I want to get a motorcycle and just go away

just travel and leave everything behind

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Comments ( 4 )
  • LloydAsher

    I mean motorcycles tend to take you to another plane of existence so either way you are going far.

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    • Boojum

      I've been binge-watching YouTube dash cam videos of idiotic drivers recently.

      When motorcycles feature, there's about a 50/50 split of the motorcyclist doing something incredibly stupid (most often at very high speed, and frequently involving going into the on-coming traffic lane on blind curves), or vehicle drivers clearly not seeing the motorcyclist.

      One incident that sticks in my mind is from the dash cam of a car stopped at a red light at the intersection of two four-lane streets somewhere in the States. The car next to the cam car decides to run the red and shoots forward at high speed. As it moves into the intersection, a motorcycle moving at some speed comes into view on the right. It looks like it's inevitable that the motorcycle will broadside the car, but the motorcyclist brakes so hard that the back wheel comes up, he gracefully swings his legs forward over the handlebars and he ends up standing about a foot from the car as it zooms past, with his bike on the ground behind him.

      I can only assume that the guy must have spent many, many hours of his youth on BMX bikes, he learned that trick back then, and muscle-memory kicked in as the adrenaline hit.

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  • Chap

    Same here, brother 👊

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  • I will use the highways and backroads, and not roads with traffic lights. Minimize risks, maximize freedom.

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