I want to be a stripper but afraid of getting std's

I wanna strip I love the attention but I don't want stds or old or ugly men hitting on me should I work at hooters I need help I'm scared but pumped up I'm sexy and young and need a job so hooters or a different club???????? I was also thinking the bunny ranch which is a stripping place I think

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Comments ( 20 )
  • anti-hero

    First if you are a stripper and not doing anything illegal, you won't get an STD.

    Second, Hooters is not a club and the old/ugly men will hit on you their.

    Third, The Bunny Ranch is a whore house.

    Forth, you are bad at trolling.

    Better luck next time.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I'll consider letting you come to work for me at the Birdcage Theater.

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  • xPossumx

    You want to strip but don't want STD's?

    You're only taking your clothes off, no one said you have to fuck them.

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  • Zombie4U

    Strippers do not perform acts that would cause an STD, unless You are an after hours hoe. But the job adult entertainer dancer "stripper" does not include sexual favors. If you go this path and try being a "stripper dancer" please only do so sort term. You are not young forever and do not get addicted to that lifestyle. You are not going to be able to do this at retirement age, so have a plan to quit before you start.

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  • dongwhan

    If hooter's girl started stipping then I say bring on the wings,I'll try their shitty food again! but since that didnt happen and you still want to strip just make sure you only give lap dances to really fat guys this way even if their tiny little pee pee accidentally falls out of their pants and into your pee pee hole you should still have about a 99.99% chance that you wont get an std,fat guys cant get laid to save their lives.

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  • Maya05

    Either this is trolling or you are not very bright. Strippers are not prostitutes. STDs have nothing to do with strippers.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I don't think you have anything to worry about. You can't get an STD by being partially nude on stage.

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  • Shackleford96

    I would compare that to wanting to be a surgeon and being scared of blood.

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  • Confuzled

    my job puts me into contact with ALOT of strippers from alot of different clubs, I have noticed that most strippers start off saying that they dont want any old people hitting on them, unfortunatly they soon learn that the majority of young people that go into the clubs only have limited amounts of money to spend, the big money for them comes from the older (more financialy secure) gentelmen that visit... this is not always the case but when your in a club, look around... check out what age demographic gets sat next to the fastest... youll be supprised... :)

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  • 0404

    there is more to life then that. do something better with your life you well get far and somewhere. sorry to sound mean but its true.

    all the best :)

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  • Bubbles-for-life

    Hooters isnt a "Stripping place -_-" Its a resturant with skinny girls who wear SHORT Skirts/shorts and have big boobies 0-0 i dont think they strip anyway...... From where i come from....no they dont strip

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  • nerdyredhead

    If you are a stripper who just dances and strips then you will not get an STD. However if you are one of the many sleazy strippers who does "extras" then you will get an STD from doing cheap sexual acts with strangers. You'll probably develop a substance abuse issue to be able to cope with the disgusting things you do. I worked in a strip club as a shot girl for a while. Maybe you can do that instead but I'd go with working at Hooters if I were you. That is less damaging to your self-esteem than being a stripper. Plus no guilt from having to give 10 dollar sexual favors to creepy, smelly men.

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  • Sweetz

    =_____=" tell us you were drunk while posting this

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    • Shackleford96

      Hey there you! Long time no see!

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      • Sweetz

        Yup! haha didn't think anyone would notice.

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        • Shackleford96

          Nope, can't slip by me!

          Here to stay, or just checking in?

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          • Sweetz

            Ima try to log on more often. Just such a drag logging on using the mobile site.

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            • Shackleford96

              Yeah, i get on here sometimes on my phone (like right now for instance), but my comments aren't nearly as good and are much shorter. Anyway, it's good to see you still around :)

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Bunny ranch is a whore house. You're not likely to get STDs unless you're having sex which isn't exactly a requirement of the job. Unless you want to BE a whore, you have little choice in your clientelle so you might as well get over who hits on you. So either be more open and realize that the only faces you need be worrying about are the ones on those dollar bills and yours or find a different line of work.

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  • miss_belle

    join a swinger club...

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