I want to kill my girlfriends pet sometimes, is it normal?
I just recently bought myself an apartment, and my girlfriend moved in with me.
Im kind of a neat Freak just as a detail to The story.
My question is.
Ok, so i've had dogs before i had a great dane with The name Balder. He was The greatest dog ever, and i really did take good care of him. I was torn apart when he died of an heart attack.
My girlfriend got herself 2 different "pets"
1 horse that we have in a stable half an hour from our appartment,
The second pet, or The pest as i see him. Is a small pomeranian dog. I really really hate that dog. I just want to hurt him when he whines or kill him, burry him alive, set fire to him. Altough i got a common sense, and i have not hurt him. But he notice my hostility towards him for some reason, something my girlfriend don't. Everytime he barks when I'm home he stops when he hears my voice and hide under The couch, he's Even so afraid of my, that sometimes he piss himself in pure fear. And ofcourse i have yelled at him like a normal dog. When all i want to do is snap his neck.
Is it normal to have these intense hatefull feelings towards just one spesific animal?