I tried cutting my hair to make it look like bts hair, is this crazy?

Let me be honest. I used to Hate BTS...whenever I heard of them; I would roll my eyes and move on. I just couldn't stand them. But SUDDENLY, As I got to know them more' The more I became a Fan and now I think of them all the time. It got to the point where I tried cutting my hair to have the same hairstyle as them but failed.

It's actually kind of embarrassing, but funny at the same time. I'm not over-the-top obsessed as to do something dangerous or creepy, but I don't know if cutting my hair to look like their's is going over the top. What do you all think?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • palehorse

    I've never gotten into K-Pop, but I have been a hardcore fan about things before, and I don't think anyone believes getting a haircut is an extremely unusual activity... go ahead, your obsession will probably wear off at some point, but by then your hair would have grown out again.

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  • Nicole20

    It's fine to be gay.

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  • sissycakes

    is bts a korean band? i guess it is normal like that person that got justin biebers face tattooed on him or those people that got plastic surgery to look like celebrities.

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  • jethro

    Usually children stop cutting their own hair at about 3. So I would say that it isn't normal.

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