I want to be raped and impregnated by a garden hose

I want to mince about in my garden until my hosepipe suddenly becomes sentient and begins snaking its way towards me. While I'm busy being the distracted little faggot that I am, the pipe wraps around me like a boa and drags me into the corner where no one can see. It enters my pants and worms its way into my asshole, making steady jerking motions until it reaches a level of excitement so pronounced that the valve operates itself and I am filled with its semen. Later, a baby hosepipe busts its way out of me.

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 5 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • litelander8

    I’d just like to clarify, it’s “semen” is like, just water right?

    I literally LOLed at the “distracted little faggot” part.

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    • It's water, but it can get you pregnant somehow.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Must be Japanese.

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  • Anonnet

    Okay, I laughed when you said "baby hosepipe".
    This seems suspiciously similar to a simple tentacle fantasy, so I went ahead and voted Normal. The trope's too ubiquitous.

    Real question: What "corner" do you have in your garden where no one can see you???

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  • SkullsNRoses

    This reminded me of when I was a primary school child and had a nightmare that a witch was going to turn me into a hosepipe. Reading this I’m certainly glad I woke up when I did.

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  • Vvaas


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    • To be a dreamy, helpless little homo - lighter on my feet than most due to years of being chased by bullies in high-school and having had to adapt to a fast-paced urban lifestyle back when I was a city boi, but yet still no match for a predator as clever as a hosepipe.

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