I whip my dog daily. is it normal?
I have a six month old pitbull named Carly. I've had her since she was a pup and I've always taken her outside numerous times daily to use the bathroom (moreless house training her.) She doesn't understand this, though. 90% of the time when I wake up, I'll get up with the smell of dog feces/urine in the air. I'll usually show her the spot where she used the bathroom and then I'll whip her (or shove her nose in it if she urinated) and put her in the cage upon cleaning up her mess. During the day she will continue to use the bathroom in the house daily and constantly even seconds after me taking her outside for 5+ minutes. I read somewhere that whipping a dog is bad but how do I make her learn? I live in a house with carpets so it doesn't leave the carpeting 100%. I put her in a large cage with plastic matting during the night time now so that if she does decide to urinate/deficate it'll be an easy clean up, but she whines alllllllllllllll nightttttt lonnnggggggggg. I'll shush her up and not even ten seconds later the whining will continue. After a while I'll spank her. She doesn't yelp or display pain but she does however crouch down when I try to pet her sometimes. What do I do? How do I train her? Can I train her? She's young but not too long to be already trained...any tips or guidance?