I was being chased and became paralysed..

Now I know know. I don't wanna hear it. The title is clickbait. If your gonna comment stay on subject. Now i have this reaccuring dream that I am being chased by something (I'm not sure what) and suddenly I can't move and I collapse. I can't tell if its a fear or a sign or what. Can someone tell me what this could mean??

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Boojum

    It's a dream, so who the hell knows what it means? It could mean you want to be caught because you feel guilty about something. It could be something about feeling trapped and helpless in your waking life. It could be simply that the bad dream wakes you up to the point where you're sufficiently conscious to be aware that your body is paralysed as it usually is when we dream.

    In real life, paralysis is a common response to extreme stress and fear. Many people who find themselves in a burning building will be unable to run for the exit. Some people on sinking ships find they're unable to put on a life jacket or respond to crew instructions. Paralysis is also a common response to rape and being threatened with a weapon.

    This is why the military and other professions which have to deal with unpredictable and life-threatening situations spend time training in scenarios as close to the real thing as possible.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Where's the poll option?

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    • Mememememememememeonlymeme

      There isn't a poll option but you can comment your opinion in the comments!

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  • howaminotmyself

    I always freeze in my dreams. Very common dream symbol. I think the meaning will depend on other factors and details. And how much spicy food you ate.

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  • Ellenna

    Normal and common dream, as is the falling one. I've found the best way to work out the meaning of what seem to be significant but puzzling dreams is to focus on the feeling you had immediately on waking from it. That will tell you more than stupid dream analysis books or endless speculation.

    Be aware that all sorts of random stuff gets mixed up in our brains when we're asleep and most of it means nothing except that we're dreaming and giving our rational mind a rest.

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  • I freeze in my dreams sometimes too. Normal.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its some shit bout feara losin controla yalls life

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    • Mememememememememeonlymeme

      Thanks for letting me know

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