I think that becoming a transgender is a dumb decision
I think that the so called "trans" people are just mentally ill and need serious help. They are overobsessing about things they can't change. It's not a matter of wish to be born a certain gender. Why can't people accept it or embrace it. It's way easier and better than doing all this shit to yourself. I hate especially when women become men. That's more disgusting and dissapointing than mtf transitions. A man can't become a woman or vice versa. Even if a man starts taking HRT, gets Sex Reassigemnt Surgery - he will still be a man. His DNA would be stil that of a man, will have male voice and male skeleton. Same goes for female to male. I hate it. The result after a mastectomy looks really ridiculous and nothing like a real male chest. I hate when they give birth and the media says that a man has given birth. Common people! That's stil a woman.