres people goin around advocatin for dogshit freedom

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    • Fugazi,again

      Your username is very appropriate

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  • dirtybirdy

    I hear ya, but there aren't always those little strips in between. I only allow my dog to go no more than 2 to 3 feet, and of course I pick it up. Then theres these peeps in my hood who have those god awful retractable leashes and they let the dogs go waaaaay up in the yard, practically up to the house. Pick it up, whatever, but, No sir, maam, that ain't cool. But then there are dogs who stop dead in the middle of the street to crap. I don't get that

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    • megadriver

      Back home in Bulgaria, in my home town, our neighbor likes to walk her dog (crosseyed pug) and let it shit in our garden. My mom takes pride in her garden and always feels down whenever someone messes with her garden. And me being an angry prick that always stands by his mom and never lets anyone bring her down, I had to do something.

      So my solution to this was quite simple. Get in my E420, go to the neighbor's yard (She has no cameras), park in her lawn, turn off the traction control and floor it. 400hp and 950Nm of mud, stone and dirt flinging V8 power! Enough to make her lawn look like an offroad trail and her house look like the aftermath of a dirt tornado.

      Needless to say, that neighbor never let her dog shit in our lawn again.

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      • dirtybirdy

        Awesome. I like your style, dude!

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  • --

    I can't tell you how many times I would mow my front lawns and either mow over a dog shit and have a cloud of shit dust around me or have to stop and clean up others shit just so I can mow my lawns.

    I was going to put a sign on my lawn saying something like we are not a public toilet or a dump please take you shit with you, but I know it would be about 2 days before some kid would abuse my sign and probably shit right on it, some little smart ass like Fugazi,again would sneak out and poo on my new sign.

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    • Fugazi,again

      Nah I'd just shoot you with a bb gun while you were putting it up and have a good laugh while you were trying to figure out where it came from

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      • --

        Ill find you mudda facko

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        • Fugazi,again

          You know what city I live in already

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          • --

            Londonderry City in Northern Ireland near castlerock! LOL I got you, ya little bb gun shootin little shit :)

            There is a house not far from where I live with a sign on their lawn that says "slow down kids don't bounce"
            I bet he gets a lot of people going over the speed limit past his house. God people are cunts :)

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            • Fugazi,again

              Don't call it Londonderry! That's the British name, it's called Derry

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  • raisinbran

    Plastic baggies are not enough. Dogs (and cats) need to crap in toilets like human being. I don't see any difference between a human child and a dog crapping on a lawn, both acts are disgusting and unacceptable. How is dog crap cleaner than human crap? TOILET!

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    • Aethylfritha

      You can train cats to do that. Lmao

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