I want to kill my parent's dog
My parents god this new dog recently. He's a real piece of work. He growls at people, including my parents and brother, when they approach him if he has a toy, food, etc. They are all afraid of him. I'm the only person who isn't.
I take his food or toy away if he growls at people. Today he decided to bite my face. If he was my dog, I would have beat him like any other dog he might bite in the face. But I restrained myself because it's my parents dogs. The worst thing is they make excuses for his behavior.
Back in the day, when we were domesticating wolves into dogs, we would kill a dog who did this. Personally, I have no sympathy for a dog who will attack it's own pack. I think he should be set straight, and if he tries to fight to the death or continues aggression, he should be killed.
After all, he is actively LOOKING for a fight. It's not like he would be forced to fight.