I tried to look at my ex best friend's vaccine records

This is Mr. wedding crasher. I have been getting better with my obsession but I still have it. I have been a lot less worried about it. However something happened. My brother was looking up his vaccine records and remarked that he thought a person could easily look up anyone's vaccine records. It was through my U.S. states department of health website. My first thought when I heard this was: "I can get new information on him!!!" I created an email account in his name and tried to claim them. I got to the last step which was the phone number linked to these records. I guessed the number that I found on a background check website. It was his parents' landline. I put it it. Apparently, it called them with a code, so I was unable to complete it. This happened at 11:30 pm.

My current burning questions are:

Why doesn't he have a cell phone number?
Why is he still using his parents' phone number if he lives away from them?
Could he be dead?
Does he really hate me so much that he would have unlisted numbers and be extremely private just to avoid me?

I don't know if he is married, but all the signs (profiles, his church bulletin, online checks) point to no. I am not feeling nearly as much pain as 3 years ago, but I'm still very interested. I will always wonder what happened between us. I never indicated my extreme feelings to him at all. I know that all of you have been wondering about me. I felt I needed to post this update.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Youre a stalker

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  • Yaidin

    Please pick up a hobby. Play an instrument. Learn a new language. Pick up a sport. Please

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    The fact that you impersonated him to get personal info is not normal. This person wanted nothing to do with the obsession he sensed you had and distanced himself from you, yet you still try to pursue info after three years. Give this a rest.

    Pro tip; dude might have an IIN account and already knows. Maybe that's why everything he does is so elusive. XD

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    • If by some chance he does have an account here, I dare him to say my name and why he left me. It would give me closure and I would finally know why.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You need to put this to rest, and move on with your life.

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    • LloydAsher

      Are you really giving a pass to this stalking behaviour?

      Once your out of a relationship it's best to stop giving a fluff about them. This is just stalking at this point.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I didn't think I was giving OP a pass. I guess it just didn't have the energy to tear em a new asshole like I would normally do. Stalking is a really fucked up thing to do. I always find it kinda funny in a pathetic way when someone is stuck on somebody who is not not interested in them. People like OP need to get interested in working on their character defects, and leave those who aren't interested in them alone.

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  • Meowypowers

    Where do people still articulate the English language and still wear a mask?

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    • LloydAsher

      England? Australia? The usa is pretty much done with it, the occasional person has one but mostly it's just people who are required to wear it.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    No, this is not normal, impersonating him and trying to access private information crossed a line. Are you really surprised that he has no publicly available mobile number when he now has a history of being stalked?

    I think on your last post I asked you what you hoped to achieve by crashing his wedding so I’m going to ask now, what did you hope to achieve by invading his privacy?

    It’s good to hear that your sadness is starting to subside but you have a long way to go on the road to healthily accepting the ending of this friendship.

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    • After thinking about it, the only thing I can achieve by trying to learn about him is to cause him suffering as retribution for the last 3 years of obsessive pain I have suffered. I see your point, I can't force him to be my friend. I still feel considerably better than 3 years ago. Why wouldn't his medical records be under a publicly unavailable number instead of his parents' number? When I got my own records, I tried the wrong number first which was my parents' phone. It only says verification code sent if there is a match. I wonder how he could know all this without me telling him. I have never said his name and if he wants nothing to do with me, then he won't be looking at these posts.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        Making him suffer won’t heal your pain.

        You also say that he is oblivious to your obsession with him but are you sure that’s the case?

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        • He has never confronted me about it. The last time I saw him was 3/23/2019 at a Catholic youth festival. He seemed nice as always. I texted him before I found him there and when I found him, I asked if he got it. He said he didn't have his phone. His girlfriend and him were sharing a backpack. Later in the day, I saw them both using phones. I think he may have lied to me hoping I wouldn't find him. I wonder why he would be nice to me and not give any indication that he doesn't ever want to see me again. If he knows how obsessed I am, why hasn't he told me to stop or complained about it? If I could just talk to him one more time and clear this up, I could possibly recover from this faster. Would he really want to deal with this forever? Sometimes it seems that a confrontation is the only way to bring about a resolution. It's all speculation to me unless he tells me.

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