I wasn't sure if i should touch her iin
I'm a lesbian and I invited a woman whis also gay town LGBT club. I said I'd bring my mates and I'd buy her a drink. Basically, when she arrived she wanted to buy me a drink lmao. She and I flirted and she also grinded on me, placing her ass into my vag. I did get turned on and this is a first because I've never done anything remotely sexual before. Never had sex or a relationship. She did this in front of people as it wasn't that dark so I felt uncomfortable but she had a skirt opend I was so tempted to place my hands on her thighs. I also at one point badly wanted to kiss her but despite the eye contact I didn't feel her give me tgat I wanna kiss you look. She pat me, place her hand on my back, give me flirty signs. Wed dance closely. I did place my hands up her back like touchy feely. I cant read her properly. I offered 2 walk her home but she refused and said she only lives 2 mins away. She kissed me good bye on my cheek and hugged, said she had fun. Shes a bit introverted and v shy.
She also stared at me from afar while with others and gave me a cute as smile here and there. She also offered to buy me a drink and not others. So basically I asked her out in text but she said she felt no romantic spark? Then why so sexual with me lol. Now I feel retarded for being flirty back and being touchy. She made it seem she liked it at the time? How am I to know if she liked me touching her or what if I had placed my hands up her legs.