I want to lose weight just for attention

Right now, I am a healthy weight (96lbs) but I want to lose weight just so people can see how skinny I am and how much self control/will power I’ve got. My goal weight is 88lbs.

I was previously 90lbs but after giving up dieting for a while over Easter, I gained weight until I was 99lbs. Now, I am once again trying to lose but more slowly, only losing 1/2 pound per week.

It is not about my appearance and I know I am not fat, I just want to do it for attention and to show how much will power I’ve got.

I don’t starve myself and I eat nice food such as chocolate or cake every day so I am losing the weight in a healthy way.

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35% Normal
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Liqurping

    Losing weight for attention could be dangerous. What happens when you hit your target weight? Is that gonna be enough? There are other ways to get attention, and to show that you've got willpower. You could exercise more, maybe train to run a marathon? Start a new hobby and spend a lot of time on it?

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  • COVID-19

    I have the opposite problem. No matter how much I eat or how lazy I am I don't pick up weight.

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  • litelander8

    I used to starve myself for attention in high school. One day, maybe you’ll grow into a healthy adult.

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  • Dont

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  • LloydAsher

    Hey whatever gets you there.

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  • have_a_good_day

    I feel like if you truly believe in yoself, you can weigh 78lbs. Believe in yoself lil nigga

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