I used to abuse animals in the past

From the ages of 8-26 approximately, I abused a lot of animals. Dogs, cats, and birds. Abuse- not torture. I used to hit them, put rubber bands on their snouts and pull it, pinch the cats and birds toes, stuff like that. I used to also scare a cat to death by putting her in a dark space.

Anyhow, I've been in therapy and while we didn't talk about animal abuse specifically, I think I am healed from it and would never repeat it. I'm in my early 30s and want to adopt a kitten. How will I know I'm ready? I do feel remorse and sadness over what I did.

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Comments ( 33 )
  • profanity

    Please dont adopt anything. Stay away from animals.

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  • Vvaas

    it's good you're seeking therapy but honestly i don't think it would be a good idea to adopt any animal. i think you need to have a full on and honest talk with your therapist first and tell them more clearly what you did.

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  • litelander8

    Right. That’s torture. But idk if you should bring it up in therapy Bc it may rehash old feelings to do so.

    You should NEVER own animals.

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    • RoseIsabella

      THIS!!! 100%

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  • Jh9856

    When i was a kid, i used to do horrible things as well. But i didn't had the concience that it was wrong. I regret that so much. If you feel bad for what you did, maybe voluntary work at a pet shelter would be a better idea instead of adopting.

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  • Trichfuzz

    You shouldn’t be able to own a pet, just like an alcoholic should never go to the bar. You aren’t to be trusted.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Many of us have done things in our past that we are not proud of and that many would find offensive.

    But, the past is the past.

    The question is have you changed and what will you be doing in the future?...

    Act better in the future and you will likely feel better in real life.

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  • Somenormie

    The past was in the past the only thing that you can change is yourself.

    I wish you all the best in life.

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  • KholatKhult

    You’re defective and shouldn’t be allowed to stay

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    • sweetone89

      This person shouldn't be allowed to stay?? Do you mean she should die? Why would you even write this? You could cause more psychological damage. Defective? Are you a bully?

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      • KholatKhult

        This person abused animals for 18 years and you’re mad at me ?

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        • sweetone89

          At least she's trying to change or has changed? Maybe she needs your compassion instead you telling her she's defective and should be dead. Maybe compassion would make her feel better and would lead to greater self esteem and perhaps even a lower risk of future abuse?

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          • Gambler

            Who. Fucking. Cares. Moron.

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        How do you know it's a female? Are you the OP?

        If so, I would like to snap that rubber band across your tiddies in a dark space, wimpy bitch.

        Tbh tho I've done some similar stuff as a teenager but I have no desire to own animals. You want a kitten cuz you're selfish.

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        • sweetone89

          Read all the comments!

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    I went through a similar phase and in therapy I learned that it was all pent up anger from my horrible childhood. Now I have a dog whom I love and he loves me. I can't bear to think that I'll lose him some day.

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  • iEatZombies_

    I would start with something like fish and talk to your therapist about your animal abuse more directly if you're considering taking on an animal as a responsibility.
    Start with some of the less severe things you've done to them if it makes you uncomfortable.
    Take small, consistent steps.

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  • Ligeia

    I wouldn't think it would be a problem if you no longer have the urge and the cat definitely wouldn't be in any harm, but I would bring it up with the therapist. Abusing animals in childhood is a huge red flag of someone who is mentally disturbed it's something you should work out as long as you're in therapy

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  • Gambler

    Are you a guy or girl? Troubled childhood, or no?

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    • Female. Troubled is a nice way to put it. I had a very unstable, antisocial mother and was emotionally abused.

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      • Gambler

        I don’t think that’s too out of the ordinary. Nor can I see why you wouldn’t be fit to adopt a cat if you don’t have the same urges anymore.

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  • raisinbran

    Sure, you can practice abusing the kitten less until your urge is gone. Decrease torture days by one every two months, at the end of next year you'll be cured.

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    • profanity

      lmao. Love your wit dude.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    I'll make sure to give you that medal you want.

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  • kelili

    If you knew how common it was here to hang dogs that ate eggs and hens or any other farm animals! It was just how things were and nobody was shocked. It was a rational decision to get rid of dogs that were causing property loss.

    And I also remember that my mum told me that I should never kick a dog but if I have to beat it that I should throw a stone at it or beat it with a stick.

    Things have now changed now. But we never did hit animals just for the fun of it.

    If you want to have a cat go for it and you can give it up for adoption if you realise that you were not ready.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Where are you?

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      • kelili

        Rodrigues Island. It's in the Indian Ocean.

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        She is Caribbean or somewhere similar if I remember right.

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        • kelili

          There are things similar to the two cultures but my island is in the Indian Ocean.

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  • Bobtailcatgirl

    Future serial killer

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  • Tommythecaty

    I was harmful to both animals and later people as a younger human. Mellowed out as I started to to gain insight into myself. Good that you’re going to therapy. Introspection is a good thing, work out what drives you.

    I had genetics, unusual environmental stress and multiple concussions that I used to not even think an issue. Seems absurd to me nowadays that I ignored it. But that’s the tragic catch 22, those things skew your ability to register the problems in the first place often times. You clearly know, and more importantly, care that something is very wrong with you, and that’s a good sign.

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  • RoseIsabella

    NO, YOU SHOULDN'T EVER OWN A PET, ESPECIALLY NOT A KITTEN!!! Go buy yourself a stuffed animal instead!

    It is better for a person to go without the privilege of pet ownership than for a helpless kitten to ever be harmed!

    Good on you for going to going to therapy, keep up the good work, and stay away from animals, especially vulnerable baby animals. You are not entitled to have everything you want, or desire in life, no one is! Get over it, and go buy yourself a plush toy instead!

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