I want to kill my girlfriends pet sometimes, is it normal?

I just recently bought myself an apartment, and my girlfriend moved in with me.
Im kind of a neat Freak just as a detail to The story.

My question is.
Ok, so i've had dogs before i had a great dane with The name Balder. He was The greatest dog ever, and i really did take good care of him. I was torn apart when he died of an heart attack.

My girlfriend got herself 2 different "pets"
1 horse that we have in a stable half an hour from our appartment,

The second pet, or The pest as i see him. Is a small pomeranian dog. I really really hate that dog. I just want to hurt him when he whines or kill him, burry him alive, set fire to him. Altough i got a common sense, and i have not hurt him. But he notice my hostility towards him for some reason, something my girlfriend don't. Everytime he barks when I'm home he stops when he hears my voice and hide under The couch, he's Even so afraid of my, that sometimes he piss himself in pure fear. And ofcourse i have yelled at him like a normal dog. When all i want to do is snap his neck.

Is it normal to have these intense hatefull feelings towards just one spesific animal?

Voting Results
62% Normal
Based on 718 votes (447 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • Tommythecat.

    dogs tend to bark at assholes.

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    • Purdypride

      Weird he does'nt bark towards me ;) read The entre story or fuck off...

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      • Tommythecat.

        "Spell the entire word or fuck off."

        *Jumps up onto tree branch and grins wildly

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        • sexmachine123

          Wow your a loser lol

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        • Purdypride

          Cat person?

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          • Tommythecat.

            *disappears in a cloud of smoke

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  • shlinderbury

    i feel the same way, i would have no problem crushing the skull of a small dog. anyone here who calls you a asshole, has no idea that not everyone feels love for annoying as fuck animals. if i was you i would break up with that girl to get away from that horrible creature. its a good thing that dog hides under the couch. hopefully it has a heart attack and dies so you can live a normal life in peace and harmony. i feel intense anger and hatred around small dogs. you are normal bro, don't trip.

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  • georgewoods

    you should kill it to death

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    • RearedPyro

      You're sick

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  • My friend had a pom and I wasn't much of a fan of it until she let me shave it: lion-style. After the fur was gone, it looked like a real dog instead of Muppet. That helped me see it in a different light. Weird, eh.

    Don't intimidate your girlfriend's dog, it's not cool--at all!

    Take it for daily walks so that it learns to like and obey you. Treat it just like you would a large dog, except be more gentile so you don't hurt it.

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    • Purdypride

      I've actually tried to shave it.
      Since my Gf likes to have it ridicilously hot inside, it was to hot for The dog inside so i shaved his fur to make a more chill enviroment, something that actually worked for him.

      I don't intimidate my Gf's dog.
      I'm acting as if i cared for The dog, gives it Treats and plays with it.
      But i don't Get that connected feeling for The dog, i just see all The negative sides, as he barks The moment we'r out of The house, he pees innside, he poos.

      I dont Even know if The fear is because of me, since he's always been an afraid little dog since we got him. Anti social towards me. The first day we got him he actually attacked me. I was flat out in The coach, and he was probably trying to be boss or something, i had my head in my Gf's lap. Then all of a sudden he bit me in The face, and tried to attack me.
      I reacted in reflex by giving him a little punch. We have'nt been friends since that episode.

      He Even tends to pee and poo in his cage, were he feels safe.
      What makes him do that?

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      • Have you ever watched the Dog Whisperer? That guy really knows how dogs think! Before I watched several episodes of that show, I was like you---I didn't understand dogs. Oddly enough, people are a lot like dogs too.

        Dogs are exceptionally aware of body language; they can read people better than most people can read people. And they are constantly watching us. Haha!

        It sounds like your dog is insecure and aggressive (in spite of his size). Your reflex of giving him a little punch was not the proper reaction, but it was better than doing nothing---in that it let the dog know he's not allowed to bite you in order to dominate you.

        He needs a leader; he needs to know who is in control and once he does, he will feel better and not confused about his role in your pack (you, you're girlfriend, and him).

        You can establish your leadership by taking him for daily walks--never letting him lead you. Also, correct his bad behaviour immediately with a firm "no" (don't say his name, that will only confuse him). Eye contact, touching, and food are all rewards/attention for a dog, so never give these things unless they are deserved. For people, the eye-contact is a hard one.

        Start small and basic with the training, so he can start to feel confident in his understanding of what's good and what's bad. Always give him lots of praise and attention when he's crapped/peed in the rights spots, but don't do anything (negative or positive) when he does it in the wrong spots.

        The barking is difficult to correct, but will probably subside once he starts feeling more secure about his role as a follower and you the leader. Dogs interpret people talking/yelling as barking, so yelling at a barking dog will only make them bark more.

        Watch some Dog Whisperer shows and maybe take him to a few obedience classes. But, I think you're pretty normal to feel like the two of you don't click because you aren't getting along. You live with each other and, as the human, it's up to you to make it a more comfortable relationship. Good Luck. :)

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  • Almo_j83

    Fuck that. I just shelled out $600 for my girlfriend to get cat supplies, adopt a cat, and insurance for it.

    The first thing this fucking rodent does is piss on my carpet in front of me amd I just furnished my house.

    I wanted to hold it down and punch it until it died in my hands. Im getting rid of this rat TODAY. You are normal. Not everyone needs to feel unconditional bunny foo fok bullshit for pest creatures.

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  • Guaglione1990

    Dude I totally understand! My girlfriend has the most annoying old pit! It cleans itself at all hours of the night! I'm a neet freak too! She lets it sleep on the couch and if she doesn't walk it! It pisses on the floor! I understand I feel the same way and lost my temper with it and beat it ! I'm sick of it we can never have anything nice because of it

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  • Riddler

    Maybe the dog sense you want to kill it. While I think being a neat freak would cause animals to bother you I think you have some serious anger issues. You should try anger management.

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  • misanthropeUK

    You're a total sick bag of crap and you're 'girlfriend' is a stupid tramp to stay with you. I hope the police find you soon. FUCKING TROLL.

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  • Pika-girl

    That's normal dog! Maybe... you have to get to know eachother more. Let the pomeranian sniff your hand to recognize your scent. Also, play with it once in a while. If you want your "friendship" to grow, spend time with it a little more each day.

    I love pomeranians! They're so cute and fluffy. Maybe that dog is a bit hyper. Always let it outside for a while to burn off energy. Woof!

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  • noid

    What about him do you hate so much?

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    • Purdypride

      If i knew i would attack that problem directly by The source.

      I'm actually an animal loving guy.
      I dont have any problems towards my other animals.

      But he gives me This annoyed feeling, he avoids me, he always do stuff he is'nt allowed to do.
      Like barking, peeing and pooing.
      He always hide and never socialise.
      I dont Get him to do that. Only towards my girlfriend.

      And i Get This hatefull angry feeling towards him. But i will never ever hurt him. I'll convince my Gf to sell him to a better penger instead before that happens.

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