I took this advice all my life

I took this advice all my life, and that's to take pride in being different, in scarce cases to take pride in being weird.
The result of what I'm recruited in throughout my life from a teen to an adult, not just in being different or weird, but in matters like veganism, Christianity on the whole, Puritanism, Christian veganism, Christian vegetarianism, Lutheranism, Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, Christian Science, even Epicureanism, hedonism, and poshness, because I listened to this advice was trouble.
I was fighting like a wanker because I thought it was good, I was the cause of society's trouble because I listened to rebellious recruitment teachers, that's what it was all my life, I read some of these things on the internet and the doctor caused havoc for me, it doesn't smell like trouble to me, that's why I got in trouble, I had no smell for trouble. Then I grew out of it and my life's a breeze, but in being a breeze you'll see that somebody is going to screw up your life, it always happens, you'll see in thinking the good is the truth reality is actually very negative then you'll regret not being a pessimist.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Can't you just be a mixture of all those things, and above all just be yourself without being so rigid? I still would love to know your diagnosis, but it's none of my business.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Schizophrenia, and something that makes you so naïve, I was trolling, why do you think I wrote a sick post? But my point is to turn you off as a troll, not any serious post.

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      • RoseIsabella

        ... but I'm not really trying to troll you, Hans.

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        • normal-rebellious

          Yes, but that's OK, the reality it was a mistake. And I proudly make mistakes just to endorse my imperfection.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Well, it is true that nobody is perfect.

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            • normal-rebellious

              Yes, but that's only true to non-perfectionists, then you can see the struggle of perfectionists who keep getting put down by that belief standing up for the belief in absolute perfection, then it doesn't work, people get jealous of them, there's no confidence in this belief with most people. People are secretly wanting to cheapen perfectionists, and make their imagination of the perfect ugly.

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