I went blind for 2 minutes when i smoked weed...

So the other night i smoked weed with a few of my friends in his basement. I used to smoke weed a lot more often but i hadnt for a couple months. After the second bowl, I started to feel like you do when you stand up to fast. My vision started fading and it got worse and worse and worse until i could literally see nothing. Once my friends figured out i wasnt faking they walked me over to a couch, bumping into everything on the way. I sat there for about a minute and finally vision started returning.

It was weird because i was pretty mentally in it the entire time, i was just completely blind. It didnt happen to anyone else. Apparently i turned crazy pale as if there was literaly no blood anywhere above my neck. My friend even said my eyes looked bloodless whatever tha means.

Any thoughts?

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Comments ( 138 )
  • You did not actually go blind. What happened your brain received a big burst of THC and not enough oxygen. If you didnt pass out you were close to it. This happens maybe once or twice in your life I wouldnt worry about it. If it starts happening more frequently then youll have to stop smoking weed sorry

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    • Lubricated-Pickle

      Why would you have to quit..? Is that bad for you? Ive had this happen 4 times now

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      • Domoz212

        Not getting enough oxygen to your brain is very bad for you and if your oxygen supply to the brain gets depleted enough for a longer period of time you'll stay blind.

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        • CaliKush559

          Really will you stay blind forever ?
          I got an allergic reaction to some top shelf weed after stopping for 3 days I used to smoke mid quality everyday
          I had been smoking the crappiest weed before I stopped for those 3 days it was outdoor and it litterelly tasted like shit I later noticed it had mold so I was ripped off I would feel like the chills all over my body after I smoked that weed that never happened when I smoked weed and I never checked my skin for allergic reactions when smoking that weed so I'm not sure if that weed gave me an allergic reaction.
          I stopped smoking after I realised the crappy weed I had had mold.
          After 3 days of not smoking I purchased some top shelf animal cookies and I used a bong I hadn't used in like 1 year it was just sitting in the garage so before I used it I cleaned it and some stains didn't get off but I thought it was residue but now I'm pretty sure it's mold because I cleaned it the bong with hot water then with alcohol and salt and the stain didn't come off so I smoked out of it with out water taking huge hits because its a 18" bong and I would hold it for long I kept smoking because I didn't get higher after I smoked more. And I also would smoke with super small bongs before that day. After I was done smoking the top shelf weed I didn't feel as high as I wanted to be but I did feel really high and I started feeling an uncomfortable feeling on my back like a rash so I got check the mirror and I notice I have a rash on my face neck chest and legs, I could hear my heart beat loud and it was harder to breath not that much my ears also started ringing like I heard a noise even though it was completely quite where I was. For like 2 seconds or 1 I saw big black spots and I didn't think much of it untill after(tbh I don't remember if the big black dot thing happened with the top shelf weed or with the mold weed / I have bad memory) The rash went away the next day.
          I haven't smoked since that day
          I also want to add I haven't been eating a lot and drink water and I don't remember if that day I had eat or not but I want to know what could of been the couse of the allergic reaction. Was is it the weed? Was it smoking to much top shelf? The mold on the bong? Or was thier something on the weed because the top shelf weed has like a wired smell to it I still have it ( I didn't notice the wierd smell untill after but the smoke dos smell like some really good weed.). Or could the crappy mold out door weed could have caused me to be allergic to weed? I still have the both the crappy moldy weed and top shelf I kept them just in case to see if I find something on them. I had smoked everyday for like 2 years and nothing had ever happened like this.

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  • BigRedOne

    That happened to me once also but I was not smoking weed I was stroking my johnson.

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  • JEM

    This happened to me last night.
    ive never had it happen to me before either, i've been smoking weed for over a year now and last night i went out for a joint - i was completely sober and hadn't had any smoke that day. I was ill with a cold and chest infection aswell.. after i smoked the joint i felt like i was going to faint, my vision had big black spots in it, and my hearing was muffled.. soon i couldnt see anything at all - i told my boyfriend (who i was with at the time) and he helped me back to my house..
    basically its perfectly normal for this to happen, it just means that you need more sugar because of the THC in the weed.

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    • Ethantmc

      If you have someone with you, just have them get you a cup of water with sugar stirred into it, its always worked for me.

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    • CaliKush559

      Has this happened to you again? That same thing happened to me but the vision of the big black dots only lasted like 2 seconds

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  • kaila424

    YES!! THIS HAPPEND TO ME!! AND EVERY TIME I TELL SOMBODY ABOUT IT THEY THINK IM CRAZY! THIS IS EEXXACCTLY WHAT HAPPEND TOO ME EXCEPT I WAS IN PUUBLIC IT WAS SO SCARY I KEPT POKING MY EYES TO SEE IF THEY WERE OPEN! i want to start smoking again but im scared ill go blind again. idk what caused it and i've been trying to find out for sooo long, im happy im not alone! and yes you are telling the truth!!

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  • Jjjjohnmiles


    so this happened to me 2 days ago and since then I've been spooked. I've done a fair amount of research and discovered that our blindness (and my fainting (and smashing my head against a wall)) has been caused by not smoking for awhile (one week) then smoking mass quantities (a blunt of chron) on an empty stomach (the pb and j I made later that night was the best of my life). As far as I'm concerned it was just the perfect storm of being stoned out of my mind and not getting enough food or O2.

    Anyone else experence ringing ears?

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    • Tarynmichelle

      I experience ringing ears too! It’ll start out with a tingling feeling in the middle of my forehead and then I’ll get lightheaded and dizzy. And when I stand up my vision will either go blurry or It’ll be completely gone. And then I’ll either feel like I have to shit myself or vomit. I’ll also feel like my heart is beating really fast

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    • Soduka_

      I had a similar experience, I was with some friends last night in their garage and it was hot as hell. I hadn't eaten anything in well over a few hours. So we decided to load up three bowls at once and pass them around in one sesh. Prior to this I hadn't smoked in like a week, but before that I was smoking dank shit constantly. Once I got good and stoned I sat back and cracked open a Beer and drank it to about halfway. Then I started to feel very woozy and off from what a I normally felt. So I decided to stand up and go inside and grab a water. It was hard to keep my balance, especially with my vision every so slightly dissipating. I finally was able to get inside and I started to walk towards the fridge but everything just went black. I opened the fridge and then practically collapsed inside it crashing my jaw against one of the shelves. Then I put my hand up and grabbed the closest water next to me and the fell down into a chair next to me, but I couldn't hear anything because some loud music was on, also I there was a deep ringing in my ears that stayed with me almost for about 20 minutes. I looked around and realized I needed to get outside. I stood up and pretty much lost my vision again, then I turned to the back door and stumbled out it and sat down outside. I began to drink my water and came back to earth. Pretty much I sat out there for like 15 minutes. I was fine after then.

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    • Jvslmeno

      Yeah, this had happened to me twice, both times I hadn't eaten or drunken anything that day, while it was super hot out and smoked outside. And I'm a pretty heavy smoker. Once I went pale in the face-lightheaded and lost my sight, another I was standing and I went blind, then trying to find my way to a seat I collapsed into a tv (Ouch). But when I ate and drank something after I felt fine and it never scared me away, Irresponsibility on my part.

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    • Antgonz99

      Yesss I experienced it today ! I am very frighten , do you have an answer for why my ears was ringing ?

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    • CaliKush559

      I did and they haven't stopped ever since but it did get better has this happened to you again I want to smoke in the future hope I'm not allergic to weed now

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    • elliotgrey4

      I got the same I my vision went but I was smoking hash and I also got a loud ringing I'm my ears I also hadn't eaten.

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  • kushfaerie

    Same thing happened to me, I'm pretty sure you're dehydrated. Just make sure you drink enough water befo you smokee, I almost passed out too, then got sick. GOod luck

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  • oxide112

    I went snowboarding yesterday and I smoked some weed. I got really nauseous and figured it was because I hadn't eaten anything like all day. So I'm getting some chips with nacho cheese from the cashier when my vision totally blurs out so I have to just hold my hand out for my change and feel around for my food. I thought I was gonna pass out right in front of the cashier lol. But after sitting down, drinking some water, and eating I felt better after a while.

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  • galaxy

    This has happened to me once. Right after smoking a bowl, while me and my friend were going for a walk I gradually went blind and she had to lead me to the house then my vision slowly came back after a few minutes. Was fucked ahaha and caught me off guard since I smoke regularly

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  • thekushjedi

    I agree with the people who have said something about blood sugar. This same thing happened to me earlier this week. At first I was freaked out and thought about not smoking again but then i realized why it happened. Me and my pals were hanging out in his garage and we had just smoked multiple blunts it was really hot already and then I noticed that i suddenly felt like shit and my vision was fading. well anyways i went inside and sat down in the cool a/c and drank some water, my vision returned instantly. Thinking back on it I hadnt had anything to eat all day except for one banana. SO judging from all these responses i would say its normal and you should never smoke alot on an empty stomach

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    • Greysoul187

      It happened to me like at least 3 or 4 time, but the strange thing is that I didn't always smoked weed before it happened. I smoked a lot of hash many time and we're perfectly okay. One day, in the morning I smoked a joint but didn't ate anything. I was waiting in a bank before it open, then I started hearing loud ringing noise, I had a very bad headache, then started to see a bright white light with a lot of black dot, I were literally blind. Then, boom! I fell on the floor, and could barely move for a couple of minutes, paralyzed! I think you shouldn't smoke weed without eating enough and be careful not being dehydrated.

      It happened another time when I was cooking with some other folks. I started feeling dizzy, weak, had a huge headache, saw the same black and white light and almost fell a second time. When a friend told me to sit down and brought me some water I started feeling better. She told me that it could be a lack of sugar in my blood, to reverse that she poured me a cup of orange juice and it really helped.
      Surprisingly, I didn't smoked anything that day but didn't ate neither.

      Last time it happened was yesterday. I smoked a blunt with three friends, drank a couple of shot of cognac, then smoked two or three spliff with the friends (still don't quite remember lol) I handle alcohol kinda well so I think it were probably the weed. Everything was okay for like 20 minute, then I couldn't stand straight on my feet, started feeling very dizzy, the same ringing noise in my ears, then the black and white light, I felt like I was epileptic or something, at a point that I didn't saw anything else! This was scary as hell! I was standing in front of the door, like I was paralyzed, my friend's father enter the house, the friend introduce me, I'm like
      "bro, I'm blind!!! I'm blind!!!" Then fall on the ground, break the glass of cognac
      and stay on the ground for like five minutes. During these minutes I could even, move, talk, and barely see, but I was clearly conscious. Took me a couple of hours to walk straight without feaing another fall. Everyone in the house smoke a lot and told me to never hit again without eating. They said I was probably dehydrated as well.

      So, my lesson is to always:
      -eat enough
      -be hydrated
      -not stand up too fast after I smoke (or I'll get a headrush)
      -be aware of my breathing between each hit (make sure I don't lake of oxygen)

      And the most important: make sure to have someone else with you of you think it may happen again. Especially if these friends experienced the same thing and are used to smoke marijuana. Trust me, it's way more dangerous if you're alone in your house without anyone to help you.

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  • pinkie222

    Did you eat that day?? cuz that happend to me one time and i didnt eat that day

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    • Danjaman25

      I think you're right because I had no food or drink for many hours then had a blaze on some really strong stuff and I couldn't feel my eyes and went a bit blind seeing the black as well as dizziness so I think it's just being starved of vitalities

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  • tuxedo90

    Ok well i've gotten a fair amount of comments so i figure i'll give a brief follow-up:

    I have smoked pleeeeeeeenty of pot since this, basically daily in the summer, and it has had no effect on me other than getting me really high. No more blindness. And I don't have lung cancer or aids either.

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  • tuxedo90

    i can handle weed. I used to smoke just about every day. I NEVER had anything like this happen before. I rarely even got that high. This was different.

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    • I think you should lay off the shit before it kills you. Did you know every time you smoke a joint it is the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes? Your lungs are probably hammered.

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      • thekushjedi

        come on people! milk has killed more people then weed

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      • flamer180

        @gizzie56 , where the hell did you get your info?
        are you kidding, the same as smoking a pack a cigs, are you high?

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      • smileshihi

        i do not think that the weed did this to you,and weed deff. cant kill you, it doesnt cause cancer, actually it has several medicinal purposes, i can say that one time though my eyes were so dry and red that i couldnt open my eyes maybe thats what happened

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      • billiam

        grizzly56 your retarded to think something like that, get your facts right before you say something like that

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  • dweevle

    Im sitting here laughing at gizzie56's comment...You are a mindless idiot if you beleive the bull shit the government tells you.
    Yes, smoking weed isnt good for your lungs but hey, is any smoke? Its good for your soul!

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    • jillian

      i disagree with both points of view. its not good for you at ALL. however, its f****n hella fun!

      ive had really weird experiences with smoking pot too. once my face turned red and i started shaking, and another time i swear to god i was the only person that smoked the shit to trip such terrifying balls.

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    • Yeah well when your in the hospital dying of lung cancer you wont be laughing so hard will you?

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      • KottonMouthxx

        Do your research before you start pulling random facts out of your as$. Marijuana may be worse for you per oz. than tobacco. but have you ever heard of anyone smoking 25 cigarette size joints in one day?....didnt think so. Also have to factor in vaporizers and bongs that filter out the bad stuff. Youll be the one lying in a hospital dying of skin cancer from being outside too much before i die from lung cancer because of pot.

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  • samers

    Oh wow ! same thinq happen to me yesturday while smoking!

    okay we were hanging out smokinq a blunt. Then i see white spots . At this time im not worring about it because i seen it befor but im thinking its gonna go away but it doesnt it just gets worser and worser . So at this time my friend is holding me and its just went black . Within a minute it came back slowly .After I felt dizzy for About 15 minutes i was walking and it felf if my eyes were somewhat dropping. After that i was feeling normal , but then i was sick i throw up a couple of times .

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  • jrob315

    ive been freaking out cuz i had no idea what the heck happened to me. i didnt know if it was laced or what but none of my friends had that happen. but i was at amc about to see avatar (imax 3d) until we found out it was sold out... gay. and then everything started going white and i went outside to sit down and i had to stop cuz i couldnt see where i was going so i backed up and held onto some railing and all of a sudden my back started hurting and i had some how bent backwards over the railing like completely.. i think i passed out for like 30 seconds. and then i could see silhouettes of things and my friend came outside to check on me and gave me water and then my vision started coming back. but i was thinking normal during all of this, i didnt even feel that high, it just came out of no where

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  • Eluveitie

    once i fainted and i couldn't see, even though my eyes were open, i have no idea what caused it, i felt like my legs were like jelly, then i couldn't feel my legs at all, i started to lose my vision, fell over then it took a few seconds and i could see again

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  • NotThatInnocent

    OMG!! That happened to me TODAY!!! The first time i smoked weed was on monday and i really didn't feel anything just dizzy and sleppy. So i wanted to try it the second time so i got a blunt and a joint. I went home and i smoked a little more than half of the blunt and then i went to my room getting ready to take a shower and all of the sudden i felt really dizzy and i went blind! I couldn't see anything and i totally freaked out cause i was alone. so i made my way to the my bed just touching aound and i laid down then it went away and i could see again!! But everything looked really weird! It was awesome! And im not really sure why this happened. But now I'm scared to smoke my joint! haha

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  • Obamaramam

    Man the same thing happened to me not long ago. I was pretty freaked out while it was happening (and I was alone).. being high as fuck and all. However, now that I think back about it I believe what probably happened was that I was lacking oxygen. Smoking bowls back to back and holding that smoke in is definitely going to deprive you of oxygen. Not only that but the air you get has a lot of smoke and other shit in it. Your friends saying you were pale seem to confirm that theory, little oxygen binding to hemoglobin giving you the appearance of being pale.

    I ended up just sitting down and chilling out, when I opened my eyes at first it was really dim but it cleared up pretty fast.

    Yeah, I can't imagine that its good for you. If you are losing vision you probably are having some blood loss in your brain and that could really fuck you up. I'd suggest making sure you are breathing more oxygen between hits and if it happens go lie down for a bit.

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    • nikolas1

      this happend to me befor off one hit! so i dont think its oxegen loss due to breathing.....it was REALLY good shit

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  • thegoodneighbor

    take it easy man.

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  • Lucky_Marty

    Sounds like some good shit, where can I get me some of that?

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  • DrBallsack


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  • txtmachine

    The same thing happens to me if i smoke and i don't eat..i get lightheaded and cannot see. i've passed out before and i've thrown up. sorry for being explicit. My friends whole family smoked and i had an episode where i got sick,
    and her aunt told me im probably hypoglycemic.
    make sure you eat before you smoke.

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  • smethngsickntwiztd


    something of the sort happened to me.

    but I was in the Lion King.

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  • tuxedo90

    im just gonna go ahead and say thats entirely false

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    • AfroMarx

      It's not false. 1st time i hit a bong I was rushed so much that my vision went. Not like a blind mans vision would be gone, but so blurry that seeing is hard.

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    • darkwillow49

      Its not false I've had it happen twice. Most likely oxygen depravation from hitting a bong and not breathing enough between hits

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    • BUA420

      im gonna agree with you

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    • studmuffin13

      hahahahahahahaha ahaha ahaha that was fucking hilarious, and i agree completely.

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  • solidkibbles

    we call it deathing it.Either you cant handle your weed or it was good shit

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  • DefJay

    Postural Hypotension!

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  • cheaks

    Buy weed that's good quality.

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  • Kolovision

    you just whitey'd. jeez kids these days dont know anything lol ;)

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    • notnormal1987

      That's pretty much the exact message I was going to write! Are you british by any chance? Just coz I know that americans use different words for a lot of things, I'm not trying to imply that you would have to be british to know this! I just read that. Grass doesn't make you become slightly paranoid and over-think every little thing...honest...

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  • pillman

    thats just sounds like some sweet ass weed
    or u just had a bad reaction to it.
    i smoke one time and my left hand went numb for about 10 minutes
    and one time m ear went really blue like it was bruised.
    its just da weed i think
    there is some fukd up shit out there these days
    its not like it used to be

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  • Well that's what you get when you handle things that you know isn't right. I wouldn't blame the drugs or anthing else but yourself. I'm not saying it's easy to stop or even you should stop but think it's normal that you go blind using that stuff.

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  • cpg123

    its probly something happening with ur brain

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    • nikolas1

      THAT HAPPEND TO ME YESTERDAY! i was fine in the head jsut my body was going crazy i got all pale. i think its blood loss to the head cuz the same shit happend to me when i donated blood and i passed out idk but im not smokeing weed anymore

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  • coolioman

    so this happened to me today, and i need advice if i need to stop. So today me and my friends went to the fair, we decided hey let’s smoke before we go. we did and then when we went to get gas and drinks i felt sick, so i was like hey i need to go the bathroom, when i got out i started losing my vision so i told my friend she needs to come w me, i walk into the gas station and i ask for the bathroom and while i’m asking i lose all my sight and then i start calling out where are you to my friend. she takes my hand and brings me to the bathroom, i’m on the bathroom floor for 10 min dry heaving and no sight… after my vision comes back i feel perfectly fine and i’m ready to go but my friend is rlly worried ab me… i just need to know if i need to stop smoking?

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  • Jordan-P

    yeah this has happened to me loads pretty sure its because ive got hypoglycemia which is pretty much always low blood sugar make sure to have a fizzy drink or some juice with you when you smkoke and you will be alright

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  • Meetpanchal

    You know what guys this happened to me today when i get blow of a bud like 3 puffs i felt like completely gone blind like 1 min and my friend gave me chocolate and went to normal, i want to ask you guys is this normal what if it affects after sometime?

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  • Bubblegum22

    This happened to me today. I felt fine aftward smoking it but then a few min later I really started to feel it. I was shaking uncontrollably, and we went into this takeaway to get food and I felt so dizzy and I started seeing black dots like when you stare at the sun too long and then I started seeing more until I couldn’t see at all. I felt like I was about to pass out. The guy on the counter offered to phone me an ambulance because I was so bad. This is the second time it’s happened to me but this time was so much worse. But I found out that if you get some fresh air and eat chocolate it does summet with you sugar levels?? Either way it helps ALOT. I advise you eat chocolate and sit outside. And don’t close your eyes for more than 2 seconds because it sends you west and you’ll end up passing out :)

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  • helpmepleaseplzz

    I’ve had the same thing happen but I NEED SOME HELP PLEASE the first time I was smoking and drinking w my friends and I came inside and my vision was how it is when you get up really fast then I need to sit down so I’m going to sit down then next thing you know I passed out and I wake up and my moms on top of me everyone is freaking out then I get up and I pass out again then I go to the doctor and they said people are smoking “2K” weed and it’s sometninh if you know anything ab that help but I didn’t eat that day a lot then I didn’t smoke for a little then I did the rest of summer I did and I have for a while and nothing happen then yesterday I’m outside smoking and we’re walking and my friend says she’s ab to puke then we start walking more and my vision is like that again and I keep blinking and blinking and it just gets darker and darker and I couldn’t hear and I couldn’t see and I fell off the road and then I got up fast and could kinda see got into the car and drank coke and had all the windows down and it felt normal after that then today I smoked and I had the vision happen and the ringing but nothing else happen after that and I ate before I smoked and was drinking a drink

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  • Stingraygirl

    This happened to me once in a public bathroom, it was an automated one and I got stuck coz I couldn't find the button to let me out. It was so scary, couldn't see a thing and there was a loud ringing in my ears.

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  • Jjbk87

    So heres my experience. Might i add its two things happening at once that causes this. The amount of thc going especially higher grades with more tricomes and thc count and a lack of oxygen during that hit.
    I need to say this to advocate to everyone about this! You may think smoking and driving is cool, but please dont risk it.

    One night i had gone and picked up a couple vape pens, and had some grape ape, one of my faves. Had to try it instantly. Lets say lucky i was driving late at night... As soon as i got done hitting it, it turned out to not be the softest of hits, and ended up coughing. I dont know if you guys notice coughing before this vision loss at all, but while driving around 45mph and coughing while in the left lane. My vision had gotten wavey, and it felt like i had held my chest and did the knock myself out game and hold my breath. Oh man, then seconds after experiencing that....my vision went black!
    I was still highly able to function no issue at all didnt feel as if i was going to knock out, but i had zero vision whilst hurling through the road at 45mph. About a minute later my vision came back, and i was in the right lane almost about to curb it. Lucky my vision came back and no one was around but a few mins. More and there would have been. Imagine if a cop saw this craziness!

    Please becareful! It is not safe wait until your home. This stuff does happen bowls, vapes, etc. So do it safely!

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  • Treyday

    This just happened to me yesterday. I was at my buddies home and I hadn't smoked for 2 maybe 3 days. We roll up a decent sized J with yager kush, at first I'm fine then it hit me, no one noticed they were just watching tv, but I was sitting in the back of the room of the verge of passing out, my vision went away all I saw was red, barely able to make out my own hand, my ears popped like on an airplane and I was slumped over on the chair for about 1-2 minutes, then I started sweating profusely, I focused my way out of it by just breathing and saying it'll pass. Scared the fuck out of me, but didn't stop me from smoking later that night. Most likely I wasn't getting enough air, doesn't help that they were chain smoking cigs right by me. That or I was having some kind of panic attack

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  • Fmar27

    Yeah this happend to me. So I was at summerfest and I first took a small dab that kinda got me fucked. Then I took some guys joint and that got me fricked. I started to see black and white pixels everywhere and my vision and hearing were going away. I heard ringing in my ears and my vision got worse and worse. Before I new it I was pretty much blind and I thought I was going to die.

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  • OgGasBoy

    MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yes. This happened to me twice. I was in mcdonalds once!! I had just smoked a loud blunt with some friends. I smoke often so it wasn't anything new. I was waiting in line when i felt myself about to pass out(extremely tired and vision swaying). I was trying to fight through it and stand up straight, but I couldn't. My vision began leaving pretty quickly and i was stumbling everywhere. Im pretty sure everyone in McDonald's was worried for my life! My friends say my face looked as if i were trying to fight a demon inside of me. I was about to collapse on the floor when my brother grabbed me and sat me down. The manager of McDonald's gave me some water and tried to question me, but i left immediately after I regained consciousness. My mouth was white as if i were dehydrated. This also happened in Little Ceasers a couple of days ago when i smoked and went to the store. I began feeling weak and my vision was slowly going black until the point where I couldn't even find the door! I still smoke, just not as much now.

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  • whatevsfkrevxo

    This happened to
    me 2 days ago.

    i was smoking a blunt ( i smoke about everyday ) with my sister and my boyfriend and like 10 mins into it i started to feel really tired and lathargic. I could barley keep my eyes open and i passed on the blunt because i knew something was up. All of a sudden i started to hear this intense ringing in my ears and it got louder and louder until i couldnt hear anything. I looked at my sister and my boyfriend both to see if they were experiancing the same thing because i thought it mightt have been laced. Then i started seeing black dota and everything got a deep shade of red until everything went black and i was completely blind. i started screaming that i was blind and couldnt see and i kept dipping in and out of consciousness. Apparently from their point of view it looked like i was dying or crashing because my eyes kept rolling back and i couldnt keep my head up and was completely limp. Pretty soon i regained my hearing but was still blind and could hear everyone freaking out. After they forced me to stand up i started to slowly see again. It was one of the scariest things thats happened to me and apparetly to both my sister and boyfriend. When i looked it up i was brought here and reading these comments is the only info i have on it.

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  • ratsmith

    yes this literally just happened to me! it was so scary, black dots came into my vision until they were so dense i couldn't see anything, it felt like my brain had just lost the ability to interpret visual input. and i was with my dad! i sat down, waited a few minutes, and regained sight

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  • darkwillow49

    I have had 2 of these episodes. They are not fun.. First time I hit a homemade gravity bong just twice when suddenly I started seeing black spots in my vision, numbness, loud ringing and thumping that was unbearable. I figured it would go away but it got worse, my vision slowly faded to black the more I moved. I got my husband to lead me to the couch where I laid down and tried to calm down. Slowly it returned and I continued through my day. The second time was the scariest. It was a fee months later, I was hitting my little water bong with my mom when the black dots came back and I sat down knowing I needed to. I told my mom calmly that something was wrong. Immeditly she wanted to bring me to the house. As we were walking back, her supporting me, my vision went very quickly to black and MY EYES WERE OPEN. total blackness , I couldn't see. I told her I needed to sit down and drink some water and that my vision was gone and I couldn't see. She guided me to a table in our back yard, and I asked her to bring me water. It took about 2minutes for my vision to come back and it was very scary. I wanted to know what causes this and how to prevent it?

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  • kulot04

    Same thing happened to me 2 days ago.
    We were smoking a blunt and went to get food after (I smoked on an empty stomach) and I suddenly got really dizzy. Then my ears would start ringing and I kept on hearing worse and worse. Then my vision would start to fade, little black dots getting bigger until complete darkness. I didn't see anything and barely heard anything. My friend would help me get out of the store we were in and I walked into the wall quite hard. As we were at the outside and I had some fresh air I slowly started hearing again and began to see my friends face again..
    I think it's just cause I underrated weed. Don't know about you guys but just let me tell, eat before you smoke, stay hydrated and don't smoke too much (Yes you ACTUALLY can smoke too much at once, also experienced that)

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  • Npulse

    Oh my goodness gracious. I first laughed so hard with the 2 min blindness, then the bumping into furniture, then the pale face and bloodless eyes!!! LMAO!!!! Man, I wish I had some but I just feel that you were "rushin" for a second. This stuff get stronger and stronger! SMH...

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  • fabioGS

    dude im 16 ,and i went blind for fucking 15 minutes can you believe it,i thought i was dying i needed some water and my friebnd guided me ..i was at school couldnt see outside when the sun SHINING and the temperatour was 39 C

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  • cobster

    I have started smoking for the past 4 months, pretty regularly. This was the first time this happened, and it happened today, actually a couple hours ago. I have been really sick today and I thought Midol(for cramps) caused it, I haven't eaten today either. I was on my roof smoked I bowl by myself, which I usually do. Not long, I was walking to the elevator and my ears started ringing to the point where I couldn't hear, they felt like they were going to explode. Then my eyes, you know how when u stand up really fast you get a blurry vision gray blots. I couldn't even see my phone screen, at all. Completely white. Took me 4 try's to call my sister. I got that, then it was to the point where I couldn't see I had to go down 4 floors, cant believe I made it home or even upstairs. When I was in the elevator I really felt like I was blacking out. God, now I know what Helen Keller feels like... what caused this?

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  • nicole_420

    Same thing happened to me Monday. It was a hot day. I went to the lake w my boyfriends mom & her friend. Me & her had been smoking before and after we got to the lake. We decided to hike up in the woods a Lil bit BC there was a path. Her friend doesn't smoke so it was just her & me hitting the blunt. It was so hot. & I had cotton mouth pretty terrible & I didn't want to have a heat stroke from being dehydrated. So we all decided to go back down after we finished the blunt. I was the first to make it down. I was standing & yelling for them to hurry at the bottom. Then a of a sudden its like everything went slow motion & I felt like I couldn't hear anything I felt like I was having a heat stroke bc i started losing my vision. I panicked . I was scared I was about to pass out. But after about 30 s it came back. I still don't understand what caused it but I'm sure it was lack of water . BC I had been smoking a couple years before that happened & that didn't stope from continue on to smoke . my vision wasn't pitch black either it was more of a vintage. Idk gow to explain it but it was like looking through sun glasses almost

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  • PHM

    A long long time ago I used to smoke pot pretty much every day - a joint in the morning, then another at maybe 2:30 in the afternoon, and then another at night. After some years of that I felt like I couldn't get anything worthwhile done and cut back to just camping trips and so forth. And then after a while just stopped smoking entirely. And eventually drifted away from All drug use.

    My daughter started smoking a bowl at my house after Sunday Dinner so I joined her a few times. Then my back hurt and a friend of mine brought a bunch over with a pipe - for 'medical use'. <g> Still; it was Really limited use - certainly less than once a week.

    A month or so later my doctor and I were casually talking and he asked if I wanted to smoke a bowl. It was a bong and maybe two big hits later we took off to run an errand. I don't know how long later it was that I realized that I was VERY high. <g> Then maybe a little nauseous, and then my vision started to fade. He was driving fortunately but after a bit my vision was completely obscured. Not black - not darkness - more like looking through an opaque green screen. I have had some eye surgery and this is pretty much what excess interocular pressure results look like.

    But also; my skin was cold and clammy - like a severe fear reaction.

    He pulled into a parking lot somewhere and eventually my vision came back but I still didn't feel well. We abandoned the errands at that point and back at his house (it was fairly unsteady walking from the driveway to his sofa) I laid down for probably an hour or maybe more before it felt even close to safe for me to be driving.

    The third stage of fear-reaction is shut-down: your heart rate falls, your blood pressure drops, you become almost comatose, etc. Evolutionarily this would be to protect you from whatever caused the fear. Say you were a caveman being hunted by an animal. Once it catches you - 'playing dead' may be a better advantage to fighting, and if you are bitten by the animal the bleeding would be less, and so forth.

    He and I eventually concluded that this is what likely happened to me. The symptoms fit - but I have zero recollection of feeling even slight fear.

    I came on here to see if it was just me. Guess not, huh? <g>

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  • wakslob

    Im laughing seriously at the guy who said "You didnt actually go blind you had a big burst of thc". I used to be a chronic smoker for over 10 years. Until i started having scintillating scotoma, which is a this aura like blind spot in the field of vision that grows over the course of anywhere between 5 minutes to an hour, a bit different then what you experienced though. I have been back and forth to the neurologist for a long time. Tried everything and the final conclusion was that it was the weed. I actually damaged my cannabanoid receptors by smoking to much. Now i can never smoke again. So what happens on the pathophysiological level is that different receptors malfunction in a response to try and process the THC. In my case the central nerve was creating an abnormal electrical phenomenon in my visual cortex called cortical spreading depolarization. I would go blind when i smoked, it would last for 30 minutes at a time. During this period the trigeminal nerve would be interrupted by the event causing different nuero peptides to be released that caused a pain in either of my temples. In laymans terms this is called a classic migraine. However i was a suffering from these events every 3 days for years and years. I couldnt figure it out because everyone would tell me "Thats impossible for marijuana to cause such symptoms" Well they were wrong. I finally quit and i havnt had one single attack since. My neurologist concluded that i had damaged my cannabinoid receptors, in which case she advised me to never smoke again. Haters are gonna hate, but the truth is the truth.

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  • strobesdeath

    yes this happended to me earlier today along with a loud ringing in my ear it freaked me out and i thought i was dead for about 10 mins until my friend slapped me in the face and i went back to normal

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  • bananapeel2

    THIS HAPPENED TO ME FOR LIKE 10-15 MINS! Everything was pitch black, even the light from my key-chain flashlight and cellphone did nothing. I hadn't smoked "a lot" in a long time, then I shared a blunt of some good shit with my friend. I went completely blind and he did not believe me and started accusing me of lying and told me to stop freaking out. Needless to say I never smoked with his ass again after that...I also basically stopped smoking weed all together after that.

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  • abnormalguy1

    Its called hypotension. Low blood pressure not enough blood or oxygen got to your brain. Same thing as when yoy stand up too fast. Same thing happened to me after a couple bong hits. Dehydration is another cause of this. Completely normal.

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  • CrimsonDeadly

    This has nothing to do with not being capable of handling it. It's happened to me twice yet most days I'm more of a warrior than my friends who will all fall asleep from being high before I do. At first I was thinking it was dehydration or something but I read somewhere that it's related to not having enough oxygen in your body when a large amount of thc enters your head.

    My 2nd experience was weirder than the first... Maybe because I was standing on my feet with no supporting structures anywhere around me while the first time I was leaning on a wall... It starts off as little white lights... Which started to grow in numbers until eventually my entire vision was blocked (and it wasn't a pitch black blindness, it was like a grey kind of colour)... As soon as my vision goes so does all my co-ordination. When I was standing with no support my friend literally had to grab me and hold me up or I'd have fallen straight on my ass... Exact same symptoms show up with me, but it usually goes away after about a minute or 2

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  • loves2spooge00

    Were fucked. Apparently our trees restrict the fuck out of blood flow to our brains, to the point of having the equivalent of someone's brain with dementia. Not sure if its all these new herbs they've been engineering, but the evidence is a bit shocking. Here's one- doesn't let me link the fu king shit but , Marijuana Use Affects Bloodflow in Brain Even After Abstenice - Science daily.... Check it out. Also , and these are but a few recent ones, but (are you wrecking you brain? Chilling pictures reveal shockibg effects of alchol, ciggs, and caffeine of the mind) dailymail.co.UK also gave us a study done, and its pretty fucked considering I've been smoking weed since elementary and now am getting these same feelings like everyone's described except mine felt like the equivalent of a hundred fuckin microdots....

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  • Ainav

    Something similar has happened to me the last few times I've consumed MDMA, except not only do I go blind , I also go deaf and my limbs begin to shake (sometimes I shake so bad I fall)... When my hearing comes back everything sounds so far away and muffled. I took some clonazepam and it helped a little by stopping some of the effects caused by the drug... I've decided to quit consuming as this is bad for your heart.

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  • AverageJoe1945

    I have been around all manner of pot smokers over the years who smoked all manner of pot.
    I have never seen or heard of anyone who experienced a loss of vision smoking unadulterated pot.
    You may consider that drawing in so much smoke that you rob your body of access to oxygen could cause this type of reaction. Sip, don't gulp.
    It is also possible that some underlying medical condition was triggered. Low blood sugar or something like that.

    Because I have seen literally thousands of people smoking pot over the past 50 years and never heard of this I do not believe it is a common or normal reaction. Normal would be something that happens to most people on a regular basis.

    Therefore, it would be wise to make sure you are not diabetic or borderline diabetic or that you have some other condition that is aggravated by inhaling too deeply or being exposed to the active ingredients in either the smoke produced or the actual components of pot. It it turns out that you are unlucky enough to have a potential for some unhealthy reaction then you need to discontinue use.

    On the other hand, pot is an unregulated substance and some people who grow or distribute it think it is a good idea to add chemicals to make it "stronger"

    Over the years there have been things like insecticides and defoliating products like PARAQUAT that have been found in pot. Sometimes these things potentially produce varying levels of health danger to anyone exposed with some being more sensitive than others. There have even been cases of certain users developing a tolerance to some adulterant and getting to the point where normal pot is just not good any more because they are addicted to some poison. Unfortunately, if a person who has never been exposed to the toxic adulterant sits in with a group of adulterant addicts, that person may experience some major negative impact like going blind, having a heart attack, or death.

    Be careful where you get your weed and sip, don't gulp.

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  • kiver

    Great experience like this today! My friend told me about some blue dream that he'd picked up recently so I decided I'd smoke some after college with him and one other friend. About 10 mins after finishing smoking I was fully feeling the effects (probably most stoned I've ever been). Anyway, we decided to walk to the shops to get some food and a drink, once I was in the shop I started feeling really uncomfortable standing up to pay and couldn't wait to get out to sit down. After paying, my vision started to become severely blurred. I really needed to get out and sit down, I start walking out when a lady approaches me asking if I can read maps waving a book in my face (very distressing at the time), this is when my vision completely went, all I could see was white, after a couple of awkward seconds I just walked away from this woman completely blind. I managed to make it towards the door when I dropped the packet of biscuits I had just bought, so for around 30 seconds I was feeling around the shop floor still totally blind, trying to pick up my food. I finally found my biscuits and managed to feel my way out of the shop, once outside I sat down until my vision returned around a minute late. It was the most fucked up I've ever been from smoking weed, although fairly uncomfortable I had a great time and would love to experience something like this again.

    I, like many others also had an empty stomach so I guess that could be the reason for the loss of vision.

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  • Basketball2467

    Okay so this has happened to me twice, both times were after waking up and on an empty stomach, but the first time was with a brownie and the second time was smoking a bowl. I saw like white and everything turned so bright when I lost my vision and it lasted about 2 minutes after I sat down and got some water. I also felt like I was going to throw up before and then it happened. And after I say down and relaxed, my ears were ringing for a couple minutes. I think in my particular situation it's from like the intensity of the thc because of not having eaten anything recently. Sort of like how alcohol is more intense on an empty stomach, I think it might be the same for weed. I have been trying to find the cause of this to avoid it again because it's like the worst feeling ever and the first time I thought I was tripping from being laced but then I realized I just had too much thc for my body to handle. If any one know like a scientific reason for this I would love to know it please.

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  • GetCrunk

    OK! So this has happened to me quite a bit and frequentlyish. I smoke every single day. I have been for 4 years and all of a sudden 3 months ago maybe this started happening. It'd always be when I've already been standing for a good 20 mins or more. BUT this HAS occurred while I was already seated. I would feel the lightheadedness, following the black distorting vision and muffled hearing. And an excessive amount of sweating. Like full on cold sweat going on. My legs would begin to feel like jello if I continue to stand and eventually I would collapse. I'd always have to be sitting and resting my head in order to relieve myself. This has been scaring the hell out of me for awhile and I was hoping so bad that I didn't have to quit smoking. I was starting to think it was from cigs but I also am really bad at eating needed meals daily and Pssh hardly any water a day. So would everyone else agree it's just because we don't eat and drink water? Or could it be more serious? That's all I'm trying to figure out

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  • samsinsaturn

    I was at the mall 2 days ago STONED out of my mind while on an empty stomach. Prior to being at the mall, i smoked a crazy amount of cigarettes. I've been a daily smoker for years (pot)but really cut down over the past few months because of school and such. I was at Teavana in the mall and as I was waiting for the woman to weigh the tea I was about to purchase, everything started to grey out (as if you stood up too fast) but I couldn't get out of that feeling. Soon enough I was COMPLETELY blind and as I attempted to hand her the money, (in the TOTAL opposite direction i'm sure, not that I could see)I started losing all balance, bumping into everything, knocking a whole bunch of stuff over. Everyone in the store started running over to me asking me if I was okay, attempting to help me..(which sounded like gibberish /elongated words) then all the sudden I PASSED OUT. Black out. I don't remember collapsing though. All I remember is waking up on the floor. I can imagine me laying there for 30 seconds maybe. I woke up, felt fine, convinced them I was fine. Which was true besides the whole crazed confusion thing.. haha. Everyone definitely thought I was on heroin. dammit. very embarrassing but as I've read, this is normal due to the lack of oxygen and nutrients. Smoking a shit ton of cigarettes doesn't help either. & Oh yeah! I didn't drink anything that day besides coffee. This adds up. haha hope this story made you feel less crazy, if not normal! :)

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  • k-corralejo

    is it normal wen u throw up and this wasnt yur first time smoking? can anyone answer this for me

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  • Dingus_1123

    Has anyone gotten hives or an itchy rash all over themselves when this happens? This has happened to me a few times. I always experience the blindness, and once I got nauseous along with that, and my lungs locked up and I couldn't breathe. Again last night this happened and I got hives, I went blind, and passed out multiple times. Then it was all just gone. IIN?

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  • Clickiw123

    Hahaha goood. Im happy to not be alone and thanks for telling me why u go blind because that happened to me yesterday. I smoked but not o mutch , i used to smoke more , and by sayin that ur brain doesnt have enough oxygen is it maybe im allergic and i cant breathe a lot ? Im in flowers i dont know whats the name of that allergy but on spring i cant breathe with my nouse ONLY with my mouth may that be why i went blind ?

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  • edwin.mantilla

    It happened to me too, friend you are not alone in this, hehe I freaked out afer this , and leave wee for aroung 3 years I wanna smoke againg but Im not very sure , Im still worried about that

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  • EarthboyMMXII

    This happened to me two nights ago. All my friends thought I was faking it. I was in line waiting to see Diiv and Japandroids in Toronto, and I had to leave the line to go find a drink. I was walking by myself at 10pm in a sketchy part of Toronto. It finally got so bad that I started bumping into people. I knew if I didn't sit down I would pass out, and puke. I had to sit down up against some disgusting wall, and people were looking at me like I was on something crazy. After a while I cooled out, and walked back. I had to go find some food. (5 Guys Burgers and Fries was the most incredible thing in the world). I hadn't eaten anything, and barely drank anything that day. It's definitely from having an empty stomach and being dehydrated. My advice is if you are going to smoke, know that you will have access to food and water.

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  • i had some pot last year and smoked it all in one sitting and a little after i had smoked it i went to lay down to enjoy the feeling of it then i fell asleep and woke up with numb cheeks jaw and my mouth i could still feel it all but it was numb and felt rather strange to me but then 3 hours later the high wore off,, so i told my one uncle about it and he said it was probably laced with some cocaine and thats what everyone else says so i guess that feeling was from the cocaine.

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  • Skybatx2000

    Omg this happens to me too! It was so scary! After smoking a couple joints with lots of hard hits black a

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  • snapxd

    Hi, i am 20 years old,

    I smoked weed for the first time 5 days ago. i had also had a few beers. while i was sitting down i started to see dots. so i decided to go to the bathroom. as i stood up it felt like i lost all blood to my head. i went blind and my ears were ringing bad. i sat down i just concentrated on my breathing. this lasted for 1-2 minutes. i got back up and went back to my friends they were all fine and didn't have this problem. i don't have any heart problems or blood pressure problems.

    It is now 5 days later and i still have a ringing in my ears. i asked an online doctor who said "The half life of some of the metabolites of marijuana is 20 hrs, however some of the break down products can have a half life of 10 to 13 days."

    "The prolonged half life is the reason that you are still experiencing some of the symptoms."

    Although i don't feel this is the cause. feel like the cause was the lack of oxygen to my brain.

    i am still quite worried and have booked an appointment with the doctor.

    I was wondering if anyone else had had this and if so how long does the ringing last. I hope i haven't given my self Tinnitus.

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  • BlackedoutThc

    "SHOOTING THE MOON".OK OK OK , I smoke alot of cheese about 6oz every 2 months of real high quality. Not leaf material. It happens almost everytime I take a huge hit of New thc laden buds. Or oil. Its just like people said. To much thc for our brain to process. Your Hearing goes pings and pongs or muffled. Almost like a 56k dial up modem makes. Your eyes peripheral vision shuts off making you feel blind and you get all hot and sweaty. Me and my buddy Both experienced this on headband oils,cheese. WE CALL IT "SHOOTING THE MOON"

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  • prettychickk

    I was smoking some bud it was some OG KUSH and i got high a** f**k then got dizzy and my vision blurred so i started walking in the house and was blacking out as i walked and then threw up and passed out then woke up shakey a** f**k and my eyes are trembling and i feel numb and my heart is raising is that normal? because i thought it was weird and i have been having panic attacks and freaking out

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    • prettychickk

      and i haven't had my period for a month could i be pregnant?

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  • Cutiepie780

    I was taking regular bong hits and it was like 100 degrees outside (I was in the shop). And all of a sudden when I was walking back to the house everything got bright outside and then when I was inside, everything started going black black. And I thought there was something wrong and I almost passed out. And I've been smoking for almost 3 years and nothing like this has ever happened before.

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  • crimson1211

    It could have been laced with something

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  • mattmeserole

    ive been doing tons of research into this, and lots more paying attention to my own body, and i have came to the conclusion that if you smoke a bunch of weed for a long time (at least a year) like smoking every day, eventually the blood vessels in your brain actually become shrunken and its harder for the blood to flow to your brain, which can cause this to happen, this happened to me today, it felt like my head was about to implode, what happened was i was with some former friends (we were friends up until this happened) and they all knew i quit weed because it started giving me panic attacks and it felt like i was gonna have a heart attack every time i smoke anymore, but they made me smoke anyways today because they wanted to be "assholes" as they put it, so i took 2 super huge rips off the glass pipe, the first one got me stoned, the second one fucked my world. after taking the second one i started feeling like i was panicing, so i went outside and walked around in a circle for like 30 minutes straight, and i kept getting more and more fucked up, then my ex girlfriend showed up and i started talking to her, and with each word i said my vision whited out more and more and my hearing got quieter and quieter until i couldnt see at all, and i felt nautious and could barely breathe too and thought i was gonna pass out, then i went and laid down on the floor for a couple hours until i felt well enough to walk home. it was a terrible experience.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Are you sure it wasn't contaminated with something else? If you smoke next time, make sure that it's of good quality.

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  • lilmedea2649

    Well, what all you guys are saying isn't that very helpful. Because I have had that happen at least 5 times in the past 3 months, first time. I was smoking 5 bowls of a portable bong, i started going blind, so i sat down. Then after I went deaf, tried standing up, & passed out and fell on some one. They had told me there was acid in the weed, those are the similar effects of acid, & every one gets different effects to it. Even last night it had happened again and my mom knows I smoke weed, but doesn't get why I did it again. & they were all from smoking a gram, or alittle more or less. I don't get why it happened, I just get scared every time..

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  • ruudinthemood

    This same thing happened to me. Good to hear I'm not alone! Sounds like dehydration and lack of oxygen were the main problems.

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  • agentspork007

    This happened to me before but also happened to me in school today! I smoked only a tiny bit before school this morning. I walked to school in like 15 minutes and was late so i had to go sign in at the office. after signing in we have to line up in the hallway. As i was standing along the wall with 3 other ppl I could feel my vision slowly start to go and turn redish. I tried to just stand normally but once i went completely blind for like 30 seconds i ended up falling down the wall. I stood up and it slowly went away. luckily no teachers down the hall said anything to me

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  • drtywiteboy

    dude. you should probably check your bag man. is it crystal lined? if not then your grass was washed in something. same thing happened to me two years back when i acidentily smoked some battery washed shit. supposed to "make the high better" worse expierence of my life?

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  • Linnerzz

    This has happened to me twice. I started smoking about a year ago with the guy I'm now dating. The first time it happened was a few weeks ago. We were at a party and I smoked way too much. We had all gone down to the kitchen to go out and smoke some more when all of a sudden my ears started ringing real loud and a lot of tiny colored dots filled my vision and I couldn't see. I passed out and they put me on the couch. I was ok in a few minutes, although i was high as fucking fuck.

    The next time it happened was a few days ago, and I was out smoking with my boyfriend. It was a normal sized joint for us and I was fine. After we had smoked, I wanted some food so I was waiting in line and all of a sudden I saw these tiny dots again. I kept saying how the dots were so loud and the bigger they got, the louder the ringing in my ears got. Eventually, I went blind and couldn't see. I had to grab onto my boyfriend, give him my money so he could pay for me, and have him lead me back to my seat. After a few minutes of eating and sitting, I was fine.

    We've decided I need to smoke a little less now and maybe eat and drink a little more. That seems to solve the problem.

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  • chocolatequirk

    Raaa man!! Get me ur dealers number

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  • KatieLiz

    Hmm I've zoned out a few times before, and all my vision went black, but that usually goes when someone shakes you out of it... :/

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  • mr.marble

    This happened to me last night i've smoked weed everyday for the last 2 or 3 years if not everyday then with only a few days gap. I was smoking about a gram of quite nice skunk in a blunt with my mate standing up leaning out my window and i was feeling really stoned by the time it was finished. I then moved from the window and suddenly felt really weird, it felt like the first time i got high, but i also couldnt see properly my vision was blurred and i couldnt hear my mate properly. So i stumbled out my room i could barely walk i was bumping into walls and there was a collection of white dots building in the centre of my vision as i was stumbling downstairs. It was getting worse as i was getting closer to my living room and then i got there and slumped onto the couch and for a second i felt the same blurred vision, collection of white dots, and bad hearing but then after about a minute i was feeling better and within 5 mins was completely fine... WTF im wondering if the weed was laced it was off a random guy but even if it was would it produce these random effects? i had eaten breakfast, dinner and a burger at 11:00 and smoked it at about 12:00 so it cant be low sugar. Also i was feeling a stomach ache about 2 hours after when i was trying to go to sleep havn't smoked a joint since then but im going to tonight hopefully wont happen again

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  • emdoubleyou27

    this shit exactly happened to me last sunday at a rebelution concert. I've always smoked A LOT but I guess I've never been so stoned at a concert, so after the first 2 opening acts came out, there was a 45 minute gap until rebelution would come. In that time, I was standing in the crowd and my legs starting shaking and immediatly, my vision was closing in. Everything turned black, I could like hear EVERYONE and EVERYTHING but I couldn't see anything. I didn't fait or pass out but I probably would have if my friend didn't take me out of the crowd, then the security guards made me sit down and as soon as I sat down for a few minutes, my vision slowly came back, dim at first then clear. I was so amazed this had happened. I've never experienced something like this and was sure as hell scared. I thought this had happened cause i didn't eat anything that day but I went to a reggae concert again the following week and smoked my self out of course (thinking it wouldn't happen again) but sure enough, My legs started become shaky and I IMMEDIATELY knew what was going to happen since I had felt the effects a week before so I went to the bathroom and chilled out for a few minutes. I really can't believe getting so stoned can cause this to happen for some people. I'm sure it's the combination of standing for awhile and the loud music all getting to you at once but i really hate this effect it's having on me now. Never before just lately.

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  • steelergrl


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  • JohnnyRussianBlowDro

    yea man that happened to me too...i usually smoked alot but i took a break for about 3 weeks and so wen i blazed with my friends, we all had our own nug to smoke so on my second nug..i was sitting down at the time and its started to get hot so i stood up and all the sudden my eyes became almost blind but i cud still see an outline of my friend's body but everything around was like black and red as if i closed my eyes so i sat down and it slowly became normal...but then i went outside into the sun and the light made everything go white so that was trippy too..its like third eye stuff

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  • Malfoy

    I've had it where I saw a big bright tunnel blinding the middle of my field of vision and a ton of twinkles radiating from everything, as well as pinkish noise everywhere, but I've never actually gone blind from weed. During a heavy stoning session I sometimes have trouble opening my eyes, but I don't go blind.

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  • spo0kness

    same happen to me but i saw green so i just dont hit as hard

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  • toodleoo


    I have to smoke MASS amounts of weed in one sitting, but it's happened to me three times so far. I've heard a few mentionings over the internet about it being linked to a quick, low drop in blood pressure, but I'm not sure how valid that is.

    My vision gets sparkling bright, like a white-yellow. I squint. I can only make out sillouhettes of things. I can hear voices fine, and I'm mentally there, but I hear a fuzzing in my ears. I start sweating something fierce, also. I'm not sure if I get pale or not, I'm olive complected so nobody has said anything. But I know I was clammy. It lasts around 5-7 minutes for me.

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  • Morphie

    Hey I would like to add that Exactly the same thing happened to me... couldn't see I was very scared oO it was my first time and I did it with my friends, also I couldn't feel my tongue or right arm.

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  • Bohjum

    Okay so I've smoked weed a fair few times, I started in september and on average once a week since then. But just recently I've started having this happen to me too! It's happened 5 times now the last one just yesterday. It only lasts less than a minute though and I just feel really weak and I start to fall over. Sitting down makes it stop but is there any way to make it stop happening altogether?

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    • Bohjum

      uh, besides not smoking weed. lol

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  • influenza54

    It has to do with not getting any blood to the blood vessels that connect to your eyes. It is a blood sugar thing. I don't know the medical reasons related to it, I just know because it is what my body does. It happens to me when I stand up (too fast). I walk around bumping into shit. It is kinda fun except when I feel like I am going to pass out/throw up. Someone else said it, make sure you eat something before you smoke and it should be a good amount of protien.

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  • hardcoreraver

    summat like this happend to me,i was at my m8's house well n truly skull-fucked and all of a sudden i saw like a lil ball come flying at me then it felt like my eye had exploded and couldnt open it for bout a minute,i thought my friend had chucked summat at me at first. When i looked in a mirror my eye was completly red, i looked like da devil's child man haha
    Actually suppose its not like your story lmao
    btw smoking a joint isn't the equivalent of having a pack of fags lol

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  • TheDude

    I went blind for a few minutes once from jacking my johnson to much. Never happened smoking the herbs though.

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  • nownk4me

    Dude, smoking the stuff once made me fit out on the floor when i got up too quickly. Eather that or the fact i hadn't eaten in 2 days and I had sun stoke. Every one thought i was taking the p*ss but I loved it. I've been smoking like it ever since to see if it happends again.

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  • Sammy3

    ThankYou for reminding me :)

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  • One time I was having an interview to work at as a assistant for a hotel manager and I had smoked weed the previously the night before. While in the interview a bunch of smoke poured out of my mouth and I coughed a little. If she wasn't looking right directly at me at that moment she probably wouldn't have figured it out, but yeah that was really embarressing. About the whole going blind thing I think it's possible. I've went blind for about two minutes when I stood up too fast. It probably has something to do with lack of oxygen to the brain.

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  • Well, I've never done it before so i don't know, so in order to not make this post of mine completely worthless, my only advice to you is this: If you're going to continue doing it, by all means. No one can stop you and it is your own choice. But anyways, if something like that keeps on continuing, my guess would be to see a doctor or stop doing it. Because I would imagine, doing stuff like that and if you keep experiencing this so-called blindness...it is definitely not healthy for your body so you should then probably stop.

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  • mr.marble

    ive smoked L skins of buddha cheese before and this didnt happen and its obviously not due to me smoking a large amount over a few years people smoke it for deacades

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  • takeiteasy12

    Obviously its the weed verry unhealthy youd better stop.

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  • piercebrosnan

    I've had this happen to me twice, and it was always after I smoked weed with the same guy. Whatever he was smoking I think did it, so it's not you, it's the kind of weed you smoked. Mine was half decent regs, I never smoke regs anymore and ever since I haven't had that happen.

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  • joejoejoejoejoe

    thats awesome. the same thing happened to me u must of been smoking some good shit

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  • cellardoordayna

    Uhm, maybe you should stop smoking it?
    atleast for a little while, or look it up on Google.

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  • megatrontenzillion

    Yeah... you have to be pretty stupid to keep doing something that makes you go blind. Either you're smoking some bad sh*t or your body has a bad reaction to the regular stuff. Go get drunk or whack off instead!

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  • Lilah

    Weed makes you feel relaxed but thats just an illusion. Try not smoking because your health is at risk.

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  • jesus

    someone cant handle it and needs to stop u wannabe g

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  • spamjaveIin

    totally gay, I'm sorry to say. Personally, I never touch the stuff, but if you're going to do something, then make sure you can handle it and if you can't then don't bloody do it.

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