I want to enslave slavery apologists

Is it normal that I want to enslave them because they seem to think slavery wasn't all that bad and I would love to give them the full experience.

I mean it's not like it's bad to them it's a good thing so it shouldnt be that big of a deal.

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Comments ( 71 )
  • Lestat565

    So slavery is good as long as it’s against people you don’t like or agree with? Where is your principals? Yes those people are idiots and bad people. But don’t become a bad person to show they are bad.

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    • I get what you mean but some people just keep on thinking it wasn't all bad being a slave.

      I'm not just talking about neo confederates here in America or just white people in general.

      If I had to say places that are super Islamic or ultra Christian usually third world nations are a nesting ground for slave trading.

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      • Lestat565

        Yeah those nations have that and that’s sad. But if we enslaved them then we would be saying that slavery is ok. If you don’t like something don’t support it. And don’t rationalize it when it’s against people you don’t like. When fighting monsters one must be sure not to become one themselves. American government has become a monster. Because it doesn’t understand that. I’m an American myself and it’s embarrassing how low it’s gotten.

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  • IrishPotato

    Slavery was pretty fucking long ago, and is in no way relevant to today.

    I think it's fucking pathetic when black people use slavery as anything in an argument.

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    • goodatgiving

      From what I've heard white people were slaves lo before blzcks. They were force to build the pyramids for the Egyptians. Oh, and the Irish were used to build the railroads in this country. Sooooo go ahead and talk about the cruelty to blacks forced into being slaves. Besides you were SOLD into slavery by your own people. Soooooo
      myself or any of my ancestors never owned any slaves.... AND SLAVERY IS NOT GOOD FOR ANYONE NO MATTER OF RACE, COLOR OR RELIGION...

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      • Otamot

        The pyramid slavery thing is a myth. It's believed that the people who built the pyramids were the lower working class and there is evidence to support that the workers who died building the pyramids were burried in them which was a great honor back then and not the treatment they'd give a fallen slave. Also the Irish were indentured servants not slaves.

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        • IrishPotato

          Wether or not it's a myth or not , it's old news and irrelevant to this day and age.

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          • Otamot

            Except not really since the aftermath of slavery still effects people today, for example things like Jim Crow, redlining, and gentrification which only stopped in the 60s which causes certain groups people to live in areas that have high traces of lead and generational wealth is a big factor as well and since blacks were treated terribly under Jim Crow which was only around 55 years ago that impact is still there for blacks today.

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            • IrishPotato

              Are black people being enslaved today? No? Thought so.

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    • Oh my god I know it was a long time ago and I'm not asking for anyone's pity what I'm stating is that to many numbskulls make light of a fucked up era.

      Neo confederates act like slavery either wasn't all bad or act like slavery wasn't a main cause for what happen during the civil war while I know that many of the confederate troops fought for states rights in that they were fighting for their home states those same mindless drones were helping the slave owning class which was the minority but held all the wealth and wanted to keep slavery as it were.

      I just wonder if the fuckers realize that it wasn't great having your family's terrorized and your whole existence demeaned.

      Not only that outside of America it's even worse you have fucking jihaidists who believe that slavery isn't bad either and we all know how evil they are the list gose on.

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    • kelili

      I think that it's pretty fucked up for white people to say that slavery is irrelevant to today. You are still fucking enjoying all the privileges and richness accumulated by the whites during slavery. There has never been any redistribution.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Yeah those monthly slave royalty checks we whites get each month are awesome!!! So glad I'm privileged.

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        • kelili

          Never said that white people didn't suffer from the same system you take care of protecting. The working class will always get fucked. Behind the biggest fortunes are white men and the more money the more control you have. But people are so blinded by their so called 'freedom' and in the USA by the "american dream" that they kill themselve a lifetime long to try to get into the middle class. Once they're there they look down on their fellow companions who are still struggling and work even harder so that they don't get back there. What they don't know is that what's exactly what is expected from them, to work so fucking hard that they don't have time to think.

          And yes white privileges do exist. But most often white people would deny it without even trying to understand what it means and what it implies. Have you ever read about it?


          Please do.

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          • nikkiclaire

            I didn't read the entire article but I got through 10. Here is my promise to you.

            Make a sound reasoned argument about one of those in your own words and I will respond with my thoughts, as a young white woman.

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            • kelili

              I believe that I am strong and independent but this doesn't mean that I have to ignore or be silent about things that matter. That's where most people get me wrong. I don't have hatred for white people but I do have for this system that sustain white supremacy.

              When I say white supremacy I'm referring to the privileges. When I talk about priviliges I'm referring to those struggles that as a black person you have to go through and that as a white you are unaware of. Regardless of whether you're a rich white or a poor one. For instance, as a white you don't refer to yourself as white on a daily basis but when you're black your every action impacts on the way other people see black person. You constantly have to defend your blackness. Just see how you immediately conclude that I perceive myself as a victim because I'm denouncing white supremacy. It's real. If you need to get examples of how it is lived on a daily basis there are forums that you can google up and read about it. If you want me to explain to you the searches I get at the airport which my white friend doesn't get, I can. But I really don't want to because you can easily find articles on the internet about how it works.

              But you know it's not your fault. I cannot expect you to see something that does not affect you personally. Now that I've exposed it to you hope that at least you'll do some researches. I hope.

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          • nikkiclaire

            They also want you to believe "white men" are the boogy men so you just keep thinking that. As long as you perceive yourself as a victim, you'll be one.

            Or you can raise yourself up on your own and be a strong, independent, person who doesn't fall for such tripe.

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            • I don't think the white man is the bogey man where the fuck did I say that hmmmm.

              Slave defenders aren't just white I repeat slave defenders aren't just white.

              God damnit!

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          • WarriorGene

            I like how many of those "privileges" are related to the authorities and the police. It's like you inherently keep saying that you're criminals and that you're associated with criminals. I wonder why...

            I don't have many of those privileges by the way. I am Eastern and we didn't colonize, we didn't mix and hence we don't have those problems. The article talks about whites overall without differentiating, which is lowkey racist. Just saying...

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            • kelili

              "I like how many of those "privileges" are related to the authorities and the police. It's like you inherently keep saying that you're criminals and that you're associated with criminals. I wonder why..."

              Hats off, you did great here!

              Next time read to understand instead of reading to respond.

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      • WarriorGene

        Shut up. Nobody owes you anything. Blacks enslaved (and still enslave) whites as well: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_slavery

        We will send you redistributions you give us our stolen history, too. Not to mention the gypsies and other dark-skinned criminals who still run powerful networks of sex slaves in Europe. The world is not your playground; get back to work and stop begging for unearned money.

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        • Wow just wow bro chill the fuck down I didn't just say white people I say anyone who is a slave apologist.

          I'm not asking for FUCKING handouts retard god damn stop fucking crying about muh money when I clearly did ask for any fucker I'm not a fucking charity case so fuck you.

          Slavery has effected everyone and it's horrible how ever you slice it but you have some assholes who think it wasn't all bad ask any neo confederate or jihadist they think it's ok because it's biblical or quranic or some shit.

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          • WarriorGene

            You sound like an offended snowflake.

            Slavery still happens in Africa. Deal with it.

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            • Just shut the fuck up dude because you seem to think that I am only talking about whites.

              Dipshit I know about what is happening in Africa and nobody talks about it.

              The Middle East/Islam is completely fine with slavery and haven't Made any reforms to better deal with the problem.

              Europe and Asia as well as Latin America and even North America has difficulties in dealing with sex trafficking which is also a form of slavery.

              Just stop with your white victimhood because I don't give a shit I didn't signal out whites or do I have to do that everytime now to not offend snowflakes like you.

              Do yourself a favour and go fuck yourself.

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        • kelili

          Your ignorance is so blatant that I have to laugh. I won't even try to respond to that because it is more satisfying to let you drown in your ignorance.

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          • WarriorGene

            Oh...how will I ever recover...

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  • curious-bunny

    Every race has been a slave, no one gets rights to bitching about how tgere people suffered all that time ago

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    • I agree but I'm talking about assholes who defend slavery and they come in all races.

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      • curious-bunny

        Mm true

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  • nikkiclaire

    What's the difference between a slave working for food, shelter and clothing and a full time employee, working for the same and living paycheck to paycheck?

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    • Tato

      You can't beat your employees.

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      • nikkiclaire

        Slaves probably weren't routinely beaten. If you purchase a commodity, you look after it. Especially if it's providing for your livelihood.

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        • Tato

          Could be. But being purchased, they had no autonomy over their own life. It really came down to their owner, which is a pretty messed up way of living.

          You can't call quits as a slave, unless your owner is kind enough to approve. You can as an employee.

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        • That right there is what I'm talking about it dosent matter if you don't beat your slaves they are still being held agianst their will.

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  • jethro

    I take it that you are a white millennial who is offended by everything and everybody, correct.

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    • IrishPotato

      Pretty sure he is.

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    • And I take it that you are a reactionary jerkoff who gets prissy when someone calls out clear bullshit.

      Look if it bothers you that I want to enslave someone who thinks that slavery was ok then I dont care.

      And way to come off as one sighted it's not just whites who are slave apologists dipshit.

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      • jethro

        I don't apologize for slavery. My family never owned a slave and no black person I ever met ever picked cotton.

        And you, you jagoff, are a snowflake dickhead who gets all bent out of shape when the world doesn't kiss your ass and think you are the greatest gift to everyone. Only your parents feel that way. So FOAD.

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        • Did I say that you and your family own slaves.


          Did I ever say anyone living in America currently is a slave.


          I'm not asking for the world to kiss my ass and I'm not being a snowflake.

          As I said clearly it's not just whites who are slave apologists Muslims for a start are the worse of the lot and they aren't just middle eastern either.

          Christians in third world nations are also ok with slavery the list goes on.

          Stop with the victimhood of thinking I am only targeting white slave apologists because I clearly didn't say that dumbass.

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          • jethro

            Look just FOAD and be done with it. Troll.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Please just listen to this on merit, with no preconceptions. I'm studying a degree in Ancient History and Archaeology, and when you study the campaigns of someone like Caesar, then Gallic tribes often surrender without any conditions. They do this usually if they've engaged in some form of treachery. The reason is that they hope to be enslaved. If they weren't enslaved then they would just be genocide against them on mass.

    There's also a case where Caesar is besieging this city, and the people inside are starving, so they send their women and children outside the walls in the hope Caesar will enslave them, and they'll at east get to live. Caesar refuses because he wants them to use up the food stocks of those who can fight, so they just end up dying outside the city walls of the elements. There were times in history when slavery was to the benefit of people, and people preferred it to, well, death.

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    • It's still fucked up.

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      • bigbudchonga

        Yes it is - but it beats genocide.

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  • WarriorGene

    I don't understand a thing. First you say you want to enslave slavery apologists (those who apologize and feel sorry for slavery) but then you say you want to enslave those who don't apologize for it and think that it wasn't that bad. So who are you mad at?

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    • you know how some people like let's say Christian zealots or neo confederates or jihadists say that God or allah ordained slavery.

      They act like its a mercy that it's the will of God or it's their duty to subjugate others they will come up with all manners of bullshit for the justification or out right lie about it.

      If it's so good they a Christian zealot or neo confederate or a jihadist shouldn't mind if I enslaved them and showed them what it was like being on the other side of the whip.

      Is that clear enough for you.

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      • WarriorGene

        Yes sir, crystal clear now.

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  • TerriAngel

    I get your point.
    I'm sure jews feel the same about holocaust deniers.
    It's not you want to have slaves.
    You just want folks who say it's no big deal.
    To realize, it is.
    Watching the series ROOTS.
    Or actually sitting down and reading
    Gives you a little hint.
    I dont owe a black person, or jew a damn thing as far as a free ride.
    But I acknowledge very bad things did take place.
    Bad things are still happening.
    Jews are killing Palestinians.
    For profit private prisons are treating people like slaves in America today.

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    • Thank you and I see nothing wrong with anything that you said.

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  • Aid69

    Nothing wrong with a bit of free labour

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  • SwickDinging

    Slavery is still rampant today in various countries across the globe, and the problem is worst in the African continent. I think it's weird that people in general focus more on one particular instance of slavery from a long time ago and yet seem ignorant of the situation today.

    Then again, I assume you're talking specifically about Americans here, and obviously the slavery you are referring to is much more relevant to them. They probably aren't very up to date or even interested in what's happening on another continent as it has no obvious bearing on their surroundings.

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    • I agree you said nothing wrong in your statement yes I am American and many of these numbskulls think I'm only talking about white slave apologists.

      Africa and the Middle East is a hotbed for slavery and full of assholes who defend it.

      Most of the comments is full of snowflakes screaming about how I'm being anti white or that I'm looking for handouts or I want to be a victim seriously who the hell wants that.

      Your the only one thus far that isn't blinded by rage.

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      • SwickDinging

        To be fair I honestly think that people don't know.

        I only know about slavery in modern Africa because I used to work for a charity that did a lot of work in Africa. Before then I didn't know anything about it because it's never in the news and no one talks about it.

        I wish people cared more about it, it's fucking horrible. The slavery at present is the stuff of nightmares because the African warlords are in a competition to see who can be cruelest because it proves their competence and they rule by fear. One of them ate a live baby. I'm not kidding.

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  • fireinthetacobell

    Idk what a “slavery apologist” is but If your a hot black woman, I will gladly take your offer

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  • BlindSpot

    Yeah give them a taste of their own medicine

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  • cloud9832

    So if someone wants to enslave slavery apologists then do they not become the new slavery apologists....

    where does it end?

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    • its simple when the dumb fucks see that slavery is the worst possible thing and isn't good for anyone then id let them go that's the difference.

      they'd like to enslave someone forever my solution would be temporary.

      I get what you mean but assholes need to learn.

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      • WarriorGene

        Similar arguments were used by slave owners to enslave "undesirable" slaves. Good for you that you show some progress by perpetuating the same habits under a new label.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Who are them besides you?

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  • kelili

    Why would you want to be like those you hate?

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    • I don't want to but there are to many assholes who think that things would be better if certain folks were subjugated.

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