I've used a slightly fake voice when i went to school.
Ever since 2nd grade, I have used a slightly higher voice. Which, when you compare my normal voice to the fake one, has very little difference at all. I switched to it because I thought my voice sounded too deep like a boy and so I made it higher. It was higher than normal and people took notice. Then it got closer to my normal voice over time, but I can still tell the difference. I sometimes use it in public stores and such, but not very much anymore. I also use it when I feel uncomfortable around people I don't know very well. I've always talked in my normal voice around all of my relatives and family with no problem. It's just school and public places that I then use it. I'm sure this isn't normal. No matter how badly I wanted to revert back to my normal voice at school, I literally could never do it. But when I say it has very little difference, I mean that I demonstrated to a few friends and they said they both sounded the same, but I can tell the difference. I don't think I'll ever break this habit. What do you think? (By the way, I have social anxiety and aspergers, if that helps.)