I want to be british

I want to be British, even after the Brexit thingy. I just like the music, the apathetic chaps, the accents (especially Cockney-like accents), the rural areas and the dotty old people. The endless rain, the comedy- I just hate being a stupid ol' 'Murican.

And I'm not talking about London. No, not London. Somewhere with lonely ol' shepherds, somewhere quaint and fun.

I want to go to Timperley or Ugley especially. Just because.

Voting Results
48% Normal
Based on 23 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Crow

    Normal. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

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  • Dedicatedcockring

    I think you're transracial, good luck on your journey to become who you really are on the inside.

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  • bigfatdick4

    Two cockney cab drivers come screeching up to an intersection, barely missing each other...

    One pops his head out of the window and shouts, "aven`t you got a horn?"

    The other shouts back, "what with a face like yours?"

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  • DuHast

    Up the IRA

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  • mysistersshadow

    I dunno... I live with a Brit and it gets kinda old after awhile.

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  • CreamPuffs

    Same here! Sounds normal to me.

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  • slowdive

    i live in a place in heartfordshire, small village in the countryside but not too far from a town that it"s hard to get anything you need, i'm also ashamed of my country and the rampant racism that's sweeping it, the idiotic racists who made up a lot of the brexit group voted purely out of bigotry and didn't know they were fucking up the future of my geberation
    ( the top searched results after the vote in britain was " what is the eu " was the last straw for a country i was loosing my faith in

    if i revoke my citizenship l you want to swap? lol

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    • Murun

      How come you can't spell Hertfordshire if you live there?

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    • Like there aren't any racists here lol

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      • Lvl7GoblinRogue

        The UK is more racist than the US. Groups like BNP are more organized than any fascist groups in the US.

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        • Pussygroperwithnukes?

          And loony Trump's 12 million Twitter followers aren't close enough to fascist to say we beat you? A bunch of Texas guys once dragged a black man to death behind a vehicle in 1998. He survived for most of 2.4km till he went in a culvert and his head came off and the police found 81 places that were littered with his remains.

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