I think we should have a public holiday pajama day iin?
We should have a public holiday Pajama Day where it's compulsory to wear pajamas outside of the house (fines would apply for non compliance).
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We should have a public holiday Pajama Day where it's compulsory to wear pajamas outside of the house (fines would apply for non compliance).
Sure, it can come a week after Everybody Has to Suck Blowhard's Cock Day.
Sounds like a god idea accept the fines cos it should be a option to participate or not as you feel like it.
If one doesn't even own PJ's, why should it be compulsory to wear them ever?
Sure, why not?
I like the "ride the subway without your pants day" that was enjoyed all over the world recently, and I think we should have more light hearted similar activities. Maybe in warm weather we could have a "wear your swimsuit to work day", too!