I use hell to fervently explain why to be catholic

I have always had a hard time following my religion. I have always wanted to do what i want. The only thing stopping me is my fear of hell and how it's irreversible. Don't try to turn me into an athiest or convince me the devil doesn't exist. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. This is causing so many people to go to hell.

If someone is doing a mortal sin, especially when it's posted online, I will say something about hell and how that is where they are going if they continue. I would never say this to someone I know, just strangers online. I saw a post today about students at the college i went to opposing the overturning of roe vs wade. This greatly pissed me off and I commented using my fake account. I still believe these feelings. I i was walking by these protesting women, I may have been bold enough to say "good luck in hell!" If you commit mortal is and are not sorry, then that is where you're going. It will happen immediately after death. It's wrong to kill unborn babies.

I must admit that if hell was not an object, I would be doing what I want. To be honest, I don't like seeing other people having their sinful fun since i'm too scared to do it. I don't want people to have more pleasurable lives than me. I know it's an aggressive tactic, but I feel the need to express myself. Following God or not and going to heaven or hell is what our entire existence is all about. I fear God way more than I love him, but I'm working on that. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I think that I will be able to be good enough to get into heaven as long as I don't do anything mortally wrong, such as: homosexual acts, killing someone, disregarding God, stopping going to church ect.

If I have to work this hard at salvation, then EVERYONE has to!!! I'm not going to bust my ass while someone is having their sinful pleasures if we both get into heaven. Not everyone is going to heaven. People aren't committing suicide and getting a free ride into heaven. I just hate that I can't do what I want. God is real and I will follow him no matter what I feel like doing.

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Comments ( 25 )
  • KholatKhult

    There are two gods - Vladimir Lenin, and my wife

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  • Grunewald

    If you're primary motivated by your fear of hell, I would urge you to reconsider who God is. I don't think a relationship of terror is the kind of relationship he wants with you. It isn't the sort of relationship that I or RoseIsabella would say we have with God.

    For info by the way, RoseIsabella has said that she is a Catholic. I am not a Catholic but I am Catholic-friendly. In fact, RoseIsabella and I like listening to the same Catholic preacher, Fr. Mike Schmitz! RoseIsabella's beliefs don't fall within Clunk's definition of Catholicism, which is more restrictive than even the Pope's definition. Clunk has said that he is different from us; let him be considered as different from us.

    Now OP, Catholic or protestant, I understand that Jesus is accepted by both to have said this about the things he shared with the world: "the truth will set you free". You don't sound very free. He is known by both to have said "Come you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest." You sound weary and heavy-laden but you don't sound like you have found rest. He said "My burden is light". Your burden sounds literally as heavy as hell.

    Could your solution be to try and re-imagine God as being different from what you thought he was? Maybe you could meet up with a Christian you trust, or a Christian leader who takes these statements of Jesus to heart, and could share more with you, and show you what his/her relationship with God looks like.

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    • Clunk42

      The "pope" has stated that Mohammedans and Jews worship the same God as Catholics, and that heretics and apostates are still a part of the Church, simply because they have been baptized. His opinions on who is Catholic and who is not are not exactly the most restrictive opinions. In fact, they are the opposite of restrictive, when it comes to Catholicism.

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      • Grunewald

        Case in point: you don't think that the pope is a real pope.

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  • Tommythecaty

    That’s weird, because I use hell to fervently explain why not to be.

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  • Clunk42

    Why would you hate following God? God is good. His commands are good. The other people who are not following God are not doing anything good. Objectively, you have the better life (assuming you're not a liar), because your life is full of good deeds. Is it not true that the life of the martyr is the greatest life one can live?

    It seems that you envy sin, but you should not envy it. To envy sin is to admit that sin is good, but sin is not good, so to envy sin is evil. To want to sin is a sin in itself.

    I notice that you mentioned "homosexual acts" as something that you shouldn't do. Or you actually disposed towards that, or are you just spouting examples? I suppose it does not matter, as long as you remember: the punishment prescribed for all unnatural vice (when done often enough) by Pope Leo IX and Pope Saint Pius V is death. It is better to be dead than live to participate in such acts as that.

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    • Wow3986

      God isn't good. That's loads of bullshit.

      If he was so good, he wouldn't allow rapist fucks like you to live. What kind of god would allow rapists to walk this other? You disgusting human being.

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      • Fuzzybrain

        God does not let them walk away they always get punished even though we humans get to kill them they always get punished far worse in hell ,and the punishment is worse than any mortal being can comprehend.

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        • Wow3986

          Come back when you've stopped bullshitting.

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    • I have experienced strong homosexual feelings. I'm still obsessed with me ex best friend, and this is part of it. I find him attractive. I rarely experience heterosexual feelings. However, I will never act on homosexuality or heterosexuality before marriage. My main motivator is my fear of hell.

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      • Clunk42

        You know, I did have the urge to say "Don't listen to Wow" a while back, but now I believe it is prudent for me to say: Don't listen to Wow; he's a presumptuous liar filled with hatred towards the truth.

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      • Wow3986

        Don't listen to Clunk. They are a rapist and a homophobe, as well as a hypocritical religious nutjob. Are you really gonna let someone as heinous and insane as Clunk decide what you are doing is wrong? Btw homosexuality isn't horrific or evil. In fact, homosexuality is perfectly normal. And you aren't going to hell. For the love of god, do not let this mentally disturbed fuck put these thoughts in your head.

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      • Clunk42

        It is good that you do not act upon those feelings. However, your main motivator to do good should not be a fear of Hell. It should be a love of God. Remember again, that such actions (unnatural vice) are so heinous that it would be better for you to be dead than for you to live and practice them. That is how horrific those actions are to God, and it should be that fact that prevents you from performing those actions.

        I notice that you say you "will never act on homosexuality or heterosexuality before marriage." I am hoping that I am interpreting this correctly, and that you not refer to a "homosexual 'marriage'". Assuming that I am interpreting this correctly, and that you are not referring to such evils, I will say that it seems to me that you are simply not called to marriage. For, if your dispositions are such that you are not disposed to marriage, you should not marry.

        Perhaps you should pray to God to provide you the grace to not sin for love of God, as opposed to fear of Hell.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Man I tell ya what I just got thr biggest deja vu reading clunks response then your response to him. I feel like 4 years ago or so this exact same conversation happened idk.

        But anyway I think you should stay strong and avoid the temptations forever. You are a better person for it. We are all just disgusting degenerates in society now and once you start with the degeneracy its really hard to stop because you normalize it to yourself. You'll think wow I did this nasty thing and god didnt strike me dead and I can just repent later. Then you live a shitty life and be a bad person.

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  • ospry

    This is going to sound like an asshole question, but I promise I don't mean it that way. Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? The reason I ask is because I have OCD and one of my biggest subsets of OCD is Religious OCD. Your post seems to match the thought patterns of someone with OCD. I think it might be helpful if you bring up screening for mental health the next time you visit your doctor. Something as important as your religion shouldn't be causing you this much anxiety, distress, and resentment for others. And it seems unlikely to me that God would want you to be feeling those ways God truly is perfect and loving, which is what I believe

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    • Yes I have been diagnosed with OCD and generalized anxiety.

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      • ospry

        I'm sorry to hear that. OCD is a hell of an illness to have. Try to remember that the reason you feel so mixed and awful inside is because OCD targets the things that you value or hold in high regard and convinces you that you're somehow perverting it. The way you feel is due to an illness, not because God is punishing you or wants to see you suffer. If you can keep that frame of mind then it makes it a little easier

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  • howaminotmyself

    Yeah, I don't think you'll be getting into heaven with that attitude.

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    • I'm hoping that by at least begrudgingly following the rules I will make it to purgatory where I will be purged of by bad attitude.

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      • howaminotmyself

        You think you can fool a god. Lol.

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  • Fuzzybrain

    I don't follow the catholic faith because it doesn't follow the Bible and I don't follow the baptist methodist or Lutheran due to their concrete traditions that are not a part of the Bible. I do believe that the best way to worship is through the Bible alone ,and what I mean by bible is the entire book excluding the apocrypha which is seen as mere stories compared to the Bible. also screw the pope he is just a man given power by other men ,you would know this if you read the Bible or in fact any history book about Europe.

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  • LloydAsher


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  • jodi1955

    post is way to long, gave up after the first 8 lines, so dont know

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    As far as I know everyone on here except clunk and I are atheists so you wont get good advice on here. Ask a priest.

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    • Clunk42

      I can name a few other Christians on here, though none of them are Catholic. RoseIsabella and Grunewald come to mind. There are also a couple of agnostics and a Mohammedan.

      I will agree, though, that still leaves only one Catholic (myself), so there is indeed a lack of people who can give good advice here.

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