I wear the same size of bra as my mom and have been wearing bra

Anyone else who loves to wear bras and lingerie

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84% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • cupcake_wants

    if you are a woman this is normal. if you are a man, it is not.

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  • dimwitted

    Does this mean you are male? Either way it's nothing strange or unusual.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      I think its unusual if its a dude. Dicks and bras don't go together.

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      • CDmale4fem

        There are males who actually have a medical need. Gynecomastia is an actual medical condition. Would you tell those guys they "don't go together". As much as someone like yourself probably enjoys to criticize those you don't know, if you DON'T KNOW their situation then , like that day "if you can't say something nice, then say nothing at all." But I'm sure you are gonna come back at me telling me to STFU, Or I bet your favorite is when you throw out the "well you are gay then" kind of things. A handicap or disability is not always so obvious. I have a handicap tag for my vehicle. People look at me and I'm sure they judge. I am legally blind. Are you one that's going to be in a corner so to speak, and make comments because I have to hold things so close to my face to read them ? I'm betting you would.
        But yea there are many many people that crossdress. Women do it everyday and guys (myself too) think many of them look sexy af. Some women even think guys look sexy or really enjoy it. So why be so critical of things and lives that do not cross yours or intertwine with you.People are so critical of others and there's no reason for it except to make themself feel better. It's pretty pathetic.

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          I do unusual things to lol. This site is is it normal, not is it okay. Its not normal to be gay, but its fine. Its not normal for dudes to wear bras, but its fine. There are medical conditions that make people need wheelchairs, does that mean its normal for someone to use a wheelchair for fun who doesn't need it?

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    • Ezrajones

      Thanks for the reply... I love to wear bras and lingerie and as a man who wears bra's and lingerie I am always looking for advice on what people think

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    • bigbudchonga

      If you're wearing a bra as a dude then it s both strange and unusual

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  • Bilover

    Nothing wrong with it at all. I have a big panty fetish. When I was a kid I would wear my moms bras and panties while I masturbated. As well as others when I was alone in their homes.

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  • GaelicPotato


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