I've used a slightly fake voice when i went to school.

Ever since 2nd grade, I have used a slightly higher voice. Which, when you compare my normal voice to the fake one, has very little difference at all. I switched to it because I thought my voice sounded too deep like a boy and so I made it higher. It was higher than normal and people took notice. Then it got closer to my normal voice over time, but I can still tell the difference. I sometimes use it in public stores and such, but not very much anymore. I also use it when I feel uncomfortable around people I don't know very well. I've always talked in my normal voice around all of my relatives and family with no problem. It's just school and public places that I then use it. I'm sure this isn't normal. No matter how badly I wanted to revert back to my normal voice at school, I literally could never do it. But when I say it has very little difference, I mean that I demonstrated to a few friends and they said they both sounded the same, but I can tell the difference. I don't think I'll ever break this habit. What do you think? (By the way, I have social anxiety and aspergers, if that helps.)

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46% Normal
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Comments ( 7 )
  • NotHumanAtAll

    If your voice really is as deep as you think it is, I just want to tell you I find girls with deep voices incredibly sexy. To the point where if they didn't have a deep voice, I wouldn't really notice them and they'd be just an average girl.

    So maybe you're altering the one thing that might make you irresistibly attractive to someone... how dare you take that away from them? ;)

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    • My normal voice has gotten slightly higher over the years, but I assume from puberty and such. It wasn't really that deep, I guess in my younger mind I was over exaggerating. But I do find it nice that you are accepting of females with deeper than normal voices. ;o;

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  • Shackleford96

    I think that's normal, we all have our own social idiosyncrasies I would think.

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  • Lamronba

    It makes me sad when people try so hard to be liked by others. Well at least your friends don't notice it right? Most people are insecure themselves so they'll focus on themselves instead of your voice.

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    • Well, I don't do it to be liked by others. I was just insecure. Now I use it when I'm around people I don't know because I was so used to doing that same thing at school. I assume it's a comfort thing.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I use a slightly fake voice all the time. I haven't heard my real voice in years. I think growing up, I watched too many movies where the actors have transatlantic accents.

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    • Weirdo.

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