I've run away from life and started again 7 times now

My life has been crazy to say the least. It all started when I was at school. My sister got seriously ill in hospital, I stopped working hard or even caring for myself and as a result I got bullied so I left that school and went to a new one. In the new school my dad couldn't take the pressure and at one point threatened my life so I ended up getting him arrested, didn't speak to him for 10 years and same thing happened in that school I got bullied so I left and went to college. In college I was happy and stayed put to the end of my course, however after that I couldn't find work so I moved to a different location to get a chance in life. After I moved there I was 20 and had never had a boyfriend... so I was too naive and was unlucky enough for someone to take advantage of me and so I moved to a different country to get away and start fresh.. again! After this I met someone and we were living together and were engaged, then one night he lost the temper with me and the neighbor called the police which lead to our break up and me moving back to my home country but again in a completely different region. After job hopping in that region for a while I decided to go back to university, I had to relocate to the uni I was accepted in and I loved it there. Unfortunately when I was desperate for work my boss took advantage of me and messed me up completely. I mean how can this happen to someone twice?! I ended up in hospital as after this I lost the plot and tried suicide but was evidently unsuccessful. Anyways I had met someone special who unfortunately lives in a different country during this time and he supported me throughout! But after this trauma I felt the need to move again and so I relocated to a different university. After just six months at this university I realised I hated where I was living and moved again.. but this time beside the sea! I love it here but my partner has been asking me to move to his country and to be honest I am so sick of moving! but it looks like once my degree is finished I will be joining him in this other country. I mean who else does this?! What is wrong with me? Is it normal at all?

Voting Results
29% Normal
Based on 31 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Perhaps by now you are getting the idea that no matter how far or fast you run, you can't ever run away from yourself. It might be time to look inside for a reason why you keep feeling like the next place is going to be better than the last.

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    • lizzi72

      Very very good point there lol

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  • iflex4lyfe

    I wish I could start again whenever I want.

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  • semenandgarspunkel


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  • noid

    Make him relocate to your country.

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