I think we should execute
I think we should humanly but immediately and efficiently execute ALL prisoners serving multiple life sentences without parole for crimes such as murder and rape.
I agree | 76 | |
I disagree | 62 |
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I think we should humanly but immediately and efficiently execute ALL prisoners serving multiple life sentences without parole for crimes such as murder and rape.
I agree | 76 | |
I disagree | 62 |
Something Hannibal Lector said in Red Dragon.
"We live in a primitive time, don't we? Neither savage nor wise. Half measures of the curse of it, any rational society will either kill me or put me to some use."
We should be either putting such people to use or kill them.
It is my opinion that all felonies should be punished by death preferably by something cheap like a bullet to the brain. And minor crimes punished by lashings.
Yes it is mean/ harsh but it might keep others from doing it. And don't forget that it takes around 14 mil to keep one person alive for life.
No. You can't suddenly change the sentence after the judge has already decided what course should be taken. You can't retroactively sentence someone. You can't move the goalposts.
Both execution and imprisonment are highly Unethical behaviours.
We must, as Sentient and Ethical creatures reform these practices to achieve Enlightenment.
All those participating in these Unethical behaviours, will not have a pleasant After-Death experience, if they even get that chance.
*Note: This does not mean that we should immediately release all the prisoners into Civil Society.
I think that people who want others killed but won't do it themselves are the worst people of all, it's so cruel and cold. A serial killer is a far better example of a "human being" than pieces of shit like you.
Leave them be, they chose their fate. And further, it's dumb, narrow minded people like you that create these monsters! It's your fucking fault babies get killed and women get raped, your fault for not treating people right.
I think we should put them to death. And would kill them myself. Noone made them do there crime (rape, murder, ect.) it was there choice to do it. Unless there was a whiteness that said this some person held his finger on the trigger and forced it down to fire, or stuffed a penis into someone and pulled and pushed him/her to make him/her rape.
"As if one crime of such nature, done by a single man, acting individually, can be expiated by a similar crime done by all men, acting collectively."
-Lewis Lawes, warden of Sing Sing prison in NY.
What difference does it make if they are killed or live in prison (better then some Americans and most of the world) oh ya now I remember you can live your life doing nothing and living well in prison. Thats not a punishment it's a reward!
Prison is not supposed to be a punishment, that's what the laws and courts state, it's for reforming. It's to prevent crime not punish for it, that's why you have ad-seg, cell searches, lawyers, doctors, psychologists, workshops, drug counselling ect, ect, in prison. Most people with a decent understanding of law know this; prevent not punish, because violence won't solve violence. The death penalty hasn't stopped anyone from killing before, so it's useless. You need to grow up a bit.
You say you want to punish them, but that's because it doesn't effect you or your life. You just feel a little better about yourself for it as everyone likes to cast blame. But I bet if you were the one facing the death sentence, you'd soon change your tune. You're the kind of person who'll give to a charity, but not to help others but to feed your self esteem and ego.
In reality the person sitting comfortably in their home saying "Oh just kill them" is the biggest scum of all.
Prisoners always suffer more than their victims in truth, we just don't want to look at it that way.
You may not know but I myself have spent a short stretch in prison, and I can tell you that losing your freedom for life would be a fate worse than death, worse than what they did to any victim of theirs. I would stand in the victims shoes a hundred times over if it ment not getting life in prison. It's well and truly enough, and that fact eludes you because you are naive to the idiocy, contradiction, cruelty and double standards the OP's post encourages people to accept.
What is the point of reform if you are never getting out. Why waste money. No one know if the death penalty does or doesn't no one goes to the police and says I was thinking of vomiting this crime but I'm scared of the death penalty. So noone knows it is all speculation.
It does affect me and my life. If affects everyone's since it is there money keeping them alive. If I did something wrong and my punishment was death I would take it and realize I did wrong and this is a fair and just punishment for my crime.
I haven't spent time in prison. But not all criminals get sent to jail. For instance my cousins wife murdered him by shooting him in the back. And guess what she got to fucking walk because of some dipshit hurry and judge buying some selfdefence bullshit.
Crime deserves punisent not reform, especially when your never getting out. And what about people who have no morals and don't care that they murdered, do they suffer more than the victim also?
I am not naive, and it is a matter of opinion about if it is idiocy, contradiction, cruelty and double standard. Based of if you thing people should be punished for doing wrong.
You sound like a pacifist (pussy) if this is the case then no wonder you oppose the death penalty.
Violence does solve violence.
Cool, I think we should humanly but immediately and efficiently execute people like you. Wait, that's kind of hypocritical, isn't it? I'll settle for banishment then.
Right, cause that's an accurate equation... Oh wait your that really kind of stupid that can only be found when siblings marry
because* (or 'cause, if you like).
Strike "really".
Put a period at the end.
You're still wrong.
shouldn't you be smoking pot
camping on Wall Street
killing unborn babies
complaining about how there too many guns
giving Obama a knob job
why do you waste your time speaking with me
there are so many things in the world that you could help with
you could solve all those problems and yet you waste time on me
please go the world needs you
Shouldn't you be drinking bleach?
(Oh, wait, too soon?)
Falling down the escalator,
Looking for golf balls at the firing range,
Leaning into the hyena den at the zoo,
Dancing out in the highway to protest pot,
Jumping off of the nearest tall building,
Or just plain fucking thyself?
It's more of a punishment to live your life in prison in my mind. Because if your living a life sentence in prison you obviously did something terrible so you would be watched over strictly, limiting your freedoms. Life in orison is basically death except you're still living through it.
Two things:
1. This is actually more costly than letting them live.
2. Statistically, there are bound to be some innocent deaths. Also, I don't believe in the death penalty, since I don't want the government to have the authority to decide over life and death. But that's just my opinion. I get why people could disagree on that, which is why I refer to 1 again. It's way more expensive than letting them live.
hate to break it to u but its not more costly to execute than keeping them alive.
Hate to break it to you, but the death penalty is more costly.
Yep, but then you have the ethical problem. Firstly, those methods of killing are highly unreliable. If you want to respect the equality of rights, you can't kill people with those weapons, since those methods result in death penalties with a varying degree of pain. One inmate shouldn't suffer more than the other. Not at random, at least.
And then you have the human factor. In nazi germany, jews were originally killed with bullets. They had to stop doing that, because it was too traumatizing for the executioners. That's the reason why today, we use stuff like electric chairs. Switching a lever is far less traumatizing on the executioner than chopping an axe or shooting a gun.
And last but not least, the execution itself is not the most expensive part. I already explained this to Devyn.
1. BS
2. A very legitimate reason and the reason why there is no death penalty in the UK. Personally I think it's sufficient.
I've posted my sources in a reply to boston12. the death penalty definitely is more costly.
Depends on how you do it. For example, while I by no mean condone this, knocking someone on the head with a rock has got to be cheaper than feeding that person for 30 years.
Yep. But you can't just go and kill someone. The reason why prisoners aren't killed with rocks, or more efficiently, with guns, is because it's an enormous mental strain on the executionist. Stuff like the electric chair is more expensive, but the executioner is less likely to suffer psychological damage if he can do his killing indirectly, by switching a lever.
But electric chairs aren't the greatest cost. The high price of the death penalty isn't in the execution itself. For starters, defense attorneys spend more than double the time on a capital murder case. In Clark County, the average cost of a Public Defender in such a case is $170,000 to $212,000 more than in a non-capital murder case.
And then you have the fact that death row inmates cost about $90,000 more per year than a regular inmate, because they need private cells and extra security.
Still, you can debate whether or not you want the death penalty instated. Personally, I don't find it a tragedy if a murderer dies. But I think we should spend less money on screwing the bad guys, and more money on helping the good guys. We're talking about enormous sums of money here, which we could use on things like cheaper education.
Hell, just having free education for the poor would do a lot for lowering the crime rates. Maybe more so than the death penalty, since there's no proof that instating the death penalty scares off criminals. It's not like the alternative, a lifetime in prison, is all that cushy. But that's just my take on it.
"In Clark County, the average cost of a Public Defender in such a case is $170,000 to $212,000 more than in a non-capital murder case." This is an issue with the legal system, not the concept.
"death row inmates cost about $90,000 more per year than a regular inmate" But they're not in prison for as long, so overall it costs less.
The cheapest way (but obviously not most humane way) to do it would be put the offender in a cell and just leave them for a month. That wouldn't cost much.
Personally I don't want the death penalty instated because I don't agree with killing people for an reason other than to protect others.
Also, do you really not have free education in your country?!
I believe execution as well, but I also believe torture. If a person rapes a kills a woman, in that order, I believe he should be mutilated and stuck in a stone square, where he can either starve to death or live off of rats and water dripping from the ceilings. But thats me, I'm a brutal gal.
I agree with OP, why spend tax dollars supporting the lifers instead of killing them which is whats going to happen anyway through old age
I don't agree, I mean what if they got framed? They got killed for nothing. And rheir family's would be heat broken. Or if like, your dad was a killer, you wwouldant want him dead would you? I'm pretty sure they do I'm America.
Life in prison is a pretty cruel and extreme punishment if you think about it. Just imagine, year after year no matter what the prison is your new home as long as you still breath. You're surrounded by other dangerous criminals and the guards. That's it-I'd rather be dead.
And yes some people deserve to be locked up forever-like those violent serial killers/rapists. Another option is an eye for an eye. People who kill others in terrible ways should be made to experience the exact same death as their victim.
However those who kill in self-defense or kill a scumbag of a human like Hitler should be given lenient sentences or none at all depending on the situation.
The man that punishes severely, punishes least.
While I agree in theory, your OP lacks any rhyme or reason as to why and how we should execute these criminals.
I agree with this. I want to buy my own jail and turn it into a Hello Kitty Castle.
I think you should get more familiarized with the judicial system and the many corrupt douche-bags inside of it before you make such plans.
murderers use violence to solve a problem..socitety says you should not kill or use violence and then uses violence and kill the murderer ...it does not make sense..it is hypocrisy...but that is what socity is hypocritical
Yup. They don't deserve to live for free off our tax money, while also occupying space needed to imprison new criminals.