I want to be tall, i'm 5", help me
I need to get tall and tall, is there any diets?
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I need to get tall and tall, is there any diets?
This cracks me up! I am a personal trainer, and I am 6'4" so I feel qualified to answer. Height is 95% genetics, so sorry mate, not much can be done. Maybe a ton of milk and protein might do a tad, or some postural improvemnt through stretching or resistance training. But we are talking maybe an inch or two total, given you have bad posture already.
Also, I sorely hope you meant 5' not 5", because 5 inches is small for even an erect penis.
Find yourself a short woman that's as much as you can do with yourself...
Besides breaking every leg bone in your body in the middle and hoping the regeneration of the bone slightly increases your height by an inch.
You're not going to be tall. Find a new goal. Being tall is not important.
You got the unlucky end of the genetic stick. The only thing you can do is embrace your height and deal with it.