I want to kill my parent's dog

My parents god this new dog recently. He's a real piece of work. He growls at people, including my parents and brother, when they approach him if he has a toy, food, etc. They are all afraid of him. I'm the only person who isn't.

I take his food or toy away if he growls at people. Today he decided to bite my face. If he was my dog, I would have beat him like any other dog he might bite in the face. But I restrained myself because it's my parents dogs. The worst thing is they make excuses for his behavior.

Back in the day, when we were domesticating wolves into dogs, we would kill a dog who did this. Personally, I have no sympathy for a dog who will attack it's own pack. I think he should be set straight, and if he tries to fight to the death or continues aggression, he should be killed.

After all, he is actively LOOKING for a fight. It's not like he would be forced to fight.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • yourdeepestshame

    If you're gonna do it, do it safe. Plant a hot gun on him afterward.

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    • CowboySaiyan

      Good call,I should write a doggy suicide letter as well.

      "I can't take humans oppressing my people any longer. I'm sick of the same food everyday. I'm only going to live 12 years anyway... goodbye world.
      - signed,
      the dog"

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  • Celebi1

    I'm in the same situation. I hate dogs! But I won't hurt my aunt's dog. It's her responsibility. She's the one who has to clean up after it and train it. I'll be nice and buy a muzzle. Hmm, or a shock collar.

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  • Riiley

    The reason hes growling is because he is afraid you are going to take away his food or toys. A growl isn't meant to be aggressive, it's more of a "stay away!" warning.

    It's obvious you don't know shit and thats why you got your face bit. How about you try researching dog body language and behavior? If the dog is growling, don't approach him because he WILL attack because you didn't respect his personal space.

    Leave him alone when he eats, however the toy thing is a bit concerning. Has he always done it, or has,the habit recently picked up?

    If you really want to approach him while he plays/eats, try to not directly look at his eyes and try to lower yourself around his height to make yourself look less scary. Don't move to fast around him. If he still growls, stop and back away.

    Is he doing anything else then growling when you approach? Is he licking his lips, wagging his tail, avoiding eye contact, etc?

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    • CowboySaiyan

      I have no problem getting attacked. That's the fundamental difference between us.

      The dog can choose to fight me or choose not to. But if he wants to fight me I will fight him. If he wants to fight to the death I will kill him.

      The bottom line is that no dog should act that way. If a child was around him he would probably bite them. Perhaps you're more sympathetic and see dogs as more human than I do. I think canines and humans are allies, but traitors, no matter the species, shouldn't be tolerated.

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  • Ellenna

    It's not your dog, leave it alone!

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  • RoseIsabella

    Don't kill him, just return him to tell place from whence he came. That's not a good dog to have.

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