I want to become a good person but the advice online is bs.

I've been trying to improve as a person but online advice is misleading and trying to keep me from my goal.
It keeps on advocating vanity and selfishness, which is the opposite of being kind. Instead of making it about other people they tell you to compliment yourself.
Um, hello????
I thought I was going to learn how to be a good person, not a mean selfish person??

When I was growing up I was taught that you always have to put others before you. You have to give them priority over you to show that you care and take care of others. They said as long as you did that others would care for you because you were a good person.
You HAVE to be humble
You HAVE to be kind
You HAVE to be selfless

I need real advice, not this fake sh*t.

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Comments ( 67 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Ugh, I didn't read the whole story or comments, I was just pondering this the other day....again... people usually say to put others before yourself, and other people say to put yourself first, because no one else will.. I tend to agree with the latter.

    YOU are the most important person in your life. If you can't help yourself, how do you expect to help others?? Once you get your own shit together, thats the best way to help others. How can anyone truly help someone else before they know shit about their true self?????

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    • kupokupo

      If you are constantly putting other people first and expecting to receive the same treatment then it's a quick road to disappointment and general unhappiness.

      You don't have to put others first to make them happy - when you're happy, you'll make those people around you happy.

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      • Treat others the way you want to be treated. When you show kindness to other people they will pass it along; the more good you do the more everyone is kind to everyone else.
        It isn't just about making people happy,being a good person is the most important thing.

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        • kupokupo

          There's a difference between being respectful and generally civil and going out of your way to ensure the needs of others are met.

          I'm not saying don't be civil - you should always treat others with the respect they give you. But there's much more to consider when it comes to putting someone before yourself.

          Being a good person is nice, but be too good of a person and people will walk all over you.

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    • I'm just fine though, so I don't have to focus on me.

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  • fakeaccount3

    Yeah Ive noticed a lot say that the cure to depression is to "love yourself", I also noticed that a lot of depressed people are actually really selfish to begin with, just on the opposite side of that. But anyway, becoming selfless is a good way to go. You know how to do it so why bother with advice online. I have also given up with that optimistic bs, onto be more realistic. Although, I wouldn't expect people to "care for you because you were a good person". Very few people genuinely care about anyone at all. The reward is feeling that you contribute something of value to the world.

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    • I know, right? I'm so tired of people saying "you gotta love yourself!!"
      Like, geez, is that all? How about doing something for other people instead of moping around, or maybe working?
      If someone woke up every day saying "I'm so great" they would be labeled a narcissist (which is true.) Soo dumb.

      People do care for people that act good though. Have you seen the way people look up to pastors? They do good stuff all the time and people love them. That just goes to show everyone's good deeds will be rewarded eventually.

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      • Kevinevan

        The idea behind loving oneself is gaining self confidence. Without self esteem people come across as."trying too hard", "being needy" or as you stated being "annoying".

        People that do things that are kind and considerate, often have self confidence and those acts reinforce that.

        Unfortunately if your motives aren't pure and your only goal is to build self worth, then the acts lose all meaning because ultimately, they are selfish.

        Its tricky.

        My advice. Just stop giving a shit about what others think. Be yourself and follow your heart. Thats really the only way to live. There are no shortcuts because deep down you'll know it's just bs.

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    • factcheck

      Why bash something when you have no idea what it means? Loving yourself has nothing to do with being selfish. Loving yourself means being comfortable in your own skin and accepting yourself for who you are. When one does that, it's easier for them to be considerate of other people. That's why depressed people appear to be selfish...they hate themselves and they're so uncomfortable in their own skin, they can't get out of their own heads and think about other people. Anybody who's been depressed knows what that means...it's a shame people who don't understand things are so eager to give uninformed opinions about it.

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      • fakeaccount3

        I know this reply is super late but I just now saw this and it's something I still wonder about.

        Why do people "gatekeep" depression like this? "Oh you don't care enough to hate yourself? Wow it must be cool to have never experienced depression" umm ok? I guess the feelings of wanting to be hurt or dead because I feel so disgusting and ashamed of my constant failures was just fucking bullshit because I'm not as depressed as someone else.

        And this is exactly why I do not care about myself anymore. Because no one else does. unless you have the freedom to cut yourself or attempt suicide or something you don't actually have depression. So I've moved onto something else to distract from the negative thoughts. Only live to serve, because who gives a shit about my stupid feelings.

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      • No one is never truly comfortable in their own skin. You would pretty much have to ignore all the ugly parts of yourself to do that.
        Plus, I'm not depressed or hate myself. I've just decided to focus on other people. When you focus on other people it is easier to be a good person because you do good stuff.
        I don't see what your problem is??

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  • JewluminatiTits

    Look, what you need is to take a walk or go on a bike ride or go on a kayak alone for an 1-2 hours and think about the person you are, have become, and want to be. Just take the time to think and the answer should find you. Deep down you know what a good person is and the only way to find it is to take some time alone for a while.

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  • Grunewald

    I agree with your prognosis about what makes a good person. Good on you for being self aware and wanting there to be a change. Very often people find though that the efforts they make to improve amount to little deep down, even if it changes surface things... I'd warn you about it not to bash you over the head with it, but so you don't expect too much.

    We are what we are. We're the sum of our genetics, past, upbringing, relationships, passions and habits, and maybe a handful of other things that determine our core 'nature' out of which we act. To be anything other than that though... I've heard of many who had the same idea of what constitutes a good person as you, put requests in to their maker for a change of operating system, and saw results.

    All the best on your quest, friend.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I like this post.

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  • redrainbow22

    What do you need advice on? It sounds like you already know everything you should.

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    • I've been trying to do stuff that is considered good but people still think I'm not a good person. They call me "b*tchy" and "annoying" to be around.
      I don't know what I'm doing wrong though? I've been looking for places to volunteer and everything yet people are up my *ss and saying I'm still bad.
      The only reason I know some things about being good is through the teachings of my parents and my pastor. I want to continue my journey to becoming a good person, but I still don't know enough yet.

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      • Kevinevan

        If you are not sincere in your actions it doesn't matter how humble, kind or selfless you are. People can spot bullshit a mile away. Make sure to check your motives. Best of luck.

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      • RoseIsabella

        If only one person says you are bitchy or annoying then it's probably not a big deal, but if lots of people are consistently telling you that you are bitchy and annoying then you probably need to take a second look at yourself.

        Ask yourself some questions. Do you offer unsolicited advice and opinions? Do you nag other people? Do you use guilt to try to pressure people into doing what you want?

        Do the people who say you are bitchy and annoying ever give you specific examples of this?

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        • I come from a very good and holy community, but we moved a month ago.
          Ever since then, the new friends I've made call me these things when I try to do stuff with them.
          I say "lets go do this"
          they say no
          "how about this"
          then they complain and tell me I'm being annoying. All I want to do is to get them to like me but they don't want to do anything with me.
          Then when I tell them it isn't fair they call me b*tchy.

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          • CozmoWank

            Maybe the problem is finding friends who share your interests.

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            • I'm going to talk it out with them so that we can all do something we like today.

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            • RoseIsabella

              Good point!

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          • RoseIsabella

            Well, that sounds straightforward enough, but it's hard to tell without more specific examples of what your new friends suggest and what you suggest. I personally think it's ideal if people can take turns when it comes to deciding what to do for fun. It's not fair the same people get do decide what to do for fun time and time again, it's the best policy in my opinion to take turns. God knows it wouldn't be fair if every time my boyfriend and I went to the movies the same person decided what movie to see each time.

            I am curious as to what would be some examples of some of the suggestions you make and some of the suggestions your new friends make.

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  • rayb12

    I think you frankly missed the point that if say you are a sandwich and your goal is to give it to someone you have to first make it a tasty sandwich otherwise you are just giving people a shit sandwich. In my opinion I'd much prefer to be near people who love themselves and have done the work to make themselves happy. They spread positivity and are an inspiration. If someone gives me things but hates themself and is clueless I can't help but receive their insecurities and anxiety. Of course a balance is needed but I do believe you must love yourself before others. Another important question to ask seriously is WHY do you want to be a good person.

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  • allenRogue

    You're suffering from severe brainwashing. I suggest taking a walk down a highway and then keep going.

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    • I don't appreciate trolling.

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      • allenRogue

        I don't think you understand what trolling is.

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        • Your saying ridiculous things to make me upset, that is trolling.
          Brainwashing is like telling someone to do something against their will deep down. You can't brainwash someone if they willingly join a group.

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  • StinkyPickle

    Religion warps your mind; science tells you what is real. Masturbate and go take a shit. It's the best advice I ever got.

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    • I don't appreciate trolling.

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      • StinkyPickle

        Honestly, many people are anti-religious. Most likely Agnosticism, is demonized in your community. That doesn't mean it's a bad way to live your life. If you ever travel to different parts of the world, you will have to suppress your religious attitude to get along with people.

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        • It is fine to be an Atheist just as long as you don't do evil things.
          Attacking religion, though, is REALLY bad. Religion and science try to look for answers, so why can't you respect that?

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        • redrainbow22

          Many more people are religious actually.

          But this isnt a competition. You're trying to prove your side right.

          If you are a atheist, then be one. Everybody has their own thing.

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  • S12207

    I know it sounds conflicting but truly the best way to help others is to help yourself. People don't learn by you telling them or doing things for them, we all have a journey and you can beat information into someone but until they are ready to learn it you will be wasting your time. Same thing goes towards pleasing others. Everyone has their own set of issues and you don't know what one another is dealing with so the best thing to do is be you, lead by example, and if someone needs help you help them. I've always found that people who try to hard can sometimes be a bit annoying as horrible as that sounds, so maybe just try to do you're thing and if someone wants to join then let them, if not don't take it personally. Let your friends come to you. You can usually sense when someone is into something or not, use your gut.

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  • Be kind to those who help and support you and will return the favor.
    As for people who aren't good to you. Fuck em.
    You dont have to put others first to be a good person. You have to take care of yourself before you can help others.
    If you just do things for others and not yourself you just make yourself everyones bitch, which isn't good.

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  • Nickvey

    you can't make a good man better , and you can't make a bad man good. you can fix a woman if you beat her . thats what muslims do.

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  • suckonthis9

    The problem with 'good' and 'bad', is that what is good for one person, is always bad for another person, and vice versa.

    So if you really want to be a good person, you will need to be really bad.

    Think about it!

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    • That's not how it works. Just because someone thinks something is bad doesn't mean it is.
      Plus Jesus makes it clear what is good and what is bad, so if you follow that you can do good.

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      • suckonthis9

        Jesus might be good for a particular branch of the followers of Abraham, but Jesus is bad for some other branches of the followers of Abraham.
        Jesus is also bad for other religions, and other philosophies.
        Jesus is also bad for people who are not religious.

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        • suckonthis9

          Jesus was also bad for some of the followers of Jesus, such as at the Jonestown Massacre, Branch Davidians, or Lord's Resistance Army, et al.

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        • Jesus is NOT bad! How can you say that to a prophet of God?
          He healed the sick and saved the souls of so many people, including me.

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          • suckonthis9

            Jesus has also killed millions and millions of people, through the ages.

            Have you forgotten about the Crusades, and the Spanish Inquisition?
            How about all the indigenous people in the New World who were slaughtered because they refused to convert from their traditional beliefs?

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            • Jesus didn't kill those people. Those were fallible human beings bending his word to their whim so they can act sinful. Keep in mind that killing is a SIN.

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            • Nickvey

              Crusades were catholics not christians. catholics are a blend of paganism and christianity . jews killed jesus and romans killed christians . so they blended paganism and christians and called it catholics. so fuck off.

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  • BlackCatsAreAwesome

    "When I was growing up I was taught that you always have to put others before you. You have to give them priority over you to show that you care and take care of others. They said as long as you did that others would care for you because you were a good person.
    You HAVE to be humble
    You HAVE to be kind
    You HAVE to be selfless"

    If you follow advice like that you're going to be used by others. I believe that kind of advice is usually peddled by leaders and gurus so that YOU stay humble so you don't double cross them lol

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    • My only priority is to become a good person. Not everyone can handle letting go of their defenses so they can take that step forward.

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      • BlackCatsAreAwesome

        It's not difficult to be a good person. Just don't be evil and you're all set. Just don't be a pushover.

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        • Not being evil doesn't make you good, it makes you a bystander.

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          • Nickvey

            bystanders watch people go to hell , evil people help them.

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            • If you saw someone drowning and didn't help them even while being capable, I would consider you evil.
              Bystanders are just as evil because they sit by and let evil happen despite being able to make a difference, even a small one.

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  • RoseIsabella

    "When I was growing up I was taught that you always have to put others before you. You have to give them priority over you to show that you care and take care of others. They said as long as you did that others would care for you because you were a good person.
    You HAVE to be humble
    You HAVE to be kind
    You HAVE to be selfless"

    I don't necessarily agree with this paragraph, because human beings have a nasty habit of mistaking kindness for weakness. Oftentimes when you give an inch people will take a mile. I think it's extremely important to set firm boundaries when helping others. I don't think it's wise to put others before yourself at the expense of your own personal goals, possessions, health and emotions.

    If I want to help people I will donate money and time to support charities that help people. I certainly wouldn't allow people who are supposedly in need to live in my house. I think it's very important to maintain balance in one's life.

    I think the sort of advice you get online depends on where you go.

    To be completely and perhaps brutally honest I rather resent your second paragraph. There are plenty of wonderful people who are not selfless, I don't think it's necessary to put other people before one's self in order to be a good person. I think self-reliance is more important than interdependence. For me being a good person is more about not doing bad things like lying, cheating, stealing etc than overextending yourself. So much of that second paragraph sounds demanding, shaming, guilt provoking and like emotional blackmail. If I want others to know I care for them I will buy them birthday or Christmas gifts or at least cards. I'm not going to put others ahead of myself except my closest family and my partner, and still it's not a hard and fast rule, because it depends on the situation as it's important to stand one's ground in many circumstances.

    I am curious, however, as to where you're from. Are you from a more collectivist sort of culture as opposed to say more individualistic sort of cultures?

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    • If you want to live a truly good life you HAVE to set your own life aside. How else are you supposed to be genuine and kind? Putting aside your own goals isn't as important as a homeless guy getting food.
      I am so lucky to have been born into a good family. Because of that I have to focus on people with important problems because no one else will and that is sad.
      I've learned some good things from my parents and one of them is this: if you take care of yourself, you help one person. If you take care of others, you can help ten people. Which would you choose?
      To your question, I'm not sure what you mean by "collectivist"?

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      • Kevinevan

        Well that's all well and good, but when you board a plane with children, you are told that in a emergency, put your oxygen mask on first, then help your child. Why?? Because unless you are healthy and secure in your breathing, you're no help to anyone, including your child.
        What good are you to your child if youre passed out.

        So it goes in life.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Here is a link that will help you to better understand about collectivist vs individualistic cultures.


        You will probably need to copy and paste it into your browser. Also that's not a website that I go to or am familiar with, I just Googled collectivist vs individualist cultures, and that article looked fairly clear and concise.

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        • Oh, ok.
          I am from the US, but my town can be seen as collectivist.
          I guess some people think this is bad, but if one really wants to be moral they would have to be part of a collectivist culture. Thats how religions like Christianity work anyways.

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          • RoseIsabella

            What part of the U.S.? Does your whole town go to same church?

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      • McBean

        You seem like a sincere person that has the style of "poor in spirit" that Jesus said will someday cause you to inherit the kingdom of heaven. That said, many people in the first world adhere to the ethics of Assholeism. They are facetiously obnoxious to guard their identity, while dealing with others at a superficial level to buy, sell, and produce things. A truly human connection requires trust and they haven't any trust. They can't help you because they don't understand you.

        You will find your way in the world. My only advice is, "Keep the faith."

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