I want to rain on her anti-bullying parade.

Sometimes I scroll through FB and see an old roommate of mine posting vehemently anti-bullying articles, pictures, statuses and so forth. I feel the urge to call her out on it as she was one of the biggest bullies I had dealt with in my childhood. She was in her early 20's when I was about 12 and she moved in. She was the one to rely on to talk down to me, to threaten me and to punish me on behalf of my Mom who I have a very dark history with in terms of the things she let my Dad do to my sister and I.

Now I am in my mid-20's and work with troubled teens myself. I have worked with children from 10 years of age up to young adults and the concept of doing to them what she did to me seems sadistic in many ways. I knew this even when I was the age she was.

So I sit here and look at the shit she posts and even though I'm not horribly upset and I'm willing to consider that maybe she changed her approach to people she deems "inferior" to her, I do wonder what it would do to her self-perceived nobility if I were to casually mention that she loved taking my stuff, fabricating stories for the police and talking down to me for the simple crime of escaping physical abuse and speaking to my own father. I kind of get a kick out of the fact that she would particulate in activism while and after endorsing physical, sexual and emotional abuse toward children.

Are my feelings normal?

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 50 votes (43 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • SockUnicorn92

    "Grow up" is such a silly thing to comment. Have you ever been a victim of bullying? You have no idea the kind of mark that leaves on a person if you've not experienced it. You need to be a little more constructive with the voice you have.

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    • wigz

      Oh yeah, so silly. So much sillier than wallowing in the past and planning the pettiest revenge ever. You're right...I've seen the light. I must live my life around those who have hurt me and use all my spare time planning a lame 'gotcha' moment.

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      • SockUnicorn92

        Hahaha. That is not what I meant. Moving on is the only way but you never really shake it off. And I'm not encouraging any form of revenge or to dwell on the past. Jesus, I'm replying to what YOU said and not to the OP. You are very petty and it's making you miss the big picture.

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    Publicly call her out

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  • Curima

    Your feelings are so normal they're cliche. Like, the kind of thing that people write TV episodes about. For what it's worth, those TV episodes usually revolve around coming to terms with the once-terrible person having genuinely learned from their mistakes and become better for it, and the importance of forgiveness for past wrongs. But hey, real life is complicated, so take it for what it's worth; I don't know anything about you two.

    It sounds like this stuff happened a while ago, though, and people do change. Anger and resentment are normal, but not always the best approach. Who knows, maybe their guilt over how they used to be is exactly why they're so up in arms about that stuff these days. Just a thought.

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  • ThePurplePanda

    There is no solution to preventing bullying. You can stop it once in action, but you can't stop it at it's source.

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  • wigz

    Grow up. Move on. Stop looking at her motherfucking facebook page.

    She may have had an epiphany and even if she didn't she still might positively influence others through her 'activism'. Maybe she's wracked with guilt. Choose to believe one of those things and stop looking at her page.

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    • It shows up on my feed, it's not something that keeps me up at night, just a random angry thought.

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      • wigz

        Block her?

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        • I looked because it's been a little while and I think she either blocked me (which is weird because I haven't said a word to her) or she deleted her facebook. Both are very real possibilities. I'm not worried about it, the thought crossed my mind and I figured I'd vent a story out.

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