I told my grandmother to shut up in public

She is annoying AF
I respect her but sometimes she gets on my head and i am really sick. We were walking and i got 5 meters in front of her and she started screaming "Stop walking so fast". And after it happened TWICE i got sick and decided to just go and ignore her. Like wtf do u expect grandma? U walk like a turtle and im not used to walking on your speed since im 19. When she started yelling REALLY loud in front of people i told her "SHUT UP". Now i feel kinda bad.

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Comments ( 32 )
  • charli.m

    Congrats. You're still a bratty, spoiled child.

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    • LloydAsher

      I agree with you. Never talk to your grandparents with such a level of disrespect hell they started your branch of the family tree give them some respect.

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  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    I mean people that age just can’t walk that fast dude...
    Most people don’t like it if ur walking in front or behind them
    And for the annoying part, yes elders can be very annoying, a certain annoyance that is sometimes even added during age, but that’s not their fault, that just biology and stuff
    Like the forgetfulness, not being able to move that well, needing help all the time and other things. Maybe say sorry, explain to her you were in a bad mood or something
    But just, when being with elders try staying calm. Most mean well

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  • Uh, maybe she didn't want to walk a mile behind you because she likes spending time with you?

    Lord knows why.

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    • Ellenna

      Maybe, but more likely she just can't walk as fast as a teenager, which is entirely normal.

      Oh well, he'll be old one day too if he's lucky and then he'll know what it's like. I do want to point out that old people can remember what it was like to be young, but young people don't know what it's like to be old, which shouldn't stop them having some empathy and understanding and of course, good manners.

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  • LloydAsher

    Respect your God Damn Elders.

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  • Ichabuskene

    Picture fucking perfect. Learn some manners.

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  • CDmale4fem

    Maybe Grandpa should come kick your ass. Teach you a lesson. Ever since kids can't be disciplined, spanked, snakes or just taught right from wrong these kids sit back "touch me and I'm calling the police." attitude. Ever since that Dr Spock (nitrate trek talked about the issues with spanking then that's when society went to worse than shir. These spoiled little beats with their $1000 cell phone and they get to lazy to do shit for Themself. WHEN Kids have discipline and structure then society's structure works better.

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    • Ellenna

      Bullshit: my daughter was raised using Dr Spock's ideas and now that I'm old she's very patient and considerate of me, especially when we're walking somewhere together and I can't keep up with her - me, who used to walk so fast other people would complain they couldn't keep up with me? She's also fairly patient with my hardness of hearing, although she does sometimes remind me to put my hearing aids in.

      My three grandchildren are also patient with me, also raised without corporal punishment or strict discipline.

      Please explain what a "(nitrate trek is? And I assume you mean brats, not beats? Looks as if your upbringing could've included some discipline about using correct grammar and spelling?

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      • CDmale4fem

        And you must have done one hell of a good job raising them. It's nice to hear that society hasn't fully gone to shit yet. I was raised "treat others as you would like others to treat you in return. And remember that someone can only do to you what you allow them to. Kids growing up the parents let the kids talk back, raise their vouces. I know someone that when I was at their house one night, the mom is mid 40's and the son 20 something,(disrespectful pinch of shit.) Was mad at his mom and said to his mom "you fucking dumb bitch". I wanted to smack him. I was raised that women are treated with respect until they prove not worthy. Myself, I feel that kids growing up NEED TO KNOW there are always consequences for their actions. Good or bad.
        But congrats to you for teaching your kids.

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  • momwatcher69

    If you were MY kid, and did that to MY mom, I'd slap the shit outta you !

    Grandparents have forgotten MORE shit, than a dick, like you, will EVER learn.

    They have a WHOLE life of experiences, and have great advice, if you're willing to think outside yourself, and listen.

    I'll bet you aren't so shitty, at Christmas, and your birthday, when grandma is giving you gifts ?!

    Your post starts off: "I respect her but" ..... NO, YOU DON'T.
    Can't WAIT to hear what you do, to older pets.
    Don't forget YOU will be elderly someday (if someone doesn't beat you to death).
    You're a self-centered little prick !!

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    • NoLifer


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  • leggs91200

    Children and old people both tend to test one's patience.

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  • She shouldn't have yelled about something like that, in public no less. I don't blame you for telling her to shut up, (even though it makes you look bad) but you should've slowed down your walking pace.

    Old people joints can't just stop creaking with a spritz of WD-40, you know. They need extra slack, so be considerate and cut the old woman some.

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  • rockyrocks

    Sorry, but fuck grandma. If she's being annoying and yelling at you in public, you have the right to give her attitude back. She's gonna die soon, anyway.

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    • momwatcher69

      You're a jackass !!

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  • raisinbran

    Old people need to be put in their place sometimes.

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    • momwatcher69

      AGAIN.... you are a fuck-stick !!

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      • raisinbran

        quiet, you.

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    • Ellenna

      And where would that place be?

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      • raisinbran

        A place of not being self-entitled just because they are old.

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  • Unknown_player

    She was embarrassing you so its sort of understandable for your lashing out but you're not a sociopath or anything because you feel guilt over it

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  • gaz3912

    Both my grandmothers have passed and are now in heaven.


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  • geek_god_101

    I did that to my grandfather because he was yelling in a restaurant and wouldn't put his hearing aids in. I don't believe it is normal to yell at older relatives though.

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  • Flawless

    you were both kind of rude but you shouldn't have walked ahead of her in the first place if she didn't want you to. it's good that you feel badly about it.

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  • jethro

    You're a dick. Plain and simple.

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  • BigToe

    You need to be more patient with old grams. Believe me they love you to death but just can't keep up with the younger gen. Also their minds start to go.

    If you believe it or not you will be old one day and you need to treat others how you would want to be treated.

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  • dimwitted

    I can kind of relate. I accidentally hit my mom's arm while she was screeching at the airport. I still think about it a decade later.

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    • Ellenna

      Did you apologize? I'll bet she forgave you, right?

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    • leggs91200

      Kind of like what the OP experienced, we tend to lose our cool when someone is acting a certain way. Testing someone's nerves seldom ends well.

      For you and also the OP - best to just let it go.

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  • cipro


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  • IvanRoberts

    You should've slapped her around the face in the meantime.

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