I've had two dreams in a row about horrible car wrecks
A night or two ago, I had a dream that I witnessed a fatal car accident in which an entire family lost their father and I was comforting the children.
Last night, I had a dream that I had just finished having a wonderful stay with a friend and we were driving on the highway (oddly enough, the biggest detail that sticks out to me is that we were in a maroon/burgundy Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera with maroon/burgundy interior... I've never known anyone with a car like this in my life and have no idea where it came from) when I had a dreadful feeling that an accident was about to happen (but thought it was going to involve us), when we witnessed a very serious accident happen right in front of us. It almost looked as if the cars had exploded. I was sure someone had died, but it turned out non-fatal. I don't remember much else other than that we were all very upset.
I do a lot of driving and am always worried about the safety of my loved ones on the road as well, so it's bothered me a bit that I've had two dreams in a row about horrible car wrecks when I haven't been thinking much about them in real life. Does this mean anything and should I be worried?