I want to divorce because of hygiene disgusting habits
I have noticed my wife doing strange things over the years. When our baby had a snotty nose she once wiped it with her thumb..I turned away and when I looked back I spotted she licked the snot off her thumb! She breaks pimples on her body and then puts her finger in her mouth and kind of cleans her nails on her teeth, she scratches her head and then fingers go in the mouth, specifically the nail and cleans it on her teeth then I see her mildly munching on it - she does it very subtly and I've had to observe her like a hawk to see if I'm either going mental or if this is actually happening. Today I noticed it again and I think I've had enough. About 3 months ago I was a bit tipsy and spoke to her and said I was disgusted with it all...to stop doing that. She denied it and said I was making stuff up...but I've observed her more and more since then...it's DISGUSTING!!! To the point where I don't want to kiss her anymore...it grosses me out!!!! I've seen this behaviour but maybe was in denial...but I can't anymore...I want to leave her as it makes me want to throw up to see this shit going on! oh the stories I could tell makes my skin crawl and stomach turn!!!
Is this normal for me to want to leave her, is this normal for a human being to be sooo dirty with hygiene???!!!! A 10 year marriage will end as a result of this...it's disgusting!!