I want pure competition

I wish my country was pure competition. We are all in a rat race and wherever you finish is where you finish.
I dont like the idea of taking from the winners and giving to the losers. Because I feel I would fare better in that kind of economy.

Scandinavian countries are great countries. But if you break down the tax rates you are seeing how much they are taking from the winners and giving to the "losers". And in a more competitive economy with less of a welfare state like the USA you are getting higher wages and you are keeping more of your money.

Its not that I want people to be poor I just do not want to be forced to pay for them. Im ok with my money going to the military. But I think if you are liberal and you want to pay the welfare taxes you can. But I dont like being forced to pay for other people.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • my_life_my_way

    Same, fuck the poor. It’s not my fault they’re fat and black and live in a tower block in London. And then they bitch that they want more McDonald’s vouchers for their shitty fat kids or that the cladding in their buildings is “extremely flammable.” Let them all burn

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    • Somenormie

      Yeah fuck the poor.

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    • Lol, I dont go that far. I just dont wanna pay for them. It would probably be good for some people too because it would force them to sink or swim.

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  • Meowypowers

    That is a horrible disposition! Competition is beautiful in that it makes people better. Don't be evil and hate on the less fortunate. Create and grow, and compete with your peers to create and grow more. And give to the less fortunate.

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    • See you translated my words just a bit so you could put yourself on the moral highground.I never said I hate poor people. I have been poor. I just dont want to have to pay for them. And I sometimes wonder if any of the liberals that stand on the moral highground had the opportunity to opt out of welfare taxes being pulled from their check if they would pay it. I can almost guarantee the mass majority would not pay it. They often do not give to the homeless themselves they say "the government should take care of them" or "the rich people should pay" but they dont pay themselves. They often do not tip good and argue the people shouldnt work off tips.

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      • Meowypowers

        I did, but you also did in assuming I seek some moral high ground. It seems we are in agreement in not wanting force to be exercised in taking from peoples generated wealth and given to others. Where I think we differ is that a big part of my goals in creating wealth is to give back to those that for whatever reason aren't capable themselves. I suppose that is moral, but I see that as default.

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