I've played guitar for 7 years but i can't read music? iin?
I'm 21 now and started playing when I was 14, and I can't read music at all. When I started, I learned where the notes were and what they sound like, as well as all the chords. My mother taught me how to play but she didn't teach me to read music because when I started, she'd not played the guitar for a long time and she was rusty and didn't remember much. When I did try to learn I found it difficult as I've always found it easier listening to it rather than reading, so I knew if I made mistakes or if I was playing at the right speed, so I gave up. I've never felt the need to learn as I've never taken exams for it, I've just played it by ear the whole time. Some friends of mine said I might NEED to learn at some point. Is this normal?