I want to cut myself for no reason.
So I started cutting in middle school cause, you know, middle school. It's been on and off during high school, but I've had marginally under control. I've never cut my wrists and no one sees my scars, not even if I'm swimming in a bikini. It was at its worse last year during my junior year when I finally confessed to a few close family members and friends, including my mom.
Now, I haven't cut in a month or two, not counting one or two tiny ones or, in the midst of crying uncontrollably, I scratched myself. I wan't even thinking about it-- it's just what my body automatically did. Besides, it didn't leave a long lasting scar and it was only about an inch long.
Anyway, I threw away all my razors and decided to stop because cutting wasn't just hurting me, it was hurting my loved ones. I've been working so hard to feel better. There's no school to stress me out, I've been losing weight and exercising, but I still can't help but get the urge to cut again. It's party PMS some of the times (I've always been an emotion wreck for a week or two before I start), but other than that, there's no real reason for wanting to cut.
I want to so bad way too often and sometimes I have a really hard time not listening to my stupid rationalizations. Logically, I know it's not okay to cut, but some emotional whatever bull crap doesn't see the problem with it. I don't know why it matters if I cut or not. I'm not putting my life in danger; I'm even careful of infections. I've basically perfected cutting to not leave scars and some crazy part of me doesn't understand why I shouldn't do something I really want to do. If I keep it secret, who cares?