I want a psychologist vs counselor vs social worker?

I’m under the opinion that for my mental health needs I should have a psychologist. They will be the most trained, educated, experienced and have clinical know how to help with my issues. I see a counselor as suitable as well, meaning they could do the job, but for specific issues a psychologist might help better.
A social worker on the other hand seems like bottom of the ladder to me, working only with cases with the public like addicts/criminals/recovery, or at least didn’t have the education as the aforementioned. Note, I’m not talking about a psychiatrist who primarily prescribes medicine.

I started therapy again and told my therapist my expectations and said I’m looking for a psychologist primarily but a counselor would suffice, for those reasons. He gave a confused/disagreement look on his face, like I’m wrong and this is not the case.

I don’t think I’m wrong on this. What do you think? I suffer from multiple issues: depression, anxiety, ocd, dissociation, self esteem-self worth, addiction issues, etc.

I see no reason to not try to get the best treatment if I can, and I feel if I had to see a social worker I wouldn’t be; and that a psychologist will have the backbone to help with my specific needs.

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63% Normal
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Comments ( 18 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Look for someone who specializes in your particular issues.

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    • donkeykong716

      Yes, trying.

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    It isn’t a good idea to self-prescribe. However, in your intake interview, they should be able to assign you to the type of practitioner best suit to your case. That being said, you always have the option of saying that you’re not comfortable with the person you’re seeing.

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    • donkeykong716

      Yeah but lots of people self-prescribe, in other areas of life.

      I’m not a total numbnuts and I’ve seen enough therapists to count on both hands.

      I would be more comfortable with someone who understands me and knows what I’m talking about.
      Instead of me having to explain it to someone who doesn’t know as much.

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  • olderdude-xx

    You are primarily looking for someone who:

    1) Has expertise dealing with your specific issue.

    2) Matches you personality wise that you are comfortable with working with.

    What degree or title they have is irrelevant if they have the above 2 qualifications.

    I charity mentored for decades - and am really good at certain things; and not experienced at all at other things and won't touch certain subjects (I refer them to others I know in some cases with expertise in that area - or just sent them on their way to find someone else they can work with).

    On the basis of that I underwent Life Coaching Training and started a Life Coaching Business prior to Covid-19 sidelining me with significant long-term fatigue and mental fog issues.

    You need someone who knows how to help you with your major issues, and you get along with. A Charity mentor/life coach may be able to do far more for you than a social worker, counselor, or psychologist; and maybe you need one of the others.

    Key is that individual people specialize. A psychologist who is say an expert in human sexuality will be able to do nothing with someone with irrational fears of common things in the world.

    Find someone who specializes in your issue first. That's most important.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Brother, you should look into trying cognizin for your mental fog. Its been amazing for me. Its a natural vitamin you can get at walmart that allows more blood flow in your brain and it helps neurons send signals to each other faster. It converts into choline in your brain which you already get in your food but not enough. Studies have shown it may reduce your risk of dementia. I wish I found it a long time ago I think I have issues from concussions and its seemed to take away all the symptoms after a week or so. It helps me form sentences better when Im talking.

      Also the whole life coach thing sounds cool I always wanted to try one.

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      • olderdude-xx

        I wish it was that easy.

        My immune system has gone crazy, and is creating allergies to virtually everything I ingest.

        At this point the only think I know that I can ingest reasonably safely is beef and sea salt. How the beef is cooked is important. I cannot handle fried or grilled beef as I react to the browning. I'm still working on how to cook beef without problems.

        I react to the trace plasticizers from plastic water bottles. I now have glass bottles that I fill at home for travel (I have cases of them for overnight trips and travel).

        All of the "inert" ingredients in over the counter pills appear suspect. I have been trying pure supplements (pure caffeine powder - I reacted to, and a few others that I cannot recall at the moment - I have a list). My next experiment is pure CoQ10 powder.

        I did read about one medical study where they have found a way to identify an overactive immune system and shut it down. I hope to be able to contact those Dr's and see if I can somehow be included.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          My mother has auto immune issues and I am thinking about ordering her NAC. Ive been researching this drug lately because it converts into the most powerful anti-oxidant and has the FDA now trying to classify it as a pharmaceutical drug because it reduces inflammation and they classified inflammation as a disease. So since NAC treats a disease legally that gives them the ability to try to make it a pharmaceutical that is needed to be prescribed by a doctor.

          This controversy started because alot of people have been using it to fight off covid and theres alot of antidotal stories of success that I've been reading and also tons of scientific studies. In rats it kept their lungs healthy even though they were exposed to constant cigarette smoke. The other rats died and the ones with NAC still had healthy lungs. It apparently fixes brain damage and many other conditions. I have nasal issues and have read comments of it fixing that by reducing the inflammation. Its very safe and has very little side effects in the recommended doses and in high doses it only gives you gas. I just took my first one about 30 minutes ago.
          I'm gonna try it for a few weeks beforr giving it to my mother. Anyway it might be worth looking into. Heres a doctor explaining the benefits.




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          • olderdude-xx

            Thanks. I'll check it out. Then my trick is to find it in a pure form.

            I found pure NAC. I'll order some and add it to my "try" list.


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    • donkeykong716

      Yes I agree but what and where is a charity mentor? Life coach sounds good, just in general a cheerleader to help me see things more positively or differently. A psych to help break down specific issues/mental blocks/perceptions etc, or knowledgeable enough to see a pattern, diagnosis, etc.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Charity mentors are people like me who on their own time and cost work with individuals to assist them.

        I've met a few others and the key driver with everyone is that we all believe that our purpose on this earth in this life is to assist others to do better.

        Some of them work with their church, others freelance like I did (and still would do) working just off of people I met and certain internet sites where people are looking for help in some way (beware - many of them are not interested in improving themselves and their life... they just want money: It cost me about $40,000 to learn that their problems are virtually never money; just that their current predicament was a symptom).

        If you are a member of your church; the church often provides initial counseling service (and most ministers/pastures/priest are trained in basic counseling: Some get very good at certain things).

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Psychiatrist will just give you drugs and get you out the door. They herd people through there like cattle. Its all about the numbers. This is how they make so much money. You'd be better off researching your symptoms yourself ive found them very unhelpful. Sometimes id do my own research and bounce ideas off them and they seemed very uneducated with the details of alot of things. They just specialize in giving a pill that the guidelines tell them helps your condition. I hope your issue is easier though.

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    • donkeykong716

      Yeah my perceptions of psychiatrists aren’t the greatest. If I absolutely needed to be on a pill I would

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    • miss_jass06

      A psychologist is something completely different than a psychiatrist.

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  • noid

    A licensed clinical social worker has similar training to the counselor.

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    • donkeykong716

      Eh I dunno, I feel yes and no, and regardless when I think of going to counseling, or therapy, I think of seeing a counselor, not some social worker. I’m not some ‘case’ being seen by some state approved worker

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      • noid

        That’s why you get one with a license who has a master’s degree. Not a bachelor level caseworker. Those have other kinds of jobs. But counselors and psychologists are fine too.

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        • donkeykong716

          Ah I see

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