I want to burn money in front of homeless people
I thought it'd be entertaining to drag a bbq pit around the city and burn fake hundred dollar bills in front of homeless people.
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I thought it'd be entertaining to drag a bbq pit around the city and burn fake hundred dollar bills in front of homeless people.
No, that's not normal, but me laughing at you when you get attacked by enraged hobos is completely normal!🤣
If you want to go out of your way to feel superior to troubled people with nothing like that I guess it's your own buisiness
I actually voted normal, although that would be a dick move, and you know it.
I think it's common enough to be considered normal for humans to be sadistic, and enjoy feeling superior to others.
Who hasn't felt tempted to look down on others, or who hasn't experienced at least a little smugness from knowing that they have more, or are better at something?
The thing that differentiates me, and most people, from you, is that the guilt and empathy catch us, before we seriously consider dragging a BBQ pit around, and burning fake money in front of the less fortunate.
If you video tape it, it could go viral on YTB, then you'd make real dollars to burn in front of the homeless.
I want to fart in front of people with hightened sense of smell but i dont..yet